Snubbed big time last night.

by watersprout 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reality79

    LOL.....if I saw a bunch of dubs waiting in an aisle for me to leave I would deliberately stay until they had no choice but to come out, then I would shout out HELLOOOO MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, HOW'S IT GOING??! all loud just to put them on the spot and make them squirm.

  • sizemik

    Get this . . .

    A 'sister' my wife and I have known for twenty years, knew we had become 'inactive' for some time. Her husband (my best friend at the time) had suicided about ten years ago leaving two young children. She has since remarried.

    That's the background . . . anyways . . . she rang a few months ago absolutely distraught . . . her current husband and her had visited her ex's grave and argued afterwards. He had dropped her off in a small town about 120 km's from us and buggered off home without her. Highly distressed she had rung another sister in the town, whom she knew, and had been told to ring the elders ???

    Well, of course, on receiving her call we immediately arranged to travel to the town to pick her up. Her hubby had a change of heart in the meantime and returned to pick her up himself.

    She wrote us a long and troubled letter after that and made arrangements to visit us in our home. She duly arrived and we spent a nice time together reminiscing for several hours over a BBQ lunch. She confessed to being depressed and suicidal herself and told us her (now grown) daughter was suicidal as well. We were as encouraging and supportive of her and felt genuine sympathy for her plight. Well of course she just had to raise "the subject" eventually, and it soon was made clear (in the least offensive way we could muster) that we would never entertain the thought of becoming active JW's again, because of what we had since learned. (no specifics)

    At that she effected a very hasty exit . . . told us that we were 'dangerous' and that she would have nothing further to do with us . . . for her own "protection" . . . protection from what? . . . we had demonstrated nothing but heartfelt love and support!

    But she sailed off down the road and back into WT world . . . we have heard nothing since

    I just felt the episode highlighted what is emerging here . . . the totally upside-down distorted view of real human "love" JW's have

  • Reality79


    That would be funny if it wasn't so messed up.You treat this woman like a human being and just because you don't want to go back she runs from you and your wife as if the pair of you suddenly transformed into werewolves.

    Honestly, there are countless examples that show how backward and crazy this cult is you couldn't even fill the biggest library in the world. It also shows their version of so-called "love" is twisted. Just pure madness.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Hi watersprout,

    So, I'm not classed as an apostate. Glad I'm still useful for something. If I see them look at their watches you know I am going to crack up laughing now and its all your fault...

  • Morbidzbaby

    I haven't yet experienced this, but I'm kinda looking forward to it. You bet your ass I'll make an effort to say hello as well! Just because THEY will follow Watchtower rules doesn't mean I will! If they're looking to make me feel uncomfortable by shunning me, they're in for a rude awakening because THEY will be the ones who are uncomfortable.

    My own father kind of made it clear the other day that once I've moved, I can no longer ask them for help if I need it. He said "If you find you don't like where you're living and you can't make it, call up your brother and move closer to him and let him help you out"... So basically, he wrapped an obvious lack of confidence in my ability to take care of myself in a coating of "don't ask us to help you anymore, we're done". All because I don't want this silly-ass cult. At first it made me sad to know that when I do move, they more than likely will not speak to me anymore. I know they have hope for my brother because he's inactive and hasn't made any remarks to THEM about his feelings about the WTBS (though he has to me, he's not as far gone as I am, though he does have a lot of doubts...he won't DA because he told me he's afraid that if they are right, he'll never get to go back...I need to work with him...). Amazingly, my brother is a baptized JW, living with his fiance', tattooed, pierced all over, etc...and they are upset that he never calls and hasn't for over 2 years. Yet, here I am, doing all I can to help them and have a relationship with them, and once I leave I'm not welcome to have any relationship with them. My dad said "Well, ya know, if you leave the Truth, you're considered worldly and we CANNOT associate with you"...nice huh? My father, who after years of avoiding it finally apologized for the abuse I suffered, is willing to abuse me even further for the sake of this cult.

    My bf tells me I should be happy to be leaving them behind after the treatment I've gotten throughout my life and even now by my mother...lately she treats me like a leper. He asked "Baby? Why are you not jumping for fucking JOY that you'll be away from that? Why are you not ECSTATIC that everyone who's used you and abused you will be far away and you get a chance few people rarely ever get a chance to push the reset button on your life and do it RIGHT this time...why are you so sad??". I guess I'm sad for what could have been...same reason I cried when my mother's mother died. I couldn't stand the woman. In my eyes, she was pure evil and no one else in the family besides mom, me and my brother, one of my aunts and her sons, ever knew why we felt the way we did. When she died I was angry and sad and mourning what SHOULD have been. I mourned a loss I had been suffering since the day I was born. And that's pretty much what this is. I have my sad days where I regret that I have to leave my family behind. But then I remember that because I'm a "big bad apostate", they don't want me anyway.

  • watersprout
    HELLOOOO MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, HOW'S IT GOING??! all loud just to put them on the spot and make them squirm.

    I use to do that... They would see me and rush off, i would chase them calling their name... It was starting to exhaust me so i stopped chasing them. lol

    Sizemik WOW! She would rather go back to those hurting her and those who refused to help her! All you did was show her love just the way Christ showed love. You can't catch a breath with these people can you!

    If I see them look at their watches you know I am going to crack up laughing now and its all your fault...

    LMAO! Sorry about that.

    MB I really feel for you sweatheart.

    When she died I was angry and sad and mourning what SHOULD have been

    My mom experienced that when my granfather died. It is normal to grieve for what should have been. Just don't let it stop you from moving forward. It sounds like you have a very supportive, understanding bf. I can't begin to imagine the pain you have undergone and having to cope with now, but you will find peace i promise.


  • jgnat

    To treat another person like that, they have to go through a mental process where these others are not seen as entirely human. Unable to relate or empathize, it is an easy step to abhorrence.

  • watersprout
    To treat another person like that, they have to go through a mental process where these others are not seen as entirely human.

    And definitely not deserving of life! We are deserving of jehovah burning our bottoms with his giant fireballs, reserved just for us apostates!


  • Morbidzbaby
    And definitely not deserving of life! We are deserving of jehovah burning our bottoms with his giant fireballs, reserved just for us apostates!

    Ooooh! We get SPECIAL fireballs!! Wait, can I order mine monogrammed???

  • watersprout

    LOL MB!


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