new one!!!

by qadreena 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • qadreena

    hi, im angel, an ex like many others on here i gather

    ill be on regularly so speak to you all soon

    xxx angel xxx

  • ashitaka




    welcome we are all waiting to here your story
    hope we can ease the pain.

  • Solace

    Hello, Hello!!!!!

  • Geordie

    Hi and welcome.

    Nice to see another brit.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    *waves at angel* have fun!!!

    ~*~ manie sans delire ~*~

  • Princess



  • Celtic

    Hello Angel

    From West Cornwall, I send my warmest greetings and look forward to seeing your posts.

    Great seeing you here and no doubt will learn more of your experiences shortly.

    Kindest regards

    [email protected]

  • qadreena

    well that was a very nice welcome from all, thankyou everyone. so heres my story then:
    i was brought up a JW from birth, my dad was very active and my mum on and off but even when my mum had her inactive periods, i was still made to go meetings with my dad, brother and sister
    i did the usual like everyone my own age, sex before 16, never mind marriage!!!, smoking, drinking, swearing, all the usual but carried on assuming this was the truth, hated most in my congregation, they just seemed to always look down their noses at the poor family which was us
    my sister hung around with popular kids at school so she got along with kids in the congregation fine, i on the other hand liked the dreaded rock music and brought t-shirts with my pocket money and only wore them out when my dad didnt know :)
    the time came when i started questioning what i was brought up to believe and i decided i would give the witness thing a proper go and strive for baptism, i couldnt do that in my cogregation though so started attending another, loved it, loved everyone, spoke with an elder from this new congregation who said as long as my dad and elders from other cong approved, i would be gladly accepted as a new member of this cong, my dad had no problem with it but when i asked the elders, the response was 'stay with your family'
    so i left
    easy as that, i was 16 and not allowed to make my own choices so i knew then that this wasnt the truth so i chose a different path
    few years later, police knocked on my door, my dad was reported by a sister to be sexually abusing her daughter and another girl had also fessed up to the same, i said he hadnt touched me purely cos i didnt want to know him - and still dont - but i do remember the abuse, only bits thankfully cos my brain wont let me remember too much
    my mum died when i was 7 and i only found out when i was 13 that it was suicide, i heard a couple of rumours that it was cos she knew what was going on but didnt think the elders would take action
    i think my dad only got prosecuted cos the woman who reported him was very inactive at the time and fought in the court all she could
    my dad still attends but is still disfellowshipped
    my sister disappeared
    my brother is strong, married and living in another city where he dont have the tarnish of the family name following him, he has lost touch with all old friends from our old congregation
    i followed the pagan path and am now a wiccan and loving it, its right for me

    i dj at least once a week at a local metal/ rock club and co-run a music website with my fiance who i live with

    thats me, thats my story

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    Welcome Angel!

    ....looking forward to it! *smiles*

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