They found crosses!

by bottleofwater 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods
    I haven't followed this kind of stuff in the past. Could you elaborate please?

    For one, didn't somebody in Israel fake a burial casket to appear as that of John the Baptist?

    There was also an Israeli "archeologist & antiquities dealer" who has a really sordid record of faking ancient Jewish relics - some ended up in famous museums until they were exposed.

    I agree with Terry - wait and see.

    It is intruiging that the cross was depicted as a capital T - this was the conclusion of the History channel show on the Roman cross, as well.

  • Giordano

    So why in the world didn't someone follow Jesus around with a little lead book taking notes! What was the big deal? Get the lead out apostles!

  • tec


    Aren't there any other documents from that time that show crucifixion and the method that it was carried out? Roman work/writings/drawings? Jewish work/writings/drawings? Greek work/writings/drawings? Anything?


  • Terry

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    by richarddawkinsdotnet | 1 year ago | 540,092 views


    The WBT$ can tell JW`s anything they want..JW`s will Eat it up..

    Two possible WBT$ Explanations for the Cross..

    #1..The Romans nailed Jesus to a Cross,to make the WBT$ look Bad..

    We Nailed you to a Cross because..

    In 2,000 years..

    This is really going to Piss Off the WBT$!

    #2..The Cross is actually 2 OverLapping Poles..

    The WBT$ "Overlapping Pole" Teaching..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • yourmomma

    if the JW's believe that the big bad "apostate trinitarians" removed every single place in the NT manuscripts that Jehovah was written, then this find will do nothing to change their mind. For to remove Jehovah from not only every manuscript, but every christian writing would likely take the ability of time travel. When faced with the insanity of their position, they have simply played the "satan" card, just like they do with the flood. That "satan" has made fossils look older than they really are, and "satan" is testing us. lol

  • tec

    Even if it turns out to be authentic, there will be people ('experts') who say that its a fraud (for other implications). They only have to quote one of those experts, even if 99% of people agree that it is authentic, to instill doubt about the 'worldly' conclusions.


  • Hoping4Change

    Perhaps if 'authenticated' this will morph into the next '587 vs 607' debate - doesnt matter what 'secular archaeological evidence' there might be for a 'cross', the Bible says 'stauros' and that means 'upright stake / pole' and that is that!

  • WontLeave

    A. A. LeBec researched the Crucifixion in 1925 and discovered someone with hands directly overhead (as on a stake) would asphyxiate in minutes.

    The cross/stake debate has only existed in the minds of JWs. An actual dispute is whether the patibulum (cross piece) was on top of the stipes (upright pole) or lower; either resembling a majuscule or minuscule "T". Another question was whether the nails were through the tops of the feet into the front of the cross or through the sides of the feet into the sides of the cross.

    The Watchtower has completely ignored all evidence that disagrees with them on every subject, so far. Why would they change now? They even use an illustration from De Cruce Liber Tres by Justus Lipsius to indicate support for a stake being used for Jesus' execution. In reality, several different images are in the book of various methods of Roman crucifixion and only the one copied in the NWT appendix indicates a pole. Lipsius did not support the idea of Christ dying on a stake.

    Of course, when all this evidence is compiled and introduced to the average JW, they'll start to waffle and deny the object used makes any difference. Of course this is a lie, since JWs generally start arguments about it, believing they can win because the average person has done no research on the subject. The JW is relying on being the only one in the argument with any information (even if it's completely false). It's only when they lose, they backpedal and deny it's of any consequence. Also, if the device isn't important, why go against all conventional understanding and make a big deal out of it for the last 50 years?

    Because the GB requires JWs to grant complete authority to everything said by the Society. If there is any question in the JW's mind, one sign of weakness in their brazen statements in the literature, the slightest realization the "faithful and discreet slave" might not have any clue what they're talking about, the entire mystique of the Society and its position over the laity could completely unravel. For some JWs, it does completely unravel.


    The "WBT$ OverLapping Pole" Teaching..

    Could be used to show the WBT$/JW`s have the..


    ...................... ...OUTLAW

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