Such disrespect- Someone desecrated a WT at the laundromat

by keyser soze 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Just in case you're wondering what happens to the magazines after they're left at laundromats....

    It was ripped apart, with pages scattered all over the floor. Evidently, someone didn't like what they read.

  • seenitall

    They make good toilet paper wipers!

  • sabastious

    Holy! Emotions must have been running wild.


  • Violia

    Wherever I go-- if I see a mag, I either take it myself or throw it away. I don't want anyone else to be infected.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    One day my brother and I were walking home from school and there was a Watchtower on the ground. It had been there a while so it was dusty and had footprints on it. Otherwise it was in good shape. We decided that the angels must have put it there so that a potential recruit would find it so we left it on the sidewalk... lol.

    Fast forward 20 years, me and husband are planning our exit date on our way home from the Sunday meeting. I'm reading some of the latest horse manure out loud and he gets so mad that he snatches the mag from my hands, rips it to shreds (it took him a minute to do this, those mags are glued tight), and tosses it out of the window.

    Knowing what to do with a WT/AW is of utmost importance in determining your life course.

  • Johnny

    I found some on a reading table at a Hospital waiting room. Since I had time, I carefully went through it writing scriptural rebuttels and other thought-provoking messages inside.

    I HOPE someone examines it!!

  • Finally-Free
    They make good toilet paper wipers!

    I would be concerned about the toxicity of their cheap ink.


  • Reality79

    In the movie Coming To America, the rose bearers should have used WT literature to throw on the ground instead of all those precious rose petals.

  • Finally-Free
    Such disrespect- Someone desecrated a WT at the laundromat

    I agree. Laundromats should be shown more respect. The WT should have been desecrated outdoors.


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Johnny . Funny comments you guys.

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