I'm off to the circuit assembly today

by jgnat 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    I have my goody bag ready to go; a blank notebook and pencil, and two books:

    QED the strange theory of light and matter by Richard P. Feynman (Psalm 102:25)


    The Fate of Africa: A History of Fifty Years of Independence by Martin Meridith (Ecclesiastes 4:1-4)

    I'm off to Devil's Lake. What literature are you reading these days?

  • JRK

    Better you than me going to the CA. I am still working my way through "The Satanic Verses" by Salmon Rushdie. It starts off incredibly boring!


  • OnTheWayOut

    I've already read them, but if it were me at a CA, I suppose a Ray Franz book would be too radical, so I would read COMBATTING CULT MIND CONTROL. If asked about it, "You all say you're not a cult, so no big deal."

    Otherwise, maybe ESCAPE about the lady who got out of a cult or an anti-Mormon book.

  • miseryloveselders

    Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World by Liaquat Ahamad

    Treatise On the Gods by HL Mencken

  • jgnat

    Thanks for the book suggestions. I nearly finished the Africa book, and it is a brick!

    There were 567 in addendance, a drop of over thirty from last year, and a significant drop since 2003 (907). There were two baptism candidates, young men, born-ins I would say. This is higher than last year, when there were none!

    Brother Robert Scooty from the Canadian Bethel graced us with his presence. He was the only speaker without glasses. He cheerfully reported that the Canadian plant has switched to a double shift, from six in the morning to eleven at night. Since distribution hasn't doubled, I'd day the Canadian plant is probably taking over some of the American production.

    The key message? Hard to say as I wasn't paying much attention. There are references to Japan and worldly disasters, of course, tying nicely in to the theme, "Take Refuge in Jehovah [the Kingdom Hall]". And, oh yes, stay away from Vampires (with emphasis).

  • hamsterbait


    I thought you have your own Church. Do you go to help keep your Jdub happy and keep the peace?



    Good afternoon Jgnat..

    Girl,you are a soldier..Going to an assembly to keep hubby happy..?

    I couldn`t do it..

    He owes you Big Time..He`s Lucky to have you..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • DesirousOfChange

    Brother Robert Scooty from the Canadian Bethel graced us with his presence..... He cheerfully reported that the Canadian plant has switched to a double shift, from six in the morning to eleven at night. Since distribution hasn't doubled, I'd day the Canadian plant is probably taking over some of the American production.

    Wouldn't a Canadian citizen who is a volunteer at Canadian Bethel still be entitled to the Canadian medical plan/coverage? For US Bethel workers, I'm sure WTS must assume the costs of any medical care. A high deductible major medical health care plan from a insurance provider here is $125/month for a college aged male (more for female, pregnancy risks). For someone in their 30s -- $250/month; in the 50s -- $350/month.

    Don't you think that could be a consideration, esp since the move is planned to exit Brooklyn soon anyway.

  • GOrwell

    DoC : that's a great point, and why companies like Toyota love opening up plants north of the border, due mostly to the paid health care coverage in Canada. I'm sure if they could lay off a bunch of Brooklyn boys, they could save some serious cash over the long hall.

  • sammielee24

    A Canadian citizen has a right to healthcare - regardless of whether or not they volunteer, are unemployed, a child, a senior etc. So yes that could be part of it - sammies

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