April WT: 6 prophesies you are seeing fulfilled - earthquakes...

by NVR2L8 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WontLeave

    Anyone who invokes HAARP, I'm blocking you. I can feel my synapses dying whenever I read anything those people write.

    I have encountered several JWs who believe some of the stupidest crap. When you suppress a tendency as natural as curiosity, the human mind will find something to fill itself with. In my experience, people who know nothing will believe anything.

  • jeckle

    WontLeave ehat does HAARP stand for?

  • steve2

    Seismologists refute the apocalyptic interpretation of the recent spate of earthquakes.

    In addition, the availability of seismic technology means that even deep-under-the-ocean-floor earthquakes are registered and widely reported for the first time ever, as are earthquakes occurring in remote, unpopulated regions of the earth.

    Without the terchnology, we'd have no notion of such earthquakes - except for tsunamis caused by these oceanic earthquakes. Besides, there are factors besides magnitude that account for an earthquakes "great" destruction potential. For example, a small but "shallow" earthquake (i.e., occurring to a depth no greater than 40 kilometres) can cause more havoc on ground than a much stronger earthquake that occurs at greater depth.

    Crazies have always been able to read the apocalypse in anything destructive proving how prone humans are to superstition.

  • WontLeave

    [w]hat does HAARP stand for?

    High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - While this actually exists, it's become yet another conspiracy theorist wonderland.


  • carla
  • tenyearsafter

    From their website:

    HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.

  • tenyearsafter

    Could the increase we are seeing be as a result of the modern ability for instantaneous communication and media?

    100 years ago, it would take weeks, if not months, to get any info from abroad...and nothing from more remote areas of the world. Interesting thought, huh?

  • jwfacts

    The Watchtower started to make that comment since 2002, after sources started to prove that the Watchtower was giving misleading information.

      "Note, though, that the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy does not require an increase in the number or power of earthquakes. All Jesus said was that there would be great earthquakes in one place after another. Furthermore, he stated that these events would mark the "beginning of pangs of distress." (Matthew 24:8) Distress is measured, not by the number of earthquakes or how they rate on the Richter scale, but by the effect that they have upon people." Awake! 2002 March 22 p.9

    However, there is no increase in "great earthquakes." There are records of earthquakes killing 100,000's of people for most centuries since Jesus' time. On that basis Japan with 10-20,000 deaths cannot be classified a great earthquake.


  • diamondiiz

    UN had a charter back in late 70s if I remember correctly stating something that the weather control would not be used in future warfare. The link I have is no longer working so I would have to search the net for it again. So take this as you wish, if conspiracy theories are just theotries or what.


    wiki site


    Original un site doesn't work but found this from wiki, it takes a while to load.


  • steve2
    Could the increase we are seeing be as a result of the modern ability for instantaneous communication and media?

    Yes, that's plausible. Another factor is the availability and increased sensitivity of instruments for detecting the magnitude, depth and location of earthquakes. In the past, no one knew of deep ocean-floor earthquakes and there were vast tracts of uninhabitable land that no one would have known experienced earthquakes. Now we know in an instant when deep ocean-floor earthquakes occur and remonte-area earthquakes . This instantaneous and detailed feedback creates an erroneous impression that earthquake magnitude has increased.

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