Well I am hurt

by mouthy 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    I'm hurt, too.

    Life hurts.


  • Snoozy


  • Glander

    May the precious shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ wash away your tears of neglect and the pain of the cold indifference to your plight. I pray that HIS bright light will shine through the gloom and illuminate the path to the loving bosom of the Lamb of God.

    Hope this was catholic enough for you to get into a blood sacrifice groove.

  • mouthy

    Dont have to be any religion to speak to MY Creator...Thanks for the prayer.>Glander.

    Thanks to see all of your responses ... FARKEL???? I thought you had deserted us.GREAT

    your back.Thanks again for all your love Grace

  • kjw53

    Mouthy-- Jesus appointed the faithful slave over his domestics- You call him a liar by not believing his words. The false religious teachers in Jesus day called his new religion a sect ( cult ) as well. same happening today. Why- Because the fs learns from the holy spirit-The false religious teachers learn in schools of men.

  • kjw53

    ldrnomo-- You will never alter my view, i can clearly see the JW,s have truth- You all judge on what individuals do, you are sadly mistaken-and you are right-is just a waste of time here, i was confused from the title of this board- it should be changed.

  • miseryloveselders

    LOL @ kjw53. Since you know the makeup of this board, why are you still hanging around? I get the feeling you like us apostates....maybe even love us apostates..........

  • watersprout

    Grace i missed ya!


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Jesus appointed the faithful slave over his domestics- You call him a liar by not believing his words.

    Yes I am Calling him and his Father A LIAR!!! They are no Better than Satan the one they Call The Father of the Lie.

    So stick that in your pipe and Smoke it.....ohh yeah you have No freewill to do what you want unless the WTS says..not the Bible ...... little Men in Suits in Brooklyn. Don't come to a Forum and Suggest they Change their name...I suggest you Change your RELIGION you Pathetic Thing!

    One day you see ..."Oh My GOD I WAS IN A CULT" and the guilt you will feel for blinding your eyes will be overwhelming until you find Life Outside the Truth is SOOoooo much better than being a Slave to Men .....the very thing you preach to others you Hypocrite!

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    kjw53 You will never alter my view, i can clearly see the JWs have truth

    Spoken like a true cult member.

    As Thomas Paine would say... you are a slave to your present opinion, because you preclude yourself the right to change it.

    kjw53 you are right-is just a waste of time here, i was confused from the title of this board- it should be changed

    Or perhaps you should develop some critical thinking skills to help guide you through life. Changing JWN to XJWN won't fix your naivete, my confused amigo.

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