607 wrong using ONLY the bible (and some common sense)

by Witness My Fury 492 Replies latest watchtower beliefs




    No one told anyone to do the latter, and this is usually the reason many end up leaving us because they didn't learn
    and no one actually took the time to teach them before they got baptized that if after six months or a year you cannot
    do more than recite the scriptures you've committed to memory and you are incapable of using the Bible to make a fundamental
    defense of your faith as a Christian, that you cannot be one of Jehovah's Witnesses......DjEggNogg

    Making things up,doesn`t help your credibility..

    If you Obey the WBT$ and you have a HeartBeat..You can be a JW..

    You ignored all the Library books I posted for you..That Prove your Wrong about 607 BCE..

    You are Living Proof..

    A person doesn`t need to be Intelligent,to be a JW..


  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    But it is the exact same period, and because Moses promised that paying off the Sabbaths would end while the Jews were in captivity, in Babylon, and therefore not upon their return to the Promised Land, the Society's 70-year Return Theory is proven utterly and completely false.

    Eggnog:I don't know a thing about any "70-year Return Theory," but maybe you could start at the beginning and explain it to me.

    The JWs' Return Theory stands for the false proposition that the 70 years ended when the Jews returned to the Promised Land and were repatriated, not before. But as scripture makes abundantly clear, and as I've explained in detail repeatedly, that is simply not possible and illustrates yet another false teaching, a significant one. I address this contention and the JWs' Return Theory in great detail in the material here: http://144000.110mb.com/607/index.html You said you read it, but you obviously have not. Had you in fact read the relevant material you would understand exactly what the Return Theory is, it's your theory after all and those whom you work for, and it has been proven incorrect in many, many ways.

    And, to further help us understand the Society's position, exactly what month, in layman's terms so others can understand, did the 70 years begin? June? July? August? September? How about October as the Society teaches?

    Eggnog:I cannot give you the Society's position; the Society is not a person. As I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I can tell you what I believe with regard to this question you ask as to when it was the 70-year period of desolation began. It was in the month of Tishri on the Hebrew calendar, just before the festival of ingathering was to be celebrated on Tishri 15-21, 3155 AM, October 11-17, 607 BC, Julian, October 4-10, 607 BC, Gregorian, but it couldn't be observed there in Jerusalem because Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed Solomon's temple in Jerusalem before the festival of booths could commence.

    Eggnog: Why do you ask?

    October, then, just as they taught you. I ask because, again, it disproves the JWs' false teaching, and yours, that the 70 years ended when the Jews arrived back in Judah, in October of 537. Because it didn't. It ended long before that while the Jews were in the land of their enemies, Babylon, the time period is less than 70 years as you and they claim, and the AD 1914 date is consequently false as well, a false prophecy, another false teaching. If you really are interested please read the material you will find here, then feel free to get back with me on specifics if you are still confused and don't understand:

    Eggnog:I cannot give you the Society's position; the Society is not a person.

    I understand why you persist on distancing yourself from the Society, because it protects the Society from your flawed and false teachings. This way, they can disavow you and it protects you as well. Furthermore, it diverts the reader here from examing the false teachings they propogate. But the battle really is with them. They are the ones killing innocent children, destroying innocent lives, wrecking families and all of the other horrible things countless thousands have attested to.

    We find it incomprehensible that you claim to be one of them yet disown so much of your religion's teachings, the books and tracks and ocean of theories you concoct out of thin air and confine yourself to new light 21st century material. It just doesn't make sense, but it does prove in spades that the Society, and you, are false teachers and false prophets. If so much of the 20th century material is false, and you and they teach it, you are false teachers. But answer me this? If books like Let Your Kingdom Come are false teachings as you claim, where specifically is this 21st century material that refutes that information? And why do they keep selling/handing out those outdated books and tracts if they are false? Why is so much of that material still in use during your studies, and offered to the public, and why don't you or they specifically repudiate those portions, book by book, line by line? I know you're smarter than this. I believe sincerely that you know perfectly well that you belong to a false religious organization, that you are one of its false teachers and you are perpetuating a sham using your legal skills. As others have pointed out repeatedly, you have a tendencey to confuse, contradict, and generally muddy the waters with low-ball legal arguments that are easily exposed. By confusing people with your lack of clarity and double-speak, those less educated throw up their hands and simply believe it is beyond their grasp and that somehow you know better than they because you are so smart and they are just too dumb to understand the basics. That's shameful. I mention this in my prologue to the second treatise with respect to the fiction of the literal 144,000,where I wrote:

