The real story about the tea party movement

by lifeisgood 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • GOrwell

    "Some liars on this site are claiming that the tea parties are actively pushing to achieve the balanced budget by cutting only liberal policies. I'm not sure what this means exactly, but this is an out and out lie."

    If you don't know what this means, how do you know that it is a lie?

  • NeckBeard

    If you are big and connected like GE you get to do 14billion a year and not pay a dime in corporate tax if you suck government c**k. You have a regular business that doesn't suck it, and you get the full IRS snowjob. The regulations are killer too. Then when the jobs move overseas its time for J6P to eat the government cheese and say "may I have some more?" We need low taxes low regulation without the loopholes and subsidies actross the board for everyone. This system is a joke.

  • BizzyBee
    The fact is, that unless you make over 1 million dollars per year, voting Republican, or for anyone who promotes those old policies is not in your financial best interest.

    True. Read What's the Matter with Kansas.

    And this is just a lie "The Tea Party is led by people who buy in to the old failed economic policies of the last 30 years". Not true. How is a balanced budget the same old failed economic policies of the last 30 years?

    This is not a lie, it is an analysis. The Tea Party squawking for a balanced budget is being co-opted by big money interests to get their taxes cut and businesses deregulated. In the meantime, our air, water and soil are being raped by big oil, big agriculture and big energy.

  • NeckBeard
    The Tea Party squawking for a balanced budget is being co-opted by big money interests to get their taxes cut and businesses deregulated.

    As if raising taxes and regulation are going to get people back to work. Hey, lets throw a trillion dollar TARP and another trillion dollar stimulus package into it too. That sure worked. No problem, our kids will pay for it.

    big oil, big agriculture and big energy.

    Who've all got the Democtrats in THEIR POCKETS YOU SHEEPLE. Big business WANTS regulation. It keeps out competition.


    We need a new category for Bizzybee: Big Stupid.

  • BizzyBee
    We need a new category for Bizzybee: Big Stupid.

    Excuse me, I thought we were having an adult discussion of a serious topic. Big Stupid? Apparently we are in kindergarten-land, Poo-poo-Head. You've merely confirmed the notion about the intellect of Tea Baggers.

  • lifeisgood

    I find it interesting that the behavior of one person tells you the civility and intellect of millions of people.

  • BizzyBee
    I find it interesting that the behavior of one person tells you the civility and intellect of millions of people.

    Yeah, well. The Tea Baggers are not very well organized so it is impossible to tell who speaks for them, ne'st pas?

    But, actually, the members of the Tea Party (millions? Nah - not even close). According to tea party member databases, there are roughly 67,000 members in counties across America.

  • NeckBeard

    Continuing Revolution Rally

    When: Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 12pm

    Robert A. Taft Memorial, Washington, DC (North West of the Capitol Building, Directly West of Upper Senate Park). Click on map to go to Google for directions.

    Patriots across the nation spoke loudly last November. You voted for change. You voted for real fiscal leadership.

    Unfortunately Washington doesn’t get it. President Obama and the Reid Senate continue to ignore the fiscal crisis while the House dithers around the edges of spending cuts. We need bold leadership and we need it now. IT’S TIME TO ACT. Join us on the National Mall this week to turn up the heat on entrenched Washington politicians.

    Tell them:

    • You want the full $100 billion in cuts they promised
    • You want $105 billion for Obamacare implementation cut now.
    • You expect the courage to lead us out of the financial hole Washington has dug.

    Join the Tea Party Patriots Continuing Revolution Rally on the National Mall this Thursday.

    While American families have been forced to pair back their budgets President Obama doubles down on costly programs like Obamacare and high speed trains we can’t afford. This week Harry Reid will participate in a rally to protect entitlements. That’s not leadership. That’s just plain irresponsible governing.

    We can’t kick this can down the road again. It’s time to make a stand and put the screws to the Washington establishment. Join the Continuing Revolution this week.

  • NeckBeard

    But, actually, the members of the Tea Party (millions? Nah - not even close). According to tea party member databases, there are roughly 67,000 members in counties across America.

    Right. Like only 67000 people could flip more than 50 House seats in November. Riiiiiight.

    And your number is from a year ago. The Tea Party is growing. Get used to it.

    Those 67,000 are the tip of a huge iceberg.

    The exact "size" of this movement is difficult to quantify. The number of actual participants in the Tea Party movement -- those who appear in person at rallies or meetings -- is, on a relative basis, small. That is, hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands as compared to the base of 300+ million Americans or about 220 million adult Americans. But. As is the case for an iceberg, what's visible often tells us little about the size of what is beneath the water.

    One reason Democrats are so fearful of the Tea Party movement is its size. Up to 24% of the electorate self-identifies as Tea Partiers.

  • NeckBeard

    But, actually, the members of the Tea Party (millions? Nah - not even close). According to tea party member databases, there are roughly 67,000 members in counties across America.

    Right. Like only 67000 people could flip more than 50 House seats in November. Riiiiiight.

    And your number is from a year ago. The Tea Party is growing. Get used to it.

    Those 67,000 are the tip of a huge iceberg.

    The exact "size" of this movement is difficult to quantify. The number of actual participants in the Tea Party movement -- those who appear in person at rallies or meetings -- is, on a relative basis, small. That is, hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands as compared to the base of 300+ million Americans or about 220 million adult Americans. But. As is the case for an iceberg, what's visible often tells us little about the size of what is beneath the water.

    One reason Democrats are so fearful of the Tea Party movement is its size. Up to 24% of the electorate self-identifies as Tea Partiers.

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