Why there has never been a better time to be alive!

by Married to the Mob 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • therevealer

    I think this is s o o o wrong. Jehobah's witlesses have made it very clear that it is getting worse every day. Oops. They have also said it is a great time to be alive cuz harmageddon is comin soon and all the bad peoples and bad stuff will be done away with. Any week, hour, minute now. Just hang in there and you will recieve the reward. Yahoo, paradise.

  • Lore
    That article is a joke. "The average citizen of earth is wealthier and healthier", the gap between rich and poor increaed dramatically over the last few decades, you are the wealtheir if you are in the top 20% of world income.

    A poor person today in America at least, is a person who falls below the poverty threshold, which in 2011 is $22,000 per year for a family of 4.

    My 5 person family lived on less than $30,000 per year for 4 years. . . If you compared my life during those 4 years to the average life of a person even just 400 years ago, you'd think I was a king.

    Also I don't get how people can be healthier when we now have a much higher rate of cancer and diabetes.

    More Cancer and Diabetes, less polio and black death. . . If people didn't live a lot longer these days you'd probably see less diabetes and cancer. Not to mention that now we can TREAT diabetes instead of people just dying from it.

    "the Chinese liberalised", the government blocks YouTube in China, need I say more?

    These are truly the darkest of times when some people don't have access to youtube. . . what about during the dark ages when NOBODY had youtube?

    Here some stats to show just how ignorant the author is of world condition: 20% of the entire world's population live of less than $1.25 a day.

    37% of the entire world's population lives of less than $2.00 a day.

    80% of the entire world's population lives of less than $10.00 a day!($3,650.00/yr)

    Like the poor woman written about here who works all day to make some fritters: http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0706/p01s05-woaf.html

    You learn something from this article: " The fruits of her labor are 150 small fritters and 150 large fritters, which will sell for about $.02 and $.04, respectively. "

    It would probably be alot easier to live on a dollar a day if you lived in an area where you could buy fritters for $0.04

    That's what people don't realize when they quote statistics like " 37% of the entire world's population lives of less than $2.00 a day."
    Sure that would suck if they lived HERE and only made $2.00 per day, but they don't and you can buy a heckuva lot more with $1 where they live than you can here.

    Every day 24,000 people die from hunger.

    And that really does suck.

    But that's 0.00034% of the population. Do you know what percentage of people died from hunger in the year 1470????

    I have no clue actually. But I'm pretty sure it was more than 0.00034%

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