    The Society's theories are laced with hair-splitting and often inconsequential distinctions. Just because the walls in the bedroom are painted green, it doesn't automatically follow that the thief buried the treasure in the backyard. Related to this is a third tool used to shore up their doctrine, namely, they too often read things too narrowly which makes it easier for them to deflect criticism. And lastly, one is left with the unmistakable impression that they don't want their own people to really know what the Society is teaching because core doctrine is constantly changing and is scattered all over the place resulting in a literary shell game. Great lengths have been taken to muddy the intellectual waters. This creates confusion and contradictions which compells the reader to rely on the Society's "understanding." Consequently, what might appear to be the work of some lofty, divine will is in all probability the work of some very crafty lawyers, among others.


    Defending these people when you know perfectly well they are charlatans is hypocritical. I suggest you to take a close look at yourself and what you are trying to accomplish on JWN before you get into serious trouble. Most people have seen right through you.

  • AnnOMaly


    As I see it, the fact that you are here making a federal case out as to the word "at" being used instead of "for," just as @Jonathan Dough had done, suggests a resentment on your part as to my attacking your agenda, for your rather weak case and @Jonathan Dough's) isn't made any stronger based on this insistence on the use (or non-use, actually) of a preposition. Whatever.

    No rebuttal on this, then. Therefore, our arguments for context and against the rendering 'at' stand.

    [To jonathan dough] You are here quoting something from Ezekiel 33:23, 24, and you believe you understood what you were reading when you really do not. Jerusalem had not yet been destroyed when Ezekiel was given a prophecy from Jehovah as if what eventually did happen had already happened. Nebuchadnezzar had besieged Jerusalem for some 18 months before it finally fell to the Babylonians. You didn't quote Ezekiel 33:22, which states:

    "Now the very hand of Jehovah had come to be upon me in the evening before the coming of the escaped one, and He proceeded to open my mouth prior to that one's coming to me in the morning, and my mouth was opened and I proved to be speechless no longer."

    This prophecy wasn't fulfilled until Ezekiel had received confirmation from the "escaped one" from Judah that Solomon's temple had been destroyed. Even so, despite the destruction of the temple, those "left over" (Ezekiel 34:18) as survivors in the land of Judah continued to eat unbled meat, still engaged in idolatry, still committed adultery, so they had no right to be in possession of the Land that God had given to Abraham and to his seed in which to live, which was the real point that you seemed to miss! (Ezekiel 33:25, 26)

    My goodness! Wonders never cease! It's taken 12 pages for you to finally engage with this point.

    OK so you say Jerusalem had not yet been destroyed when the escapee arrived. WRONG.

    (Ezekiel 33:21-22) . . .At length it occurred in the twelfth year, in the tenth [month], on the fifth day of the month of our exile, that there came to me the escaped one from Jerusalem, saying: "The city has been struck down!" 22 Now the very hand of Jehovah had come to be upon me in the evening before the coming of the escaped one, and He proceeded to open my mouth prior to [that one's] coming to me in the morning, and my mouth was opened and I proved to be speechless no longer.

    The 12th year of Ezekiel's exile would be when? According to the WTS it is 607 BCE. The year of Jerusalem's destruction.

    The 10th month of that year would be when? In everybody's time that would be December/January. According to the WTS it was December.

    The evening before the escapee arrived Jehovah told Ezekiel about the "inhabitants of these devastated places" and asked him to convey a message to them (v. 25). That evening would still be the 10th month of the (WT) year 607 BCE and thus AFTER Jerusalem's destruction in the 5th month Ab and AFTER the assassination of Gedaliah in the 7th month Tishri!

    But I suppose this is academic now ...

    [jonathan dough] You are very much mistaken in this regard also, and Anne is absolutely correct. There were in fact inhabitants in all that land that the JWs argue was 100 percent uninhabited.

    [djeggnog] Ok.

    ... since it appears you now agree that the land continued to be inhabited many months after Jerusalem's destruction.

    Anyone that thinks mention of this book enhances their argument -- and I mean you, @AnnOMaly, and anyone else that does so -- is confused, delusional and clueless, all of these, and I'm not kidding. I'm quite serious.

    You klutz. You'd have to include the WTS/CCoJWs as being "confused, delusional and clueless" since they also link Lev. 26:32-35 with 2 Chron. 36:21.

