Mr. Falcon Asks: Harrassed? Exiled? Lost your family? It's okay..... You're just dealing with IMPERFECT MEN.

by Mr. Falcon 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82
    Have you personally called out an elder on a mistake? What became of him?

    Yeah, a few times.

    Once I got read the riot act for being "harshly critical of an older man" (paraphrase of some scripture).

    Another time I got "counseled" for not sticking up for the elder when the publisher complained.

    I've seen it happen numerous timnes with other elders as well. A lot of these guys are really sneaky, and do their most damaging stuff when there are no other witesses around, so then it's one man's word vs. another. Based on what I know of these guys, I'm 99.9% sure it was the elder who was being the prick, but if you can't prove it, what can you do?

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Sab - it is unfortunate that stupid Smurf stories make the rounds, but the incompetency of elders is just shrugged off. It's almost as if there is no accounting or consequences for their actions unless they go balls out and commit some horrific sin, and even then justice is hit-or-miss.

    LongHair Gal -

    but imperfect men who expect to be looked up to and treated as if they are inspired prophets is another thing entirely.

    Exactly. When families fall apart and suffer, when people develop mental problems due to anxiety & fear, when people fall into despair and depression because of being made to feel like sinners for giving into feelings that are biologically natural, when men are put into a position where they teach that only true forgiveness can be attained by confessing to THEM, then there HAS to be some sort of highter standard than just "oh, he puts alot of hours in and cleans the KH toilets. PROMOTE that man!"

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    sir82 - Thanks for responding. You make a good observation concerning how many elders seem to know their way around the "law" in that they know how to not incriminate themselves yet "take care of business". They seem to be able to do whatever they want, yet if you speak up at all, YOU are out of line. You're being judgemental, you're being jealous, you're being rebellious.

  • PSacramento

    If "imperfect men" is a valid excuse for them then it seems it is a valid excuse for all eh?

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon
    If "imperfect men" is a valid excuse for them then it seems it is a valid excuse for all eh?

    you'd think so, wouldn't you? apparently not.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, it is their arrogance of thinking they can have it both ways: "yes, we are imperfect men, but, we want to be looked up to (i,e. worshipped)" even if they don't say it in so many words. I, for one, never believed anybody's divine claims - either that the elders are appointed by 'holy spirit' or that the GB are 'God's channel'. Yeah, I want to know which lucky man God communicates with and just how God does it. In the early days when I came into the religion, they didn't just come right out and say this. It was some years further down that they started to sort of lay this between the lines so to speak.

    Sorry, I just wasn't buying any of it.

  • agonus

    Yippie Kai Yay good sir.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    LongHair Gal - I agree. They seem to be making a more hardline about this now. Almost demanding alliegience.

    agonus - you comment makes you the winner of today's "Christina Hendricks Well-Said Award". Good Job, my friend.

  • DavinciCodeBreaker

    I had a conversation on this very subject with my sister in law. After detailing all the incongruence’s of the WT. She laid that line on me. So I asked her; if your husband constantly mentally abused you and he kept saying, “sorry honey but I am an imperfect man” how long would you put up with it? Or if he continued to have affairs behind your back (ie WTS affiliation with the UN as a NGO) and again he said, “sorry honey but I am an imperfect man”. I know you would never put up with that! If you wouldn’t put up with that excuse, what makes you so sure that Jehovah would? She was speechless!

  • Terry

    __Perfection has nothing to do with competence in the case of the Watchtower Society.


    The Watchtower Society WAS CHOSEN.

    Who chose them? JEHOVAH.

    He selected them among all other religious groups.

    He would use them as his mouthpiece directing their preaching work.

    Jehovah would work through (and in spite of) their human weakness.

    The only task which would disqualify the leadership would be attributing human errors to Jehovah himself.

    For example, preaching something AS IF from Jehovah which turned out to be false.

    Since the members are DIRECTED to preach only SPECIFIC things as THE TRUTH representing themselves as JEHOVAH'S witnesses

    any false prophecies would directly bring shame on Jehovah's name.

    Surely, Jehovah's Witnesses have never gone door to door telling people things in the name of Jehovah which later turned out to be NOT TRUE.


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