I am starting to understand that creationists dont understand Evolution

by cyberjesus 120 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MrFreeze

    At what point did the OP ever say God didn't exist? He just said that creationists don't get what evolution is all about. It's clearly true, in many of your cases.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    What is ALL? Is this an inclusive term or does it allow some exceptions? If it does, then it can't be ALL, can it?

    I was told by my WT study conductor that the Bible is written in a way that anyone can understand it. Either he was wrong, or I am dumber than "anyone" (or both)

  • tec
    I was told by my WT study conductor that the Bible is written in a way that anyone can understand it.

    LOL. But they don't really believe that, do they? Which is why they warn against independent study - without WT articles ;)

  • EntirelyPossible

    Above is a very deep thought. Hard to fully grasp because nothing we know of exists in our span of space and time that can possibly be over all, through all and in all. Yet that is what the bible says God is.

    Actually, you said God doesn't exist in our spacetime, you earlier you said "God always existed. He is not made of matter and thus does not need a begining point of existance. He is a spirit. He is eternal and is outside our stream of time".

    So, God exists in our spacetime and is "over all", but doesn't, he's over all matter and creation, but isn't matter. He is, but he isn't. You are also presuming that matter requires a beginning point for creation. I could just as easily assert that matter also requires not beginning point for existence. Your point about God isn't hard to grasp, it's simply ridiculous. How do you know a spirit isn't made of matter or energy? It seems that you are using a basic grasp of science and reading it into the bible and asserting that the ancient redactors were suggesting what you are reading into the texts.

    Why is it you put so much stock in the bible? BTW, I want to address something you said earlier. You said the dead sea scrolls proved the bible had changed little from the original manuscripts. That is a fallacy. It would require that we have the originals to compare to, which we don't. Analagously, I could say that finding my mothers recipe for coconut cake proved that my recipe was close to my lost great grandmother's recipe, but since I don't have my great grandmothers recipe to compare against, it in no way proves that at all.

  • NomadSoul


    Good post.

  • cyberjesus

    i like cookies

  • EntirelyPossible

    CJ, cookies are for the great unwashed heathens, cake for the atheists and other assorted and sundry pastries for the evolutionists. They all have milk in them and God said in our holy bible that milk was for the spiritual children. As we all know, children are usually wrong and should be seen and not heard.

    As god also said meat was for the mature, the only acceptable pastry for the spiritually mature is a meat pastry, like Beef Wellington. Analagously (remember, BTW, that you can't make an analogy without starting with "anal"), since meat is for the mature, god highly blesses medium rare grilled bone in ribeye steaks. Since that tops off a day of golf perfectly and pairs so well and is topped off nicely with a good scotch and cigar, we can infer that god also blesses those activities.

    Same thing for grilling brats, italian sausages and tailgating at football games. Really it's all very clear once you realize that God blesses all activities associated with the maturity of enjoying the meat in it's due season.

  • cyberjesus

    oh so milk no bueno?

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    It would seem to me that the non-existence of the Christian God is proven through his own inconsistencies and contradictions.

    "God is love"- No entity that claims to be the embodiment of love would EVER murder millions of people. Period. There is nothing loving about a god that kills because he feels that he is not being worshipped properly. You can argue this all you want, but there really is no other way to look at it. Take even "imperfect" humans, What human father do you know would murder his children because they don't obey up to his standards? Supposedly, "imperfect" humans don't have anywhere near the capacity that "God" has to love or show love.

    "God is a jealous God": If your God was really as omnipotent and "perfect" as you believe, would it not be reasonable to argue that he would be incapable of jealousy? Envy is one of the "Deadly Sins" after all. Jealousy is, in it's entirety, an ugly, hateful, and wholly un-loving emotion. Refer once again to "God is love".

    Any loving father, no matter if he was challenged by the Devil, would allow his children to suffer if he had the power to stop the suffering. How long is God going to give Satan to prove his point? How many people have to suffer to clear his good name? If God really was more powerful than the Devil, he could have just struck him down at the moment of his insubordination, thus proving his superiority in a much quicker and efficient fashion, rather than dragging his "followers" into it and making them suffer to prove his point. This whole "God had to give Satan a chance to prove his point" bullcrap is utterly ridiculous.

    Fossil evidence gives the evolution theory a pretty solid backbone, by the way. The bible makes no mention of dinosaurs, sabertooth tigers, giant land sloths, etc. We are led to believe that lions just spung up out of nowhere as lions. The flood theory doesn't hold water (pun intended) either. If that were the reason all of these species died out because they didn't make it onto the boat, wouldn't it be reasonable to think that all of the aquatic animals that died out, of which there are multiple fossil records, would have thrived in an all-water environment? What about the megalodon shark? The ancestor of the great white? where did they go? They simply EVOLVED to adapt to their changing environment.

    I know that this is all just a waste of time and bandwidth. You will never convince a believer that their faith is futile, just as you will never convince an athiest that a bearded sky genie is up there all jealous...but loving, waiting for the right moment to rain down fire and destroy millions.



  • cyberjesus

    You will never convince a believer that their faith is futile, just as you will never convince an athiest that a bearded sky genie is up there all jealous...but loving, waiting for the right moment to rain down fire and destroy millions.

    you know I wonder if eventhough I was a believer and stop believing.... if I ever really believed?

    Anyway this is not about GOD. its about the fact that creationist do not understand evolution... i know blanket statement... but many or most of them dont.

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