Mr. Falcon Asks......What's so bad about boxing?

by Mr. Falcon 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Berengaria

    Good lord, I agree with Terry. 'Cept I don't love boxing. Don't hate it either. I do cringe (Palm you wimp!). And I think it can be really depressing if you think about it too much and explore the money angle.

    So the JW's have a problem with boxing violence, but they have no problem whatever taking your family away from you if you make a mistake, or shielding pedophiles. Go figure.

    Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Inkie - that's an interesting point. I guess I wouldn't consider boxing any more or less violent than some of "creation" (bullet ants, anyone?) But you do make a good point.

    Terry - I wish that I had something better in my glass in which to toast your comment than Canadian Club whiskey, but it will have to do. Nicely said.

    berengaria - So the JW's have a problem with boxing violence, but they have no problem whatever taking your family away from you if you make a mistake, or shielding pedophiles. Go figure.

    devestating logic, right there, folks. Like being led into a southpaw left hook.

  • Berengaria
  • Berengaria


  • unshackled
    Boxing is the purest game of human nature on the planet.
    It distills the competition down to violent science.

    Well said. The reason I love boxing and not MMA is because of the simplicity. Using only your hands to inflict damage makes for the sweet science.

    I wish that I had something better in my glass in which to toast your comment than Canadian Club whiskey, but it will have to do.

    That's a Don Draper drink...not too shabby. Sharing in toasting Terry's comment...but it ain't no Canadian Club.

  • Berengaria

    Daddy said Great Grandpappy was a rough and tumble fighter

    John L Sullivan.jpg

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    unshackled - it was on sale. a pox on this economy. One day you and I will share a bottle of the finest scotch. And then we will proceed to shoot each others balls off.

    Hey Terry, I'd be interested on your thoughts on the whole MMA vs. boxing thing. Which do you prefer and why?

  • unshackled

    Falcon...oh I wasn't looking down on your Canadian Club. Rather, up to it. A pox on this economy, damn straight. I'm drinking Alberta Premium rye. It was on sale. Gonna go eat beans right out of the can now.

    Looking forward to Terry's MMA vs. boxing thoughts. I see it like this: MMA is to boxing as Nascar is to F1.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    MMA is to boxing as Nascar is to F1.

    couldn't say it any better than that, mi amice. It always starts out like your gonna see a cool Street-Fighter, Mortal Kombat kinda fight with dudes spin kicking and what not..... but then it ends up being 5 minutes of two men hugging and caressing on the ring floor, nuzzling in each others necks. Mr. Falcon was not prepared for that.

  • Vachi 8 He Is
    Vachi 8 He Is

    I beat Tyson..........with a game genie, but I digress. For that matter you may as well ask what's so bad about using ones natural ability and imagine little blue people living in harmony no less aside from the occasional visit from some guy and his cat? What's so bad about using that same imagination and creating a story where machines transform into mans image? What was so bad about breakdancing? (My uncle got on my case about that one at a dub gathering no less where other dubs were doing it as well. We all got a stern talking to) What's so bad about Earth, Wind & Fire? What's so bad about video games? What's so bad about going to a worldy party? This ain't the 1980's where kids BEG you to try their drugs. If I got some weed and you don't want it, trust and believe, I could care less. More for me anyway. What's so bad about Thriller? Clearly, the video is about saving the cheerleader, saving the world. Wait that's Heroes. They're in a movie theater and some wolfman movie is on. It's Mike of course but not the "same" Mike as the one watching the film. That one is just supposed to be a regular guy with his girlfriend who BTW is kirkin' out. The go outside and Mike zombifies and does some bad ass dance moves. So what's the problem? Zombies? The dead walking? Dubs should freekin' feel right at home with how people shuffle in and out of meetings/conventions and the ressurection horseshit. Really, are we gonna be able to use our imaginations at all in this poo system of things?

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