sd-7 report: End of an era

by sd-7 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Congratulations. Embrace your freedom and have a happy life.

  • mimimimi

    It may be the end of an era, but it is also a new beginning for you. Best wishes for you going forward.

  • sd-7

    I know a lot of what happened is because of how she was brought up, she's just doing what she has absorbed from her other experiences. Same as me. So it's not really her fault any more than it is mine.)

  • sd-7

    And, I don't have any kids of my own, for the record. So she's not the mother of my child.

    I think from the aforementioned quote, it's clear that misery overlooked what I actually said. It happens to all of us. I'm not doing this post to point fingers, I'm just doing it to let you know what's going on. I blame myself more than anyone else ever will, believe me on that. This is a time for healing more than anything--the self-criticism in a balanced way will have to come later.

    We'll see if you're a real-live prophet, ziddina, so far you're at the least, better than the 'faithful and wise servant' in predicting the future. So...impressive.

  • ziddina
    "We'll see if you're a real-live prophet, ziddina, so far you're at the least, better than the 'faithful and wise servant' in predicting the future. So...impressive. "


    Wait a minute...

    That puts me ON the SPOT!!


  • factfinder


    I wish you the best.

  • miseryloveselders

    And, I don't have any kids of my own, for the record. So she's not the mother of my child.

    I think from the aforementioned quote, it's clear that misery overlooked what I actually said. It happens to all of us. I'm not doing this post to point fingers, I'm just doing it to let you know what's going on. I blame myself more than anyone else ever will, believe me on that. This is a time for healing more than anything--the self-criticism in a balanced way will have to come later.

    We'll see if you're a real-live prophet, ziddina, so far you're at the least, better than the 'faithful and wise servant' in predicting the future. So...impressive.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa.......the kid aint yours? Its early enough that you avoid being stuck with a bill for the next 18-21 years. Get that handled pronto!!! Get a lawyer, or a paternity test, or both.

  • lifeisgood

    Dude, find some hot chicks to bang. Don't move back in with your parents. Join the military and go kill some Mooslims. Or become a drug dealer. Do something positive with your life.

  • laverite

    Best of luck to you SD! Keep strong. Do what you need to do. We're with ya!

  • jamiebowers
    "Today you get to say 'I told you so'

    Dear heart, there is no love in, "I told you so", and you haven't found any of that on this thread so far.

    I will need to develop more emotional wisdom so as not to find myself in a similar situation in the future.
    Self-esteem, self-development, must be my priority now. So that who I am defines me rather than who I am with. I had enough of that as a cult member, after all.

    Oh, this is all music to my ears! You will accomplish such and have already made great strides in doing so.

    There is a lot of life and love on the outside to enjoy. I wouldn't really know myself, but I'm sure plenty of people here would say so.
    In the short run, things will get mighty unpleasant, but it is my hope that better times are ahead

    You are correct, sir, and it will happen for you. Every time I think of you, I remember what Quincy Jones told Oprah years ago..."Your future is so bright, you're gonna need shades."

    Just spoke to my dad, he's recommending I move out and come back home like, in 3 days. He's probably right, it's kind of crime-ridden here. But my

    mom's a JW, it could create political problems for her if I return.

    Well, that's an interesting turn of events. It could definitely help you to save for the plans we've been talking about. Oh, I just had a great thought. Will have to talk about it tomorrow, (well later today, since I'm up again in the wee hours of the morning). I am not surprised that your parents love you more than you believe. After all, in less than a few short years I fell in love with you as if you were my own son. Anyone who gets to know the real you will would be happy and proud to have you in their life.

    Your dad wouldn't have made the offer if it was going to set your mom off. Don't forget, she has the luxury of being married to an UBM when dealing with her df'd son.

    I know a lot of what happened is because of how she was brought up, she's just doing what she has absorbed from her other experiences. Same as me. So it's not really her fault any more than it is mine.)
    I blame myself more than anyone else ever will, believe me on that. This is a time for healing more than anything--the self-criticism in a balanced way will have to come later.

    You keep insisting that this is more your fault than her's. If you could share all of the details on this board, I am certain that the more experienced, mature women here would disagree with you and tell you what I've been telling you all along. But let's just leave blame out of it for now. Suffice to say that you now know where you made your mistakes, and you are learning from them. I am so proud of the accomplishments you've made so far, dear heart. I am your staunch advocate...even when I have to fight you to be such. And I'm always just a phone call away.

    As for the others who are reaching out to you, let them in. You can never have too much love, dear heart...especially you.

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