JWN Is Not The Same Place It Was Years Ago . . .

by PublishingCult 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • PublishingCult

    TD made the following statement over in another thread, and so I thought it would make a good topic of its own.

    JWN is not the same place it was years ago and years from now, it won't be the same place as it is today.

    How has JWN changed over the years, old timers?

  • Satanus

    There used to be long drawn out doctrinal battles that would rage for days. Your battle is a bit like they were. Congratulations, for keeping cool and focused, throughout. Most of those warriors would eventually get into a sniping match w management, and, you know who wins in those. They generally don't back down. Farkel is one of the few survivors, an old dog, w many scars.


  • doofdaddy

    I reckon it's still the same. Groups form where they chat amongst themselves, ignoring all others, then Whammo, a disagreement rips them all apart...Process starts again. Bit like the Matrix really.

    Maybe it's a bit more edgey though, as most of the polite (female mainly) posters have gone silent.

  • mrsjones5

    Back when I first came to this board (1998) I was too intimidated by the board to post. It was totally different, it was a pro-jw board. I couldn't handle it until it changed (had something to do with Simon leaving the bOrg). Then it felt safe enough for me to finally join (well that and yahoo had just shut down all user created chatrooms - no more jw chatroom on yahoo, that was 2002).

  • spaceinvader

    speaking of chat, is there a chat forum on here? I haven't seen anything (though I'm still learning how to navigate around) but I've read older threads where people referenced chatting...

  • Angharad

    No there used to be a chat room, but we ended up having to take it down. You never know it may come back at some point

  • Berengaria

    Maybe one reason is that it started out as a JW site, and had more believers? I can see how that would be a cause for argument.

    When I first came here about 5 years ago, I was appalled at all the open sexuality. I left for several months and then came back. It was totally different. I got addicted, and then participated in all the sexual threads. LOL, I think it's a matter of "getting to know" people.

  • heathen

    this board is a carry over from other boards before it . the real old timers were fighting before they came here

  • free2beme

    Not much. Pretty much exactly the same. Sure, we get a whiner or two who make statements like you quoted. Which really just means something hit a nerve that bothered them and they do not know how to speak out right. So they make a statement like that. I might be wrong, but I think that kind of thought is said about once a month since this place started. So, take it at that worth, lower it a couple degrees and there it is topped out on total value. Those and the "Good bye, I am leaving the board" are some of my favorites.

  • PublishingCult
    Which really just means something hit a nerve that bothered them and they do not know how to speak out right. So they make a statement like that.

    Just to be clear, TD was not complaining. It was just an observation he was making about how things change and evolve. It was not a whine. :)

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