Terry's not the only one.....

by journey-on 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Someone posted an interesting observation. The Internet is not designed for data dumping. Law requires massive amounts of text. Text is never copied and pasted and left to hang on for eternity. It only two or three sentences to summarize text before pasting it if you must. I skimmed four lines. My time is worth something. Call me old but reading it is difficult. If a few sentences summarize the text, which would be much better as a link, I could decide whether I want to read more. My default impulse is to not read. Sadly, I probably miss intriguing articles. The people here are interesting. What they want to share must be interesting.

    How can science prove something that can't be measured? People gives grants to universities all the time. This university garnered press attention with its study. A media consultant would have been much more expensive. Science does well what science does. The humanities exist for a reason. Faith exists for its reasons, too.

  • journey-on

    Prodigal Son, thanks for all the info you posted. It's lengthy and I'll take time tonight to digest it. I, too, have been researching the studies that show some indication that much of our consciousness may actually lie outside the mechanics of the brain. The concept of the Universal Mind is not so far out and many well-known scientists subscribe to it.

    Robdar, your experience is fascinating. I'm sure the naysayers will ridicule you, but you had an experience personal to you that moved you and changed your perspective. It opened your mind to the possibilities.

    Now back to the choices in the OP:

    Another dimension has been proven to exist by science, a dimension where your consciousness goes but the details are unknown as to its purpose. At the same time this is discovered, science has found the secret to eternal physical life where the body can rejuvenate itself, heal itself, and maintain complete physical health, youth, and well-being. You cannot die.

    You are brought before a counsel and must choose one or the other now. The choice will not be offered again. Which one would YOU choose.

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