gay cartoon characters

by gilwarrior 26 Replies latest social humour

  • hippikon

    Wonder Woman is not gay - She has just been dateing the invisible man!

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    Ok...this had some Gay-Toon i think it's applicable.

    Top Ten Cartoon Characters Most Likely to Use Drugs

    10. Gargamel:
    Most likely LSD. Spends his life in pursuit of little blue guys in faggy white outfits and mentally abuses his cat. What does he plan to do with the Smurfs when he catches them anyway?

    9. Olive Oil:
    Probably Dexatrim abuse, maybe some amphetamines. Who is that skinny (besides Calista Flockhart? - ed. note)?! She might even be anorexic, she IS always giving her burger to Wimpy.

    (Side question: what the heck are Popeye and Brutus thinking? They almost made the list for courting her.)

    8. Snagglepuss:
    Can't explain it. Maybe it's the name, or the look, but he is suspicious.

    7. HeMan:
    This is an easy one. I mean c'mon. Roid monkey #1. "BY THE POWER OF ANABOL!!!!!!" Makes me want to root for Skeletor. Alone in his castle, hitting the weights. And on top of that he even injects the stuff into his pet tiger. Animal Abuse.

    6.& 5.Yogi and Boo Boo:
    We all know what is really in those picnic baskets. They go back to the cave and trip. Another side - are they gay? I mean, take a look at Boo Boo.

    4. Droopy:
    The number one downer abuser in Toon Land. Can't someone slip him an upper every year or two? The only time you ever see him happy is when he sees the picture of the babe.

    3. Dopey Dwarf:
    He openly admits it - check out the name. The other dwarfs deny involvement but they are under investigation. There are allegations that Doc is writing some extra scripts for Sneezy and all the guys are partaking.

    2. Daffy Duck:
    If he isn't using crack, Marion Barry is clean. He is so wired, he bounces around on his head without pain. Blows his beak off all the time. Some symptoms might be from "daffiness" but Haldol wouldn't work for him. Though it might work for his buddy Porky, who has Tourettes.

    1. Shaggy:
    By far the #1 suspect. His clothes, his hair, his bad goatee, the paranoia; the boy converses with dogs. But this is nothing compared to the Munchie Factor. Anybody who averages 9.3 dog treats consumed per episode does pot. And look at the way he and his friends painted that van!

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    Wait, I just thought of some...

    Bert and Ernie have been "bachelors" for over 20 years. (I know they're not Cartoons...but, c'mon!)When Bert sang "Doing the uh uh Pigeon" he wasn't dancin.

    Was it me...or did Batman & Robin's outfits get more gay(er?) over the years? Holy Bulges Batman!

    Edited cuz i was trying 2 figure out if i spelled 'bulges' wrong...i was visualizing n got distracted.

  • Shimmer

    Also, what about that little alien dude that would show up on the Flinstones every now and then. I think his name was the Great Gazoo, or something like that.


    A sobering thought: what if, right at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential?------------Jane Wagner

  • logical

    Its WAYLAND Smithers

  • logical

    Homer thinks Mr Burns is gay, he did think he was coming onto him in one episode.

  • julien

    what about the "exit stage left" guy, snaggletooth I think;
    he was rather effeminate. Gazoo on Flintstones was also that way.

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