    [jonathan dough to djeggnog] As for your views, it's impossible to tell what they are or whether they harmonize with the Society's because you repudiate so much of their teachings, walk your own path when you think it suits you and easily turn on your brothers, like those who wrote Setting the Record Straight who are actually on your side. Your cheap lawyer arguments are easily seen through. Confuse, deflect, ignore ...

    Pretty much on the nail ... although it's hard to find any arguments remotely lawyer-like from him - he's too scatter-brained. It still amazes me that he works with an attorney (if what he said earlier was true).

    Pretty much on the nail ... although it's hard to find any arguments remotely lawyer-like from him - he's too scatter-brained.
    It still amazes me that he works with an attorney (if what he said earlier was true).....AnnOMaly

    DjEggNogg probably..

    Cleans the Lawyers Office..


  • djeggnog

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    But it is the exact same period, and because Moses promised that paying off the Sabbaths would end while the Jews were in captivity, in Babylon, and therefore not upon their return to the Promised Land, the Society's 70-year Return Theory is proven utterly and completely false.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    I don't know a thing about any "70-year Return Theory," but maybe you could start at the beginning and explain it to me.

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    The JWs' Return Theory stands for the false proposition that the 70 years ended when the Jews returned to the Promised Land and were repatriated, not before. But as scripture makes abundantly clear....

    Again, I don't know a thing about any "70-year Return Theory" -- You coined this phrase for use in the arguments you posit, but I'm a total stranger to this concept that you yourself invented, and no there is no scripture that you could mention to me that would make anything "abundantly clear" other than the fact that you do not know the Scriptures at all.

    BTW, I didn't say this in my previous message, but Moses died in 1473 BC, which means that when Jeremiah wrote what he did -- I believe he was at least 18 when he became a prophet of God, if not younger -- that he had to have been a prophet from about 647 BC until 580 BC since this is the year when the book bearing his name was completed. This means that when he began to prophesy, Moses had been dead 826 years, so this nonsense about Leviticus that you were going on about in your previous post makes no sense at all, unless you're suggesting that Jeremiah was a prophet for Moses, too.

    I address this contention and the JWs' Return Theory in great detail.... You said you read it, but you obviously have not.

    If I told you I read your piece -- and this is what I said and I did read your piece -- and if you now choose to believe that I didn't read it because I said that "I don't know a thing about any '70-year Return Theory,'" then I suppose I'm here exchanging messages with a fool that would rather spit than spar and defend your interesting scriptural viewpoints. This is what I told you:

    I took the time to read your piece regarding what you indicated was going to be a scriptural consideration of this topic to which a link embedded in your message took me, but what I read turned out to be a refutation by you of some article called "Setting the Record Straight" that was written by someone else whose comments I do not associate myself since Setting the Record Straight doesn't accurately reflect what the Bible says as to the desolation of Judah as to the meaning of Jeremiah's words at 2 Chronicles 36:21 regarding the land of Judah's being made to lay desolate "until the land had paid off its sabbaths ... to fulfill seventy years," or as to the meaning of Jeremiah words at Jeremiah 25:11.

    Your comment suggests that you recall my saying something in a previous post about having read your refutation of someone else's article, but I repost it here for your convenience since you didn't seem to understand that what I am saying to you is that this concept of yours about a "70-year Return Theory" is utter nonsense and is rejected by me as such, ok? You want to call me a liar? Go ahead; my skin in thick enough to take what I dish out. In fact, let me concede this point to you now so that you feel even better about yourself than you do already. But, again, I don't know a thing about any "70-year Return Theory." As you have explained it to me, this idea of yours sounds rather stupid to me; "70-year Return Theory" idea of yours is certainly not a scriptural concept.

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    And, to further help us understand the Society's position, exactly what month, in layman's terms so others can understand, did the 70 years begin? June? July? August? September? How about October as the Society teaches?

    @djeggnog wrote:

    I cannot give you the Society's position; the Society is not a person. As I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I can tell you what I believe with regard to this question you ask as to when it was the 70-year period of desolation began. It was in the month of Tishri on the Hebrew calendar, just before the festival of ingathering was to be celebrated on Tishri 15-21, 3155 AM, October 11-17, 607 BC, Julian, October 4-10, 607 BC, Gregorian, but it couldn't be observed there in Jerusalem because Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed Solomon's temple in Jerusalem before the festival of booths could commence.

    Why do you ask?

