it happened again, another Inactive JW encounter

by cyberjesus 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cyberjesus

    So I went out dancing again and as I usually do I like to talk to people at the end, this time I started chatting with a couple of girls. While having a conversation with one of them the issue of toasting came up. I told her I had no idea how was exactly done, since still I am not that familiar with the whole whishing thing. I told her that in many regards I was like a 2 year old boy... learning everything since I had been trapped in a Mind Control Cult...

    She paused, and ask what Religion? I said proudly tha I was an EX JW and she cover her mouth in disbelief. She was an Inactive and her friend DFd one from spain and one from cuba. So before i went any further I asked what she thought of the Religion.... So as to not interfere with her Cognitive Dissonance :-)

    After our conversation one of them says she doesnt believe it anymore but she can not tell any one in her family so as to not offend her family. I found out the other is in the process of getting re-instated.

    Wow there is a ton of those hidden ex jws everywhere uh?

  • skeeter1

    This is sort of how I met my spouse. My spouse mentioned that the family didn't celebrate birthdays much as a kid...... Luckily, the family figured out it was a cult years and years before...


  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Loads CJ, everywhere, everyplace! Did you get a date with one of the ladies?

  • av8orntexas

    I know the few that I have met were always leaning towards going back.

    Or just out having fun,but trying to keep a good face during the week.

  • jwfacts

    My son used to always bump into JWs in nightclubs. He would laugh about being able to pick them as they would be the sluttiest one there.

    Are you going to keep in touch with them?

  • alanv

    Every day that goes by sees an increase in ex witnesses. The more there are, the more the Watchtower will be exposed.

    Bring it on!

  • nugget

    there are alot about lol. I bump into ex jws more often than active ones these days.

  • miseryloveselders

    I just found out a matter of a couple months ago, that a woman I work with , her husband is DFd, and that she was raised in it but never baptized. I know one of the brothers who was on her husband's judicial committee. Its funny because I trained her, and all that time we had no clue about each other. She told me that she knew there was something familiar about me, but she just couldn't quite put her finger on it.

  • Krettnawe

    Maybe all ex-JW's should wear a purple trapazoid on thier sleeve.

  • Heartofaboy

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