Can the Bible be proved wrong?

by The Quiet One 158 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    the quiet one, if you want a quick overview of many contradictions of biblical accounts, including the gospels, head over to

    and you seriously believe the flood story? i mean... really??? i grew up a jehovah's witness and not even as a child i fully bought into this... it just doesn't make any sense.

  • undercover
    Can the Bible be proved wrong?

    Celestial teapot

  • PSacramento


    Lots od assumptions there, but ok, lets for arguments sake say that thos enumber sare ALL correct, with no variance at all ( getting into WT territory there, LOL), we have the period of 2200 BC for a flood in the area of where Noah lived, Mesepotamia.

    So, what that means is that the bible writers believed that, around that time period, a great flood ravaged the "whole world".

    Was there any flood in that area at that time?

    The king's list, for example, mentions a great flood and it is dated to that period.

    The epic of Gilgamesh, though older, would have quite possibly mad epart of the flood story.

    BUT you are quite right that IF we take the geneologies literally and concretely, we have an issue with taking the flood as a GLOBAL event.

  • Sapphy

    Contradiction within a single Gospel:

    John 13v36 "Simon Peter asked him, “Lord, where are you going?” "
    John 16 v 5"...None of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?

  • Sapphy

    According to internal Bible chronology Adam was created about 4000BC.
    Meanwhile beer had already been invented for 1000 years

  • Lore
    Lots od assumptions there, but ok, lets for arguments sake say that thos enumber sare ALL correct, with no variance at all ( getting into WT territory there, LOL)

    Yeah I'm kind of going out on a limb here and assuming that the ages recorded in the bible aren't 500 million years or so off.

  • designs

    Book of Joshua recording that the Sun stood still

  • cofty

    Try reading the gospels "horizontally" - on other words read an account like the birth narratives or the story of Jesus death and resurrection in each of the gospels in turn. There is no way they can be reconciled without doing impossible mental gymnastics.

    Also, if god inspired the writing of the bible was it so hard for him to preserve it? There are more variations in the manuscripts than there are words in the NT. Its almost certain that the original ending of Mark's gospel is lost. The resurrection of Jesus, the most important event in the story in the oldest gospel just doesn't exist anymore. If god went to the trouble of inspiring the bible why did do such a bad job of preserving it?

  • OnTheWayOut
    What evidence is there that the gospels contradict each other? Most Christians will tell you that they are the same story, just told from different viewpoints.. To say they are contradictory is to claim there's no basis for faith in Jesus.

    I refuse to do your work for you, just so you can dismiss clear evidence of contradiction. Pick up some books, do an internet search. Learn for yourself.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    J. Hofer: I haven't said I believe the Flood story as a fact, but I had always thought it could have happened as it's a story that's been drummed into me all my life.. I'm basically playing devils advocate here. Any evidence that anybody can come up with against the Bible, I'd try and find another way of looking at it, to test things out. I don't fully believe in anything anymore, except for the existence of a God. I've realised recently that I've never really proven anything to myself, I merely accepted things the Watchtower told me whilst surpressing doubts. I'm merely trying to analyse the reasons for my ever having believed the Bible was inspired of God, and whether there is even a small possibility that the Bible can be infallible, before deciding where to go from here, in the sense of belief. Regarding the Flood, as a born-in, I never really questioned even things that I doubted and never logically considered whether stories such as this could be false. Please don't judge me as a fool, but to judge me as hopelessly naive would probably be fair :) Onthewayout, pm for you..

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