Snubbed big time last night.

by watersprout 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Morbidzbaby

    watersprout, thanks for the kind words. He is really understanding and supportive. Best man I've known thus far. I talk about him a lot because I honestly can't believe we found each other. The treatment and consideration he gives me is the polar opposite of what I got from my JW ex. He lifts me up and helps me to stand tall, and has absolute faith and confidence in me and my abilities to make it on my own. He's strong, but gives me a soft place to land when I need it. He truly is an amazing man.

    jgnat, interesting point about the dehumanizing aspect. When dissidents are demonized so much by the WTBS, it's easy to view them as subhuman, or even (as my ex called me) dangerous demonic influences. It's sad, but they need their delusions.

  • jeckle

    wow it is funny. 1 observation I made of this and similar situations ; my sister (younger half sister youngest of seven, 10 years younger then the youngest of the 1st 6 very spoiled) very indoctrinated. She had this attitude all the time like people had to be punished always concerned about people getting their punishment, even tho as a child she never got any always had that special place common to that sort of family dinamic. I asked her once if she thought it was her job to make sure everyone got their punishment and if she really enjoyed it as much as she let on. Ya she's the type that thought everybody should know why someone is being shunned in a public place. Her and my father and step mom could carry on a conversation in public about this crap and how dare that disfellowship walk by me, out loud mind you. lmao it makes them sound so crazy as if anyone especially nonjws should know these wierd customs. I'm glad they couldn't control you.

  • chickpea

    ya know, i decided a while back
    that i was not playing their game...

    i say hello, and smile... whether
    they are glaring daggers or not...

    i invested a lot of myself in so
    many of their lives and am not
    ashamed to recall that to them...

    i am gonna be stuck in this small
    community for the foreseeable
    future and i figure they learn to
    dodge me or they get over that
    ridiculous practice.... i aint playin'
    that game and i wont let them
    get away with it either.....

    sadly deluded mindless drones.... :(

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    What amazing stories of their crazy behavior. I think anyone who is thinking of becoming a JW should be encouraged to go a Kingdom Hall and anounce themselves as a former JW so they can get a first hand taste of how you are treated if you ever leave it.

  • watersprout

    MB thats really lovely. I hope he spoils you lots, you sound like you need to be spoilt!

    Jeckle i knew a few like that! Used to do my nut in. It's the self importance they force upon others!

    sadly deluded mindless drones.... :(

    Got that right! I used to feel sorry for them, but i'm just feeling pity now.


  • watersprout
    I think anyone who is thinking of becoming a JW should be encouraged to go a Kingdom Hall and anounce themselves as a former JW so they can get a first hand taste of how you are treated if you ever leave it.

    Brilliant idea!


  • exwhyzee

    I wold have been tempted to start singing the chorus to the kingdom song "Loves Excelling Way"

    or perhaps something more familiar to the rest of the shoppers.

  • jamiebowers

    ... As we walked up the alcoholic bevearges ailse theis sister and her hubby were studying the wines. We walked past them and we felt them stiffen up and

    go quiet! Seriously what did they think we were going to do! Poison them with our apostate views! We got to the till and they didn't come out of the ailse,

    they actually stayed by the wines to make sure we had gone before they felt safe enough to emerge! It's pathetic and i'm soo glad i'm out!

    OHHHHH, maybe they were selecting the wine for their Reject Jesus Party and were afraid that you would contaminate it with your apostasy, LOL!

  • doughnuthole

    Wobble: My husband and myself are like you, not DF'd or DA'd, we were in for 25 years, no announcements about us, nothing, but judged harshly and severly, for what???? They dont even know....they have had there huge gossip fests( one of JW's favorite pastimes) and decided we are dead in their eyes.

    We have a favorite, fun pub that we go to a couple times a week, friends? we use to go with, friends we use to take trips with, had Big BBQ's with, threw alot of great parties for (always paid for by us) and several that we employed for many years. They will sit at their big table all together and wont so much as nod a greeting to us, total snubbery!! Do we get up and leave? are you kidding?? This is our pub:) several times i have let different ones sitting by us or our waitresses, see that huge table of people over their, we use to be right in the middle of it, but right now they are "shunning" us for reasons they dont even know!!! normal functioning people cant even understand that, i just turn over to this group and smile... feeling good i just "told" on times, Dough

  • moon84

    All one could do is laugh when running into JW's who think that people like us our evil. I think it is all very silly and they need to pick up a book (not JW literature) and get an education. They are just so out of line it is unbelievable.

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