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    October, then, just as they taught you.

    Like who taught me? You are clearly referring to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society by the word "they," but here's my question to you, @Jonathan Dough: What kind of a fool are you? Do you really believe that the only folks that can know what things the Bible teaches are those Jehovah's Witnesses that staff the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society? Really??

    Do you not know that there are many folks that are not Jehovah's Witnesses that know that the destruction of Jerusalem occurred during the seventh month before the festival of ingathering? Do you know how they know this? Do you know how I know this? Because I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses, right? Would this be your conclusion, @Jonathan Dough? Tell me this: Do you not know that Jehovah's Witnesses have Bible, too? Do you not know that there are actually some of us that actually know how to read the Bible?

    What does Jeremiah 41:1 say as to when it was Gedaliah was assassinated by Ishmael and the ten men with him? What month does this verse say?

    After Gedaliah's assassination, the remnant of Jews that had returned to Judah, including Jeremiah and his secretary, Baruch, were forced by Johanan to leave Jerusalem to go with his miliary forces to Egypt, (Jeremiah 43:4-7) Oh, yeah, we learn at Jeremiah 44:2, that is, if you can believe the Bible, what Jehovah says to Jeremiah: "'You yourselves have seen all the calamity that I have brought in upon Jerusalem and upon all the cities of Judah, and here they are a devastated place this day, and in them there is no inhabitant.'"

    Ezra 1:1 indicates that it was "in the first year of Cyrus the king of Persia," which was in the year 539 BC, "that Jehovah's word from the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished," and what "word" had Jeremiah spoken? See Jeremiah 25:12 ("when seventy years have been fulfilled") and Jeremiah 29:14 ("I will gather your body of captives and ... bring you back to the place from which I caused you to go into exile") for the answer.

    Ezra 3:1 indicates that the Jews were in their cities when "the seventh month arrived," and this "seventh month" was Tishri, the same month in which Jerusalem and Solomon's temple was destroyed -- Tishri -- in which the land of Judah began suffered desolation with no inhabitant living in any of the cities of Judah, which was two months following Gedaliah's assassination during the "fifth month" -- Ab. (2 Kings 25:8)

    "In the twelfth year, in the tenth month, on the fifth day of the month of our exile," an escaped one came from Jerusalem and reported to Ezekiel that "The city has been struck down!" (Ezekiel 33:21) The tenth month would be Tebeth (Tebet), so assuming you have a Hebrew calendar, this would mean that this "escaped one" arrived on Tebeth 5, 3155 AM, which would be December 30, 607 BC, Julian, December 23, 607 BC, Gregorian., some six months after the Babylonian siege on Jerusalem. Notice that there is nothing in Scripture to indicate that the festival of ingathering that was to be celebrated on Tishri 15-21, 3155 AM, October 11-17, 607 BC, Julian, October 4-10, 607 BC, Gregorian, was ever celebrated. So, then, the 70 years ran from Tishri in 607 BC when the land of Judah began to lay desolate until Tishri in 537 BC when the land of Judah were then inhabited by the repatriated Jews.

    If you know how to read the Bible, then it should be clear to you and without your being one of Jehovah's Witnesses that is was during the month of October (Tishri) before the festival of ingathering when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, your patronizing remark -- "just as they taught you" -- aside. And, btw, contrary to what you evidently believe, the 70 years are not a period of servitude. These 70 years represent the prescribed period of time that God had ordained the land of Judah would lie desolate "until the land had paid off its sabbaths." (2 Chronicles 36:21)

    I ask because, again, it disproves the JWs' false teaching, and yours, that the 70 years ended when the Jews arrived back in Judah, in October of 537.


    I understand why you persist on distancing yourself from the Society, because it protects the Society from your flawed and false teachings. This way, they can disavow you and it protects you as well. Furthermore, it diverts the reader here from [examining] the false teachings they [propagate].

    I don't distance myself from the Society; I agree 100% with what things the Society teaches. You might think of me as being the Society, if you wish, but I do not disavow my association with the Society at all any more than I disavow my associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. You are one of the readers of my posts, and are you telling me that you are being 'diverted' in some way? I don't think so.

    The lurkers here that have been reading the flurry of posts between you and I are aware, I'm sure, that I've been beating you up here with the truth, and with questions that you cannot answer as to what things the Bible says as to when it was the Jews returned to the land of Judah and for how long the Bible says the land of Judah lie desolate. You cannot run away from these facts. All you can do is evade my questions as if they don't matter, but they do matter. Frankly, I don't care that you believe something different as to when the Jews returned to Judah; you have a right to believe what you wish to believe.

