Arrrghhh! enough you pompous christians!

by Aussie Oz 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    My eldest sister told me they had a peepin' tom in the nieghborhood,

    It's you Jay88, ain't it , you been peein' in my sisters house you pervert

  • ziddina

    Peein'??? Ewwwwwww...!! I'd make him clean that up, right away!!

  • wasblind

    Peeping Zid, but in my venacular I say peepin'

  • jay88

    You got me Wasblind

    My functional complusive disorder is peeing on furniture

    jay ;)

  • ziddina

    And SweetBabyCheezits' posts were classic!!

    "I think Shelby's repetitious "peace to you" and "a slave of Christ" may be genuine to her but that sincerity is lost on nonbelievers, especially when it appears in almost EVERY post. To me, it's part of her delusion, ..."

    "Delusion..." Yup, I think that about describes it...

    "I can see where logic might say, "Geez, she should realize that it sounds self-righteous." But I think a lot of non-theists would agree that logic is rarely the basis for many religious beliefs in the first place. ..."

    Hah! I never looked at it that way; good point, Cheezits!!

    And Cheezits REALLY hits the nail on the head with this one...

    "I enjoy a bid of peace as much as the next person. I'm just saying it may lose significance to some after the 80th time ..."

    And his next point, too...

    "Bear in mind, this doesn't even sound like something the gospel Jesus would do. I get the impression he let his actions speak for him or that the content of his message would've reflected his bid of peace enough that he wouldn't have to say it every paragraph. ..."

    Constantly "blessing" people and telling them to "have peace", sounds a bit too much like the Pharisees who made long prayers in the temple for public show... It's all just a bit too ostentatious to feel honest, imho.


  • ziddina

    (chuckle....) WasBlind, take a look at your spelling - spellin' - on the second line of your post...

  • tec

    See, the point has been made. Some don't like it. Some do. Some don't care either way. I think we all know that people have the right to post in any style they so choose. (as long as it is not attacking and vulgar, or against the rules) But since this is all about an attack on one poster, it seems petty and vindictive to carry it on. And on. And on. Lets all just gang up on and bully this particular person... never mind that at least half the posts on the lets get 'er thread are in defense of her.

    Just my opinion.


  • Nobleheart

    Why does anyone have to be judgmental? Non-theists might not appreciate others talking about their faith in God, Christians or other believers might not appreciate the God-bashing statements from non-theists.

    One of the reasons people come to this forum is because they feel free to express themselves without censure in various ways they never could while being a JW (or exposed to their agenda).

    Can't we all respect each other's freedom of expression?

  • ziddina

    The over-frequent repetition of the somewhat questionable "blessing" is what drives me up a wall...

    It's kind of like a kid asking "why?" when you tell them to do something, and then repeating "why" to everything you say...

    It's irritating and childish, and the child is usually DELIBERATELY trying to irritate you in a sneaky, sly fashion that supposedly slides "under" your moral standards - after all, what sort of "MONSTER" would get angry at a kid who's just trying to learn something...

    But that's just what the constant "may you have peace" and "may you be blessed" begins to sound like, after the 13th or 40th or 300th time...

    It has stopped sounding sincere, a LONG time ago... But it does sound manipulative.

  • CoonDawg

    I just consider it an indiosyncrisy. I certainly don't take offense. Let people be who they want to be. If you don't like their posts, don't read 'em - just skip over it. No one is holding a gun to your head checking that you don't skip anyone's post...I'm sure there are probably those that skip my posts too, and that's okay by's their perogative.

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