Another newguy here

by shakyground 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    " What if Armageddon comes and the last thought that goes through my head is blew it, you could've got to see dad again"

    'What if Armageddon comes' - a sort of vague yet terrifying thought thought that has a firm hold on many JW's. But think about what Armageddon would mean in real-world terms. Are fiery meteors going to come hurling down from the sky and pick off all the non-JW's who, by JW reasoning, willfully rejected The Truth and are therefore deserving of a violent death? Will cracks open up in the Earth, all over the world, from Alaska to Zimbabwe, into which all the people (and all sorts of other creatures) will fall in and somehow die, either of falling too far or hitting lava at some point or something? lol

    Think of all the non-JW people that you have known in your life. Are they willfully evil people who really know all about Jehovah and the Truth and who just felt like, pshaw, i know those ol' JW's may be right but I want to PARTY and be a BAD WICKED PERSON - ? I mean, seriously. Armageddon is just a nondescript monster-under-the-bed. It isn't real.

  • cantleave

    Welcome - this place gives you time to contemplate what a crock the JW religion really is. Enjoy the ride.

  • kazar

    Welcome. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  • snowbird

    Welcome, Shaky.

    You're on a firm footing here.


  • shakyground

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I know i'm not the only one that went thru this period of feeling lost.

  • flipper

    SHAKYGROUND- Welcome to the board ! Nice to have you here. The old adage " if in doubt, leave it out " is very true regarding whether or not to join the Witnesses again. If you are having doubts, believe me trust your instincts. Sounds like you've done enough research to confirm these doubts in your mind. So listen to yourself and your instincts. The WT society tries to control EVERY aspect of Jehovah's Witnesses lives once they get baptized and join. Don't make that mistake. Keep your freedom of mind and thinking ability. Once you hand your mind over to the WT society they will insist on doing your thinking FOR you. Keep control of your own life. I wish you the best ! And look forward to hearing more from you. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Hello and welcome.

    Stick around and just read. Read everything you can about the Watchtower Society here and on other sites. Also, read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz (exerpts are online if you can't get a copy). It will certainly be an eye opener.

  • sizemik

    Hi shakeyground . . . welcome.

    The fears and doubts you express both about WTS and your future are normal and understandable. The only way to find your way through that is to know the "truth" about "the truth" . . . and indeed to educate yourself on the matters of concern you raise, as others suggest. You will soon form a true picture of things . . . and that is what you want right? . . . the truth.

    One unbalanced way of thinking that WT instills in us, is an "us and them" mentality. When we make contact with "worldly" people who are dead losses we tend to view them as typical and want to head back to the KH.

    Consider first, that JW's represent about 0.01% of the total population. There are a lot of people in the world that make poor associates . . . some of them are JW's as well. Making valued and trusted friends is not determined by whether or not they are JW's. The converse is true however . . . there are many people out there who do make good reliable and trustworthy friends. You will find plenty I'm sure if you are discerning about who you spend time with.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Welcome to the board shakyground.

    You questions/doubts are quite normal. We have all been there. But these doubts mustn't paralize us into inaction.

    what if it really is the truth? If its not what is? What if Armageddon comes and the last thought that goes through my head is blew it, you could've got to see dad again....

    That reminds me of a song , "I dont believe in if anymore"

    "Oh I don't believe in If anymore
    If's an illusion
    If's an illusion
    No I don't believe in If anymore
    If is for children
    If is for children
    Building daydreams

  • Curtains

    Hi shakyground welcome - I hope you enjoy your stay here

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