This may be the week I blow my stack

by Sargeant Pepper 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • rebel8

    I'm sorry about your sister.

    Other people's behavior is their problem.

    If you want to go and talk to people, go right ahead. Be friendly. Act genuinely surprised when they are rude and spiteful, and call them on their behavior if you want to.

  • sir82

    A funeral might not be the best place for stack-blowing.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Why the hell can't you say anything at the crematorium, it ain't no kingdom hall. She was your sister for crying outload. If anybody gets up and walks out, the embarrassment will be on them. Then again if it is all witnesses there then they all might depart.

    But you could say a few NICE things non-JW or apostate related that might make a the rememberance of her more special for those in attendance.

  • Sargeant Pepper
    Sargeant Pepper

    Don't worry, I won't kick off at the funeral, I meant airing my personal views on this forum.

    A local elder has recently been removed after speaking to his Dfd sister at their mothers funeral, therefore the elder doing the talk is worried about his own position as he is also saying a prayer at the cremetorium.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Wow, SP. It really looks like you're walking into an emotional minefield here. I hope you make it through this with your sanity intact, considering that it's hard to be sane with so much crazy around. We're here for ya...


  • sinis

    A local elder has recently been removed after speaking to his Dfd sister at their mothers funeral, therefore the elder doing the talk is worried about his own position as he is also saying a prayer at the cremetorium.

    Sounds like a JW problem, not yours. I would be respectful, but I would probably say something as well!!! Do not let that be one of the things you regret later on in life!!! My grandfather was df'd and we did not talk to him for 8 years. I missed out as a youngster, and the cult destroyed a family. I saw him when he lied cold on the bed. I will never forgive the JW's for this, and not a day goes by (where if I knew then what I know now) where I don't regret and feel ashamed of what my family and I did... speak your mind, praise and honor your sister, and live your life! Don't let the JW's take away what little you have... condolences...

  • Sargeant Pepper
    Sargeant Pepper

    The funeral actually went very well. There was a bit of preaching, but only what I would expect from any religion.

    There was also some shunning but many more spoke to me.

  • laverite

    I am so sorry SP that you had to go through that. No one should have to contend with crap like that, especially at such a hard time. I'm glad it went as well as it could have.

    As far as the elder you mentioned getting removed for speaking to his DF sister, the Watchtower/JWs are the their own worst enemies. It would seem that they don't have a lot of elders to spare, yet they find ways to delete them for little reasons.

  • LV101

    what an evil bunch of vipers when one of their clergymen can't speak to his sister --- i don't care if she ran with manson. i can't wait for God to punish those crook pharisees. their game obviously isn't working with so many DF'd individuals on the outside --- stupid LOSERS. I know one is not supposed to judge but i can't help it.

    sorry for you having the experience.

  • saltyoldlady

    I am so very grateful to the ones who DID speak with you - Human kindness never hurt anyone! And I'm longing that you experience some form of comfort during this tragic event. Death is indeed an enemy of us all!

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