How often do Bethel dismiss Bethelites? Can you give us some examples of dismissals from Bethel?

by Iamallcool 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jomavrick

    Yes, it was not formally announced unless it was a big fish. However the news would generally circulate. I personally knew of a few that were dismissed. One guy in construction was caught going into rooms during the work time and stealing property from others. One other guy was gay got caught and got dismissed. I know of a wife that was caught cheating with a younger hot body during the lunch breaks. (The husband spent every waking moment in the shop, so I have no doubt she was neglected.) Then there was the uprising that took place, were a lot of people were conducting studies on thier own in there rooms and doing some really nasty stuff like reading the scriptures, the greek septuagent and discussing toghether. They were summarily booted out.

  • elderelite

    oh what leavingwt said ALWAYS stood out to me and was a huge factor in my leaving! it was NEVER done in love and was totally, as he said, to scare and show you just how worthless you were. but if you went home you obviously didnt appreciate spiritual things enough.. oh the irony.... that place has prob made more apostates than any 10 web sites you could put together....

  • Joliette

    Bethel sounds like a real piece of work. I'm visiting their in August, and as far as I know, from what my local elder told me, Brookyln Bethel (the factories) is off the tour, except for a tour of the offices. I never understood the hype, and it seemed so weird to want to go somewhere to bind books together for life, even as a kid. I wanted to go to college when I got be 18, not watchtower university.

  • Gayle

    There were a few Bethelites back in early 70s, dismissed, just were playing around and threw some water balloons out their window to some friends down below. Of course, didn't fit the image of Bethel but I felt sorry for them. You know, some were just 19 or 20 yr old kids, not bad kids. Totally disgraced for their evilness and desmocked and sent away.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I've made a lot of mistakes in life, but after reading this thread and FreeMinds, and hearing experiences first hand, I'm thankful to say one mistake I didn't make was going to Bethel.

  • jwfacts

    In Sydney in the early 1990's 3 bethelites and took a bible study for a joy ride down to kings cross - the red light district. One called out to a hooker, "if I wasn't a JW I would love to have sex with you". The Bible study was very offended and spoke about it to their study conductor. Two got dismissed. The third was my roommate. He was in the back seat and did not get dismissed as he convinced the bethel elders that he did not want to be part of it but had no choice.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    I know of one beth-hellite who loved some beth-hell booty and got two "sisters" pregnant around the same time. Obviously they didn't let him remain for much longer lol.

    Now that would take the powers of Solomon to resolve. Which sister would be forced to marry him? (better get a sword...)

  • jwfacts

    Another type of dismissal is for illness. If you are new they will not support you during times of illness and injury. It can be quite devasting for them.

    One of my friends drove about 1500 kms to bethel. On the way the engine blew up in his car. He arrived, worked for two weeks, strained his back and was suggested to leave.

    Another guy arrived on Saturday, broke his arm playing basketball on Sunday and was back at his home congregation on Monday.

  • jwfacts

    This thread is bringing back the memories.

    I was having a heart to heart with one of the bethel overseers and looking for advice. He asked me if I had ever used a prostitute. I was shocked, no way, I was still a virgin. He made a comment that it was known to happen for bethelites, being single and lonely to end up with prostitutes.

    There was a pretty single sister that worked in the infirmary. One morning she opened up her text book. Under the dining tables there was a little shelf where you would store the daily text book. Out fell a condom. She was very upset about it and a huge deal was made about it and a special talk given. As I was the waiter for her section, I was one of the main suspects, and got called in for questioning as to whether I had put it there.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I know of one after 10 years being kicked out cuz he needed minor surgery. My ex didn't meet the 10 month part because he used physical therapy. It was normal that new ones didn't meet the 10 month test.

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