Capitalism or Communism

by d 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • scary21

    I want to come to that debate! lol lol lol

  • d

    Communism could work if only humans were not so greedy.Human nature prevents us from having a equal share of goods.

  • sooner7nc

    Communism doesn't have a dog in the hunt. It's a myth that doesn't exist. A wonderful idea that's impossible to implement.

    End of discussion on Communism.

    Oh yeah, of course, one random guy comes along & says that he doesn't think communism would ever work, even though it has never even been tried out (according to him).. & that ends the discussion.

    Wow, i'd love to debate you. That would be a right ball!

    "Hey, i agree with what he just said.. end discussion!"

    YAAYYYY!!! I'm random! I'm so happy that I'm random and not some special work of God.

  • Berengaria
    Canada or North Korea?
    Didn't someone mention Democratic Socialism?
  • ldrnomo

    Maybe what we really need is "God's Kingdom" LOL

    I'm sure that's what any Jdub would say if they were to weigh in on this discussion.

    I think democratic socialism is what most of us have to some degree or another right now.

    getting the mix of capitalism and democratic socialism just right is usually the problem.

    PS to psychotic parrot

    hunter gatherers were communal groups but you don't see too many of them around anymore except maybe in the Amazon rainforest.

  • dgp

    Would anyone please give an example of democratic socialism?

  • designs

    Democratic Socialism- my earnings, my wife's checkbook.....

  • MeanMrMustard

    I think communism looks good on paper - but not so much in reality...

  • NeckBeard

    Democratic socialism is 2 wolves and 1 sheep deciding whats for dinner.

  • jgnat

    Boy, oh boy. It's NOT capitalism vs communism.

    A totally free-range economy is open to abuses. The two biggest stock market crashes followed deregulation, under the assumption that a free market is self-regulating. It isn't.

    Communism has failed at the national scale, since people don't react well to mass reorganization. I've just finished reading "The Fate of Africa" by Martin Meredith, and every attempt at farm collectivization ended in failure, lowered production, and starvation. Countries went from exporters to dependent importers of food.

    Locally organized communal societies do work, like our Hutterites.

    People need government to maintain order to prevent abuse, and security so they can plan for their future. Corruption kills countries; whether they call themselves democratic or something else.

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