I'm Starting To Understand Atheist and Evolution

by Philadelphia Ponos 106 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DagothUr

    Philadelphia Ponos, we - the grown up kids - do not wish to play with you. You are wasting your time. Go play with your God-friend. Larsinger, I'm starting to like you. Mock them to the death!

  • cyberjesus
    Re: I'm Starting To Understand Atheist and Evolution

    Atheist is not a thing. I think you mean Atheism.. What is exactly what you understand and how did you get to that understanding?

    For many years I was sincerely perplexed when someone told me they believed in the evolution theory or were an Atheist.

    I guess you will continue perplexed since you believe that God created everything...

    A logical person can't look at all the evidence for intelligent design and say all of this came from a big bang.

    No i guess a logical person will come up with an imaginative story as to how life came to exist.. its easier.

    How can gases mixing together or energy heating produce intelligent beings?

    Or how two cells from two different human beings can multiply in over 50 trillion different cells with different functions

    How can intelligence come from unintelligence?

    The same way Untillegent statements can come out of people who think they are intelligent :-)

    I've now learned that the vast majority of people who are Atheist or promote the evolution theory are people who had bad experiences with religion.

    Aint that awesome? you got it... I hate God I hate him... wait a minute but I dont believe there is one... i am in trouble

    I've learned that it is these traumatic events that a person experiences in their lives that makes them abandon logic and start basing their belief in Atheism or the evolution theory on emotion.

    You got me! where is the logic? I can not find it. Nothing makes sense... nah! I give up, I rather belive in "no-god"

    How often do you hear someone say "I don't believe in God because there's too much suffering in the world" or "If God was real this or that would of never happened", these are emotional arguments and does nothing to disprove all the facts that point to intelligent design.

    Vs I believe in God because everything is too perfect and it has to be designed by someone, or something or..... who cares, by God!

    If you think for a second about the most prominent Atheist on this forum and in the world, you'll see that they all on some level had a bad experience with religion.

    Who is that? then since most people here had a bad experience with religion, we all should become Atheists.

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos
    PP, I did that on the previous page. guess you didnt read it, oh well...

    Sorry if I missed it. I read your post up until the sarcastic remark you made above Ipads and than stopped. If you want me to read or take your post seriously it'll help if you drop the sarcasim.

    They certainly offer valid points and very fair arguments, in my opinion.

    Can you or anyone else point out some of these valid points? So far all I have been hearing is there are a lot of evidence for evolution but no one has actually posted any of this evidence. All the "evidence" I've seen myself were nothing but assumptions.

    "If it doesn't make sense, it's probably not true."

    I don't see how intelligent design doesn't make sense when you look at the order and structure of the world around you.

  • NomadSoul

    It is obvious that you don't want to discuss any real information. I already asked you what makes the Earth be the "perfect" distance from the Sun and you won't even answers a simple question. And it's only addressing one of your arguments for intelligent design.

  • sabastious
    It is obvious that you don't want to discuss any real information. I already asked you what makes the Earth be the "perfect" distance from the Sun and you won't even answers a simple question. And it's only addressing one of your arguments for intelligent design.

    The reason the earth is the "perfect" distance from the sun is because the sun came before the earth. Life evolved because of the sun, not for the sun.


  • Terry

    I'm starting to understand people of Faith. I use to think they were honest, sincere, committed people who wanted to maintain the highest possible standards of thought and behavior.

    But, I now I've had an epiphany. People of faith are intellectually lazy persons whose lack of personal honesty will not permit them to get up off their butt and go outside their comfort zone to investigate unless you count books written by academics and journalists disguising their own prejudices and pretending to be skeptics but who have an agenda.

    Intellectual honesty will not lead a person to automatically look at the world in black and white, good and bad while only really listening to their own side dictate what the definitions of these terms "means."

    Just kidding!

    I think it is pretty hard for either side to go to a neutral corner.

    Both sides are ego-committed to being right and prone to over-simplify.

    Each side has totally different foundational premises operating.

    They may seem to use the same vocabulary but they employ proprietary jargon.

    Why opposites bait each other and try to provoke silly, empty, unreasonable arguments can only be the result of immaturity.

  • cantleave

    PP get an education then come back and discuss!

  • DanaBug

    I think this is an excellent place to start. I learned a lot here. http://evolution.berkeley.edu/

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos
    It is obvious that you don't want to discuss any real information. I already asked you what makes the Earth be the "perfect" distance from the Sun and you won't even answers a simple question.

    That statement was so straightfoward I didn't think it needed any further explanation, but to answer your question if you put human beings on any other planet in the entire universe the climate would be either too hot or too cold to support life. Of course you could used circular reasoning and say life would evovle to meet the conditions of any planet in the universe, but the fact that there are no traces of life on any other planet suggest otherwise.

    BTW: I became an atheist by trying to find proof that there is a God.

    I would love to know what exactly were you looking for because it's impossible to prove or disprove the existence of God.

  • sizemik

    I see a lot of posters saying I don't understand the evidence of evolution and I am confused. Can anyone please post some of these so called facts that supports the evolution theory, becuase when I look up evolution all I see are assumptions and more theories.

    Philadelphia Ponos . . . While evolution is generally regarded theory, it is nevertheless based on known facts and in this area you need to be more topic-specific in assembling the evidence.

    