
by anniegirl76 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    But how do you change/write your Bio.?

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hello Anniegirl76!

    Welcome aboard!

    You have come to the right place to receive all kinds of understanding and help.

    There are hundreds of people here who have already gone through, or are going through now, exactly the same things as you.

    It's an amazing community of helpful people who share the common bond of at one time being trapped in the WT cult. There are former district and circuit overseers, bethelites, missionaries, pioneers, elders, ministerial servants, publisher, studies, spouses of JWs etc etc - all with diverse backgrounds who are here for you. Many are still in NOW and are trying to figure out the best way to leave.

    We are very glad to have you here.

    Don't stop asking questions and you will eventually be completely free.

    peace to you!

    The Oracle

  • Quentin

    Anniegril sometime today I am going to send you a PM. PMs are a great way to discuss things you may feel uncomfortable posting to a public board. Check yours later today.

  • jookbeard

    dabbled with a bit of Evangelical Christianity , took a look at Bible Student stuff, but remember Atheism is the new "black"

  • anniegirl76

    what excatly is evangelical christian?

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Hello anniegirl~

    The beauty of it is that there is no need to feel pressure or urgent sense of fear to choose the 'right' way..

    You can take your sweet time and discover who you really are and what you are truly drawn to. And no one can judge it , unless you let them.

    Maybe we are always finding our ways to express a deep spiritual need inside, that need for what is beautiful and what brings humans together, a way to revere nature and all the awesomeness in the universe.

    I call it a journey, this life. No one has all the answers. It's ok to be 'wrong' or a freak or change your mind. We can all help each other along the way. Go with your heart

    There have been some excellent book recommendations here~Crisis of Conscience, Combatting Cult Mind Control and others that are absolutely priceless for people in our unique place to recover and help empty out the poison. But then I get what you are saying about what to fill yourself up with~ I say enjoy the day, love yourself..and love others. If you are looking for some peaceful words, I found some in a book called "The Four Agreements" by Miguel Ruiz. There is no one way, but I feel happier knowing that I share the planet with people like him~ The ways of nature and the Goddess are something to look into ;)


  • outlawwilly

    Yes I sure did. I tried and tried and tried again after I left the borg. I tried everything from Evangelicals to Catholics to Baptists and a couple others. In the end, what proved that there was no god, was when I was homeless and sleeping in one of those portable loo's you see on construction sites whilst severe storms were all around. I was praying my heart out as I have done many times before. Then all of a sudden it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I was just talking to myself.

    I looked back at all the other times I prayed and compared that to actual results in my life. When I finally realized there was no god, I was ANGRY. I wasted so much life believing in the invisible sky daddy and waiting for that thing to "bless" me and show me the way. My anger was short lived. As soon as I saw that I was still going no where by stewing in my anger, and wishing I had that wasted life back, I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and then started doing what I had to do for me. I am emotionally and physcially the strongest I have ever been, thanks to that epiphany that night. Of course, this is just my experience and ymmv.

  • godrulz

    Try googling evangelical Christian. We are a spectrum of people who believe the Bible literally, affirm the trinity, Deity of Christ, necessity of new birth (born again Christian is the cliche), salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone apart from works, etc. This contrasts with mainline groups that have gone liberal in their theology and practices (gay marriage, abortion, deny some essential truths above, etc.), Catholic, Orthodox, pseudo-Christian cults (JW/Mormon), etc. We have our own issues and problems, but would claim roots with the first century church and Scripture.

  • anniegirl76

    I talked to my dad today, he was telling me about my brother and how he had a talk. My dad wasn't able to make it, my mom found out and let my dad know if she had known he wasn't going ,she would have. My parents just recently divorced, my dad isn't a jw. I thought it was interesting she didn't go to my brothers talk because my dad was going to be is that love? how is that being christ-like? It shouldn't matter who's there...should it? I then lost it, mother's day is coming up and I'm not good enough for my own mother to talk to. Somewhere it gets easier, right? I know I sound like a whiner and mommy issues and whatnot, I guess I just don't understand how you can just STOP TALKING TO YOUR CHILD, because of difference of religion. I'm babbling and it's late, I'll be back later...just warning you! lol!! thank you all so much for your support....

  • godrulz

    There is no biblical/logical reason to shun family members in WT style. This is evil and wrong, a classic cultic sign. We are to even love our enemies and are explicitly commanded to love our families/parents, whether they believe or not. It is a WT control technique to keep people in the organization, not a mandate from God. Do what you can to guard your attitude and do what is right.

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