    But the battle really is with them. They are the ones killing innocent children, destroying innocent lives, wrecking families and all of the other horrible things countless thousands have attested to.

    What "battle" is this? Do you think that by bloviating your knowledge of things about which you know nothing that you are battling with the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society? How would something like that work exactly? You just make up in your mind that if you are exchanging posts with someone like me, who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and arguing various points of view as to what Jehovah's Witnesses believe that you are in a battle with the Society? Really? You actually imagine that when you're exchanging posts with me that you are battling the Society by proxy? How delusional are you? If you are in a "battle" with someone, it is in a battle of wits, and that "battle" would be with me, and not anyone else. You can't be seriously saying to me that you believe you are battling the Society, when the Society is not a person, can you? You are accusing the Society of killing innocent children, of destroying innocent lives, or wrecking families, and of doing other horrible things to thousands of folks because of the things we believe and teach?

    If anyone doesn't wish to believe what things we teach, no one is forced to believe us. Did you know this or not? If someone should become convinced that the Bible is God's word and that we are teaching what things the Bible says, it is the individual that makes a decision to believe these things. We are not forcing them to believe what things we teach. They have the choice to associate with us and to not associate with us, but if week after week and month after month they continue association with us, are we responsible for the choice that they have made or are they not responsible for their own choices?

    Look, @Jonathan Dough: I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Am I responsible for the exercising of your right to not to believe what things I say? Or am I only responsible for the choice you make only if I manage to persuade you to believe the things I say here? Tell me this: When are you responsible for the choices that you yourself make?

    If books like Let Your Kingdom Come are false teachings as you claim, where specifically is this 21st century material that refutes that information?

    This is a pretty lousy paraphrase of what I said about the Let God Be True book, considering that what I actually did say was this:

    I am not going to respond to statements that might have been published in older publications produced by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. As I stated in a previous message, this book you mention here was first published back in 1946 and then it was revised in 1952, and Jehovah's Witnesses do not recognize this book as containing information in it as reliable as the information found in our 21st century publications.

    The Let Your Kingdom Come book was published in 1981, but what I said about the Let God Be True book applies equally. Notice that nowhere in what I actually did state did I say that either of these books were "false teachings." Do you see that or not? We retire books when adjustments are made in how we may have formerly understood the Bible topics covered in them in order that we might all "speak in agreement." (1 Corinthians 1:10) That is why we no longer publish anything in any publication released since August 23, 2006, where we make reference to Pluto as if it were a planet. You see, we even make adjustment about non-Biblical topics, too.

    And why do they keep selling/handing out those outdated books and tracts if they are false?

    We don't hand out outdated books and tracts; we retire them. Morever, there is nothing contained in our publications that is false.


  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    We don't hand out outdated books and tracts; we retire them. Morever, there is nothing contained in our publications that is false.

    Oxymoron alert.

  • cantleave

    DJidiotnog - you are just sooooo stupid!

  • thetrueone

    Moreover, there is nothing contained in our publications that is false.

    Now thats the funniest thing and perhaps the boldest lie yet from dear Brother Eggnog.

    Here I'll pick one out for you since your so stupefying blind.

    How is it that the WTS. calculated 6000 years from Adam's existence up to October 1975, when that is impossible by using bible chronology or

    archaeological means. ?

    Remember you said your a genius so you should be able to give an honest answer to this and support what you proclaimed in your statement.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I think "Eggnog" should be classified as a new language spoken by people with forked tongues.

    Cant you smell the shit you are shovelling Eggnog? You're in a hole but you are still digging hard, it isnt helping. Blatantly distancing yourself from the JWs who you rate as stupid, then claiming you dont do that very thing in your post above, that now seems to be par for the course of your behaviour here. Yet you dont or cant see that!

    I definately think you are not quite all there my friend. I repeat that I now think you have severe Aspergers so our trying to "reason" with you is likely never going to work and is a pointless excercise, much like talking to Alice / Rachel / Maze.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Eggnog: But, again, I don't know a thing about any "70-year Return Theory." As you have explained it to me, this idea of yours sounds rather stupid to me; "70-year Return Theory" idea of yours is certainly not a scriptural concept.

    Eggnog: I'm a total stranger to this concept that you yourself invented, ...

    Without realizing it you have conceded the truth of my position with respect to your 70-year Return Theory because it has no basis in scripture - you're got that right. While I applied an apt label for your theory, you and the Society are fully aware of the underlying concept and it is you and yours who have invented this unbiblical notion. And this invention of yours states that the 70-year period ended when the Jews returned to the Promised Land despite overwhelming proof that the fulfillment of the 70 years ended while they were in Babylon in the land of their enemies. You claim I've offered no scriptural proof to substantiate this, but I have, I've posted it here, there are pages of it on my website, and you evidently didn't see it or choose to ignore it. The only verses you rely on are 2 Chronicles and Jeremiah, but Leviticus 26:32-35 proves you and the Society wrong, stating clearly that the sabbaths would be paid off while the Jews were in Babylon, not when they returned to Judah. You don't have seventy years. I'll post some of it again.

    32 And I, for my part, will lay the land desolate, and YOUR enemies who are dwelling in it will simply stare in amazement over it. 33 And YOU I shall scatter among the nations, and I will unsheathe a sword after YOU; and YOUR land must become a desolation, and YOUR cities will become a desolate ruin.

    34 “‘At that time the land will pay off its sabbaths all the days of its lying desolated, while YOU are in the land of YOUR enemies. At that time the land will keep sabbath, as it must repay its sabbaths. 35 All the days of its lying desolated it will keep sabbath, for the reason that it did not keep sabbath during YOUR sabbaths when YOU were dwelling upon it.

    Furthermore, nowhere in the Bible does it state that the return of the Jews marked the end of the seventy years.

    Jeremiah 25:12 states that only after the seventy years had ended, or been fulfilled, Jehovah would call the king of Babylon to account, which he did beginning with its fall to Cyrus in October 539 B.C.E., one date the Jehovah’s Witnesses and everyone else seem to agree on. The seventy years ended when Babylon fell, not two years later when the exiles stepped foot back on the soil of Judah. You're missing two years for your theory to work properly.

    For the sake of argument, even if Jeremiah 29:10 were to read that the 70 years of servitude ended while they were "at" Babylon rather than "for" Babylon, it still proves you and the JWs wrong because the period of servitude ended while the captives were in Babylon, not on their return and repatriationi in Judah. Again, your version of the 70 years are a fabrication, mere fiction.

    2 Chronicles 36:20 states that the captives removed to Babylon would be servants to the king “until the royalty of Persia began to reign,” which began October 539 B.C.E. and not until the exiles physically returned to Judah two years later.

    "Furthermore, he carried off those remaining from the sword captive to Babylon, and they came to be servants to him and his sons until the royalty of Persia began to reign; ... "

    Both sides agree that Babylon fell to the Persians in October 539 B.C.E. That fall signaled the beginning of Persia’s reign. The prophet Daniel foretold its sudden collapse when he interpreted the writing on the wall for Babylon’s king Belshazzer,“This is the interpretation of the word: MENE, God has numbered [the days of] your kingdom and finished it.” And he did in 539 B.C.E. The 70 years did not end when they returned, and you still lack 70 years under your theory.


    Eggnog: BTW, I didn't say this in my previous message, but Moses died in 1473 BC, which means that when Jeremiah wrote what he did -- I believe he was at least 18 when he became a prophet of God, if not younger -- that he had to have been a prophet from about 647 BC until 580 BC since this is the year when the book bearing his name was completed. This means that when he began to prophesy, Moses had been dead 826 years, so this nonsense about Leviticus that you were going on about in your previous post makes no sense at all, unless you're suggesting that Jeremiah was a prophet for Moses, too.

    You're confused. The original prophecy was handed down by Moses and extrapolated on by Jeremiah. There is nothing in Scripture which prohibits Jeremiah from passing on or discussing or contemplating Moses' prophecy at Leviticus 26:32-35, just like Daniel at 9:2 spoke of Jeremiah's prophecy at 25:11. This isn't one of your better arguments, and an apostacy according to your elders.

    I ask because, again, it disproves the JWs' false teaching, and yours, that the 70 years ended when the Jews arrived back in Judah, in October of 537.

    Eggnog: Ok.

    Once again you concede my point, and by virtue of your concession you admit that the alleged 70 years claimed by the Society is less than that, their many teachings in this regard are false, which means they are false teachers, and false prophets because it disproves their claims to 1914. If your elders knew you actually believed this they would kick you out as an apostate.

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