Society putting out "Want ads" in BOE letters

by sir82 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    It seems the Society has a severe enough shortage of help in some areas that it is asking for help thru all the US BOEs.

    There is one recent letter circulating asking for volunteers who can work on a Persian translation team to move to "Britain". Elders are to track down anyone who speaks Persian & English, and ascertain their willinglness to move to Bethel in London to help there. There's a bunch of the standard "in good standing" questions they are to ask, as well as immigration / citizenship / visa issues to work out.

    Also, they are looking for programmers who know Silverlight & XAML to work on a project for software the RBCs are using.

    Finally, I thought this was interesting: In another letter, they indicate they will reduce the literature order of any congregation that they feel is requesting "too much" literature, based on inventory that the congregation has to report every 6 months.

    So, anyone out there looking for a good job with no pay?

  • BCK

    A good job? Right now, a good job would provide room and board. However, I can't speak Persian. Or any foreign language. I grew up as a witness in the 60's, and college was out of the question. I did spend 4 years at Brooklyn bethel making 14 dollars a month, plus room and board. I learned many skills that were totally worthless in the 'world' of the damned. But now, if you ignored the watchtower counsel & went to college and learned a valuable skill, well, step right up! I even heard the the society sent Judas Schroeder to college to get a degree. Wow, what an advantage it is to have a famous pharisee for a father. Am I bitter? Damned right I am! The stories I could tell.

  • leavingwt
    In another letter, they indicate they will reduce the literature order of any congregation that they feel is requesting "too much" literature, based on inventory that the congregation has to report every 6 months.

    Watchtower might be a non-prophet organization, but it is NOT a non-profit organization.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle
    In another letter, they indicate they will reduce the literature order of any congregation that they feel is requesting "too much" literature,

    In other words, they will limit the amount of lit the hall gets, unless the congregation sends enough money each month

  • TotallyADD

    This was the very thing that started my wife to wake up from the cult. Back in the 90's a letter was read were the WT wanted highly skilled people. Most of the skills they needed required a college education. She was upset. She told me out of one side of their mouth they tell you not to get a higher education and the other side they want highly educated people to run the place. When I was in the cult I never could understand why they did not want the friends to be highly educated. After all its the truth what are they scared of. Now I know why. But I always find it interesting they are always begging for people with skills that require a college education. They are just two faced. Totally ADD

  • OnTheWayOut

    I would say that anyone here who still gets literature from the counter could help out by marking down huge placements so "Mother" willnot cut back, but they probably mean they will reduce cong. orders if donations do not match orders.

  • sir82
    But I always find it interesting they are always begging for people with skills that require a college education.

    I know a JW, a single mother. She has 3 kids. Got divorced not long after the 3rd one was born.

    Just after her divorce, she realized she would need a job to support her family.

    With grandma's (also a JW) help & blessing, she put herself thru law school, entering at age 30+. She was an absolute pariah in her congregation, no end to the grief she received for pursuing "higher education".

    She stuck it out and graduated with honors.

    Now she has her own small firm, and guess what? Her biggest client is the Watchtower Society. Whenever there is a divorce / custody case, or a contested will (Joe JW leaves his estate to the WTS and the non-JW kids put up a fight), or really anything WTS-related in her state, she gets a call from the Society and they give her the assignment. They pay her her full, normal fee.

    Suddenly, for some reason, no one complains about her "higher education" now.

  • Gayle

    I would suggest if anyone deliberately takes on employment with the WTS, to get a good 401k plan included, setup right up front.

  • nugget

    The hypocrasy is unbelieveable. I wonder if they sent letters to the uk but didn't get a satisfactory response. It seems crazy to go to the US for personnel when the whole of the EU can work in the UK without a visa. Do I believe that no one in Europe is capable of doing these jobs? I don't know but then why does the society make any of the crazy decisions it does.

  • clarity


    " Am I bitter? Damned right I am! The stories I could tell."

    You do realize so many have not had access to the wbts upper echelon secrets, so yeah please do tell, we're all ears!


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