This Site Has NEVER Been About Having 100% Freedom Of Speech

by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i'll add this thread to my ignore list.

  • miseryloveselders

    This thread is a perfect vehicle for us to dump on minimus

    heh heh heh sound familiar min?

    Screw that little red dot. He's the reason we're all at each other's throats. It was all good with Fuhrer Simon and Commandress Betsy until Minimus decided to stir the pot.

  • Pika_Chu

    I feel like my skin is actually thicker because of this place and that's a trait that no amount of money can buy and no amount of power can squelch.

    I agree with that. I was a big BABY before. After a month being on JWN, I can handle criticism a lot better. People are allowed to disagree with me now. I'll allow it. Lol.

  • suenott63

    Sometimes things are said because it provokes debate I think thats a good thing. Just because some dont agree or become affended doesnt mean whts being said is invalid or wrong. Didnt jesus say things that provoked anger and heated debate? It didnt mean what he said was wrong but it stoke the fires. I love doing that personally and sometimes it goes a bit too far. Jws have stifled debate and overreacted to things that were true and which is one of the reasons we who were jws left. Personal attacks are wrong but anything else within reason is fair game unless the moderators feel its not . like it or not everything is censored to a degree and there is no such thing as complete freedom of speech.

  • undercover

    To have developed truly JWN approved thick skin, you have to pass the Farkel test, grasshopper.

  • Pika_Chu

    @undercover: May I ask what the Farkel test is? How may I go about getting my official (not newbie) thick skin?


    Kiss my Pumpkin Ass!..

    With yo Pumpkin Kissing Lips..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    Ew. The Farkel Test. Poor Pika.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Psychotic Parrot: Simon is an ass sometimes.

    And that is relevant how? I think you're just saying that because he didn't grant you the power to ban me when you threw that hissy fit last Friday.

    I wasn't going to call you out on that thread but now your random acts of douchebaggery have given me reason to reconsider. You could stand a few lessons in manners.

  • minimus

    douchebaggery is a great word. never heard that one. LOL

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