My Study Conductor Jumped Ship - Any Possible Explanations?

by InterestedOne 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    I agree with others here. It could be a combination of factors. I suspect you are a conundrum for your study conductor.

    I believe there is a part inside many JW's minds that something is very wrong with the corporation. They don't want to wake up to the reality though! They scurry from anything that threatens the delusion.

    as for...."there is no arrangement for email Bible studies."

    I'd say: 'Then make an arrangement!''

    Or is he afraid he's committing something to 'writing' that can be used in 'evidence' later?

    This also smacks of the TOTAL CONTROL the Org has over it's victims. Mental dependancy is enforced on every utterance in the Pharisee letters that come from 'Mother' (to all Bodies of Elders, Dear Brothers.....yak yak yak), that dictate every facet of the corporation that must be followed or else!!

    Perhaps someone else will call on you and offer you a 'free home watchtower Bible study........'

  • boyzone

    I'm puzzled by their refusal to email bible study too. In reality its a perfect arrangement for a publisher or pioneer to sit at home on a rainy day, conduct a study by email and still count the time. Most publishers would jump at the chance of such an easy ride.

    But as this idea was knocked back, there's gotta be another reason behind it. I agree with others here, you're asking too many difficult questions and they want to dump you. The "we don't conduct bible studies by email" excuse is their way of getting away from you. You're dangerous.

  • Jim_TX

    Like many others have already mentioned, I think that it is coincidence that he is dropping you - at the same time he is changing congos.

    As to why he is changing congregations, I disagree with what others are saying. I think that he may be having difficulties and disagreements with some of the 'elders' or others in charge at the congo that he was attending. There is no way for remeding such disagreements other than to 'move' to another congregation.

    I say this because I remember years ago when I would visit my mom (and family), they would - for some reason - change congregations like clockwork every 6 to 8 months. I would always get the 'Oh, this one is nice! The people are not like the other one.' Basically, they would wear out their 'welcome' and several months later, move to a new one.

    Of course, the man will be able to 'strive' for a position in the new congregation, too. He might be considered the most intelligent one there, and be promoted to a nice position after a few months.

    Just my .02 worth.


    Jim TX

  • Listener

    Having followed your posts a little there is no question that you would be a very hard study student for them and it would take all their effort to stick it out. They would need to be very intelligent and confidently know their beliefs inside and out. You would be proving to be a test on anyone who took on the challenge.

    It wouldn't be surprising if your instructer has had enough and has found it too draining, if not a little bit disheartening. The best way to deal with that is to get out of the study somehow. Nine months is not a long time and probably too early to be dropping a study, if he didn't think you were worth continuing with he wouldn't have handed you over to another instructor. It is probably likely that your new instructer will be more knowledeable than him so it would be interesting if you had one or two studies with him.

    From what I know, it was appropriate for a study instructer to advise the study that they didn't feel they were progressing and getting anywhere and spend the whole of the study discussing what you were looking for, what you had already recieved from the study so far and what you were expecting from future studies. A change of book may also be suggested.

    I really think Black Sheep's comments are right on target.

    You didn't mention whether your instructer had kids but as you mentioned his wife, I assume not. It could be that he is moving to the other congregation so that they both can learn the language better with the hope of being posted overseas in the future. They do encourage others to learn another language with this in mind and he may have been specifically asked.

    You would have given him a lot to think about and only time will tell how he has taken it.

    In regards to his comments

    "1 Cor 2:14 which says "But a physical man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know [them], because they are examined spiritually."

    As you would already know they use this as an entrapement. That is they want you to think that you aren't being spiritual and therefore don't understand and if you were then you would accept it unquestionably. Sprituality does not defy logic or understanding, they can go hand in hand. They also make it seem as if there are some secrets that can only be unlocked and understood if we are more spiritual but this doesn't mean that we will understand doctrines and beliefs because of spirituality. It is our understanding of God himself and an appreciation that he is the almighty in all things that we grow to appreciate as we become more spiritual.

  • Mary
    We were in ch 9 of the Bible Teach book, and I wanted to maintain the line of thought from the end of ch 8 where the book claims there is evidence to confirm the WT beliefs about 1914. As we examined what the book was presenting as evidence in ch 9, I said that I did not understand why it would count as evidence. He told me I was being too scientific and read me 1 Cor 2:14 which says "But a physical man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know [them], because they are examined spiritually."

    You've committed the unforgiveable sin in Watchtowerland: You've indicated you do not believe their bullshit 1914 doctrine and have stated that there is no evidence for it. And since this guy realizes that there's no evidence for it and just expects you to 'take it on faith', he's pissed off that you've wasted his time asking questions that fall outside his narrow line of thinking and he's dumping your ass.

    Consider yourself lucky: You've managed to see through they're crap before getting baptized, so they can't do anything to you. LOL!

  • DesirousOfChange

    You've committed the unforgiveable sin in Watchtowerland: You've indicated you do not believe their bullshit 1914 doctrine and have stated that there is no evidence for it.

    I had forgotten how little substance there was in Chap 9. But, reality is, with the Japan fiasco, most people would buy into the earthquake & ruining the earth "signs" for the Last Days. The place to question the 1914 date is in Chap 8, Pg 84, Par 23 "See the Appendix, pages 215-218" -- specifically page 216 about 607 -- Ask for proof of 607.

  • frigginconfused

    Any active JW's on here? I was wondering if there is a new agenda with them. If you dont show signs of being a follower right away they drop you?

  • miseryloveselders

    Any active JW's on here? I was wondering if there is a new agenda with them. If you dont show signs of being a follower right away they drop you?

    If Blondie is reading this, maybe she can reference this. Some years ago I seem to recall a KM that didn't exactly come out with a time limit for how many months a JW studies with someone, but it did lead one to conclude that there is a such thing as too long.

    Consider yourself lucky: You've managed to see through they're crap before getting baptized, so they can't do anything to you. LOL!

    This is so true.

  • saltyoldlady

    Hey Interested One - I'd study with you via email - or even here on the board if you like - but it wouldn't serve the purpose of getting you into a Congregation of the WTS since I have formally cut my ties with the outfit. LOL But I'd be delighted to wrestle any concepts you have questions about - and from more than one point of view - having spent over 30 years teaching as one of WTS adherents I can present their concepts for you but I'd also encourage scrutinizing them for their flaws and what improvements can be made. That kind of study would be fun. Of course you can easily do it without me too - there are so many on this site with great knowledge and smarts (much better than mine) you could probably just pose your questions as they come one by one on this site and we could all join in on the effort.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    There have always been unspoken time limits to Bible studies, depending on how judgmental the particular conductor was. I would conduct a study as long as someone would let me in the door. I have known others to have a strict six month time limit.

    I don't think the initial guy dropping you is moving just to drop you. He is using the move as an excuse to drop you. The new guy is dropping you because he's afraid of your questions and research ability. The mind control hasn't worked on you after 9 months and it is unlikely to ever do so.

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