JWN Is Not The Same Place It Was Years Ago . . .

by PublishingCult 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    broken promises,

    (Yes, I know who you are and you haven't changed a single bit even though you said you did.)

    You said:

    : So it was a quiet little board with a few posts a day. Yes, that's right, just a few posts a day.

    In otherwords, it was dull, slow and boring.

    :Then the horrible, stinking, nasty, foul-mouthed, foul-smelling posters of H20 decided to join and the board changed as a result. There were debates, swearing, fighting. The cafe shop suddenly became the new headquarters for the local bikie gang, so to speak. The board evolved yet again.

    In otherwords, it became fast-paced and exciting and in FACT trasformational and started to make a REAL difference in the real world of the Watchtower. Do you even have any idea about how many exposes have come out on this board that were scoops and due to original fact-finding and research from nasty, foul-mouthed scumbags like me and many others of my ilk? Unbelievably, many of them were only scumags and they weren't even nasty and foul like me, but they still did great work.

    All because of foul-smelling posters from H20, like me. SHAME on us.

    Get used to it, P. Your coffee shop has become a Google in its little world. It will never be a coffee shop again. Get used to it. You can never go back to Kansas again, Dorothy. You and your little dog Toto.

    Since you never did a fucking single thing to help anyone out of the Watchtower iron glove, I don't think you have any authority to criticize those who have, you nitwit. But you deserve a cup of coffee, since you like the coffee environment so much, dear.

    Farkel, Foul-Smelling CLASS and proud of it.

  • Farkel


    : Why do I love you, Farkel? I don't know. I just do.

    That's ok, I guess. But if you try to grab my crotch, I will bust you up!

    Farkel, Wished He Could Bust People Up CLASS

    (I know you don't want to grab my crotch, Terry. I was just joking. Nobody wants to grab my crotch anymore. Shit, even I don't want grab my crotch anymore. Hell, I don't even know where my crotch IS anymore. Back in the day, LOTS of people of the female persuasion wanted to grab my crotch. Now I cannot even GIVE my crotch away. For FREE! I have a worthless sack-of-sick-crotch. Pathetic.)

    A crotch without anyone who cares. I'm doomed.

  • godrulz

    Again, what are foul-smelling H20 posters?

    How do we tell who moderators are?

  • Farkel


    : However, the time is frozen on a forum. you dont neeed to be an "old timer" to know how this site has changed... time is inconsequential... you there is no real time in here everything EVRYTHING that you read here happened in the past... not in the present... even this message is in my past... although you are reading in in the present.... sooooo anyone with a little bit of time can go back and read anythread from 8 years ago and KNOW how the site was 8 years ago, and 7 and 6 and 5 and 3 and whatever. All it takes is to go back and read

    So your argument boils down to the fact that since you've read the Charles Dickens books you know EXACTLY how the squaler was in London and EXACTLY how it felt to live in it during the time he wrote about it, eh?

    One of the things you can not get is the mood of the posters at the time they occured, even though it is all written and theoretically frozen as it were.

    The tensions of we invaders of this erstwhile coffee shop from those who hated our invasion can only be understood by being there in real time.

    Trust me. You will never get it unless you were there when it actually happened.

    Farkel, Was There CLASS

  • JustHuman14

    I'm in this board since 2001, I posted as justhuman, and with new changes of the forum I couldn't get my old name back so I came with a slight change. I recall the old chat room and how fun it was. I made a lot of friends there and I really enjoyed it. JWN it was the first forum that I started to post since I had my doubts regarding WT and it helped me a lot in my exit process.

    Now there are so many new posters coming in that they are having their doubts of the WT. Old members, including my self moved on with our life and don't feel the need to post like we used to, plus everyday we have a massive new posts coming up and it is hard to follow them all.

    Some ex-jw and members of this forum have joined a Christian mainstream religion, others bacame agnostics, or don't feel the need to be a part of any organized religion and they don't feel to start a debate, like we used to have on this forum, specially with matters of faith or religion.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Farkel darling, have you ever heard of the term tongue-in-cheek? Look it up in case you haven't, and you'll understand that that is how I wrote the other post.

    So, in other words, lighten up because it's likely you will die before I will, and I'd hate to think you will die without humour in your heart.

    BTW, dear Farkel, I have helped people leave the WTS but I don't believe in advertising it. We're not in WatchTower land anymore, Doro Farkel.

  • Farkel

    Broken PromisesP,

    : Farkel darling, have you ever heard of the term tongue-in-cheek?

    Yes. I also know what hand grenades are. You don't. You don't see the difference between "humor", "tongue-in-cheek" and "hand granades."

    I do. I also know very well that "humor" is. I'm very famous for using it. You aren't. Stick to what you do best: "hand granades."


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Whatever you say, Farkel.

    I think you need a hug (((((((Farkel)))))))))

  • SirNose586

    Back in mid-2006 when I joined (or perhaps a little earlier from lurking), I can recall that there seemed to be more JW apologist trolls like scholar and Fred something. I loved seeing them get pounded into the dirt by Leolaia, et al., but it seemed like they just wouldn't ever get a clue and go away. The thrill of participating on a board full of ex-JWs was still fresh. I was pretty well addicted to it.

    The covert stuff like the elders' manual was fun. Who revealed it? Some tatted kid named Richie Rich, was it? I remember him doing that and then leaving in a huff because he got pissed over something. I was sad to see him go.

  • besty

    as a lurker here back in 2004/2005 I relished seeing JW doctrines getting demolished by logic - think AlleyMom's KISS post.

    Not so much of that happens these days as those arguments have been fought and won in realtime but still breathe in the archives and 'best of'

    No matter though - I think JWN allows lurkers and faders the opportunity to get up to the edge of the bubble and dare to glimpse life on the other side...

    Bravo Simon, Angh and the mods for keeping JWN alive...

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