Why did you "BORN IN's" leave?

by stillstuckcruz 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • miseryloveselders

    Ohh yeah, and another thing too, like others mentioned, the 607 date given as when Babylon sacked Jerusalem amongst other doctrines is bothersome too. The WT isn't interested in dialogue or research and correction where necessary, they're interested in power and mantaining the status quo as Carl Olof Jonsson and Ray Franz's interactions with them illustrated. The same way the Pharisees, Scribes, and Sadducees in Jesus' day felt threatened by God's Son, and did whatever they could to stamp out the threat to their way of live that He posed, the WT operates much in the same fashion. What they lack in humility, they make up for in excessive pride, and paranoia.

  • wobble

    I came to the startling conclusion (to me) that 1914 was not supported in any way in scripture.

    I did not approach this from the dodgy 607 date, just that a simple reading of Daniel 4, with its prophecy of seven years of madness for King Neb. and the fulfillment right there in the chapter, reading that without WT spectacles on, was enough to convince me that 1914 was an invention.

    I then stopped, like our friend "The Finger" going D to D preaching a lie. The Elder that came to "shepherd" me about not going out in FS promised to return with proof of 1914. He never came back.

    The final straw was when I realised that the Governing Body were asking for the worship of the R&F by putting themselves in the place of Jesus.

    Blasphemous fools.

    I left in 2008, having been born in 58 years earlier.

  • Perry

    Too hostile of an environment. When the generation doctrine was jetisoned in the Nov. 95 issue of the WT I called it quits.

  • miseryloveselders

    Something else I wanted to mentioned that I hadn't thought about before, and its being able to choose who you associate with as opposed to it being chosen for you. There's a sister in my field service group that I absolutely loathe being around. She's a chronic complainer, she's annoying, she always thinks someone has personally went out of their way to slight her or her daughter, whom cant stand her by the way. The two of them together are always bickering and complaining and whining and its just too much to handle at times. When I got appointed, the elders pulled an okey doke on me by doing a shakeup of the field service groups. Nobody wanted these two in their group, so guess who got stuck with them? That's right, the rookie and I've had a mild resentment towards the body ever since. I try to have a sense of humor about things and keep things lively whether in field service or meetings, and on here. Life doesn't have to be excessively depressing. However, you've got some people that just are intent on sucking the life right out of you. They're like emotional vampires. This sister and her daughter were part of the reason I ended up on this forum, as I felt completely overwhelmed by the two of them. I reached out to an older brother and related to him my frustrations with them. He responded by telling me all the times he and other brothers tried assisting them, and how they came from another congregation where the brothers failed to satisfy their needs.

    That's just one instance of it all, and it goes back to having limited choices in who you can spend time with. I look forward to talking with my workmates and other contacts, more so than I do those in the congregation. It all goes back in my opinion to the WT regimenting faith. You can force people to be together, doesn't mean they'll get along, and if they do, it doesn't mean its out of genuine love for God or neighbor. Three to four times a week dealing with spiritual, doctrinal, and organizational matters can get to be a bit much. Not to mention some of these folks want to call you in the middle of the night or 3pm on a Saturday to talk about things you don't want to talk about. Then there's the gatherings, the congregation picnic, marriages, graduation parties, a visiting Bethel speaker, all these events that require your presense or participation less you offend someone's conscience!!! Arghgh. You know some pioneer said to me not that long ago when I expressed some resentment at having to go to some gathering, she went, "Misery, you're an elder now, you have to be there." Some days its enought to make you snap.

  • watersprout
    you've got some people that just are intent on sucking the life right out of you. They're like emotional vampires.

    Knew plenty of them when i used to go. In laws are two of them! Emotional vampires are very real! Dangerous aswel!

    Is there no way you can escape the hell hole that is dubbie land??


  • Perry

    However, you've got some people that just are intent on sucking the life right out of you. They're like emotional vampires.

    There are people like this walking around loose everywhere, not just the KH. They need Jesus and don't know it.

  • watersprout
    There are people like this walking around loose everywhere, not just the KH.

    In the KH its full on and you can't escape. Outside the KH you can run away screaming... I know i run away a lot! LOL


  • zoiks

    For me, the beginning of the end was discovering 607 vs. 587 while researching for a meeting part. At almost the same time, I came across a review of the "Creation" book that pointed out all of the dishonesty employed by the Society (it might have been Alan F.'s review).

    I was an MS at the time. Tried to soldier on for a while, but once the cat is out of the bag, it's not going back in. It was only a matter of time.

  • scooterspank

    I somehow managed to develop, gasp , independent, critical thought. It all started to fall apart then.

  • iceguy

    I was df'd in 2006 and was trying to get reinstated and I stumbled across this board and some others. When I saw that Russell had measured the pyramids I could not believe it! Of course then I realized the 1914 date was total BS.

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