Publishing Cult - Please read rules of Conduct From Youtube

by lovelylil 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil


    Why did you have to use anyone elses' comments besides Rick? If he was the one you had the problem with?

    You don't know those people who go on that call. Some are brand new out of the WT and are depressed and going thru very tough times. They are there for support. One of the people whose comments you used is brand new out of the WT and has a jc coming up. She needed support from other ex jws. It was her first time on the call, and you used her comments to try to make her look like a fool.

    Don't you guys realize that by your little juvenile antics, you are affecting real people and their lives? And these are people who have been through enough trauma. Isn't that what is unethical and immoral?

    How are you any better than the WT? You have a problem with Ricks comments so you bash the entire group on the conference calls saying what we are "one who flew over the cukoos nest followers". Sounds like the WT and they way they deal with "all Christendom" or all "worldy" people.

  • tec

    Making sure that your rights aren't being violated is not being judgmental or unforgiving.

    Copyright infringement is difficult to prove, though, unless its black and white. Some cases are thrown out, and some are valid. I don't know anything about the fair use laws. Lovelylil admitted to not knowing what they are as well, and that is why she looked into it. Without revealing the poster and the details, I don't think she can get a straight answer from Youtube. Unfortunately, I also agree that Youtube would rather take down a video than deal with a potential lawsuit, even if there were no strong grounds.

    Would be nice if there was a straightforward answer that didn't entail pages or long paragraphs of this clause and that clause language.


  • lovelylil

    thank you shamus, i just sent you a pm reply.

    thank you tammy, much appreciated.

    This does not concern me personally, I am not hurt by it at all. I am trying to protect people who are vulnerable that is all. Peace to all, Lilly

  • PublishingCult

    Look, Lyl, those who go on these kinds of programs think they can just run their mouths and say whatever they want, and they can. FREE SPEECH. But then I get to listen to it, then express my opinions about what they say. And here you are, freely expressing your opinions about what I had to say about what they had to say. If they are going to say irrational and bigoted statements, they should expect to have a mirror held up to their faces (so to speak). If they cannot handle the criticism, they probably shouldn't open their mouths.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I appreciate your compassion for those exiting the Borg, Lilly. Really, I do. I'm still in the process myself.

    But I agree with PC, that Rick refusal to fact-check and his religious narrow-mindedness does MORE HARM than good for those of us working our way out of the Watchtower. A good portion of people leaving the Watchtower ARE GAY. How do you suppose Rick's show made THEM feel?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Publishing Cult hasn't done anything wrong. Any use of Rick's content falls under "fair use".

    Perhaps Rick needs to warn his callers that they are being recorded, that it will be available online, and that once put on the internet, it can be on the internet FOREVER.

  • cyberjesus

    I have a confession to make.... the lady is ME! its me.. I swear it! you gotta trust me.... I am offended and you violated my rights. I mean you dont name me nor identify me but it still is a violation... of my rights or my wishes or whatever dont you see.... it is copyrighted because you copied and it was not your right it was mine, whatever.. I mean I never requested a copy right but. whatever, its my voice and I own it. I know I sound like I could be anyone but you gotta trust me.. its me its my voice.

    I know I dont sound like me but if you call that show, you gotta fake your voice a little dont you think? Anyway remove it or else.... or else.. (let me think) or else I wont call the show again.. and you wont get to hear my opinion..

    Take that PC. you wont hear me again because I wont call again because I dont want you to copy my fake voice.

    Check Mate

  • lovelylil

    Rick was the one who brought it up, not the others. They should not of been targeted. I will be on the call in the future, and will protect my rights like youtube told me. But make no mistake, when I make comments, I defend them 100%. I know what I stand for and do not back down. If you ever have a problem with anything you hear me say on the conference calls, I invite you to open a thread here and we will discuss it. That way you don't have to hide behind a video.

    I am Lilly from Boston MA, just remember my name. Peace, Lilly

  • lovelylil


    I didn't know you were a female impersonator, lol

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    How is Publishing Cult "hiding behind a video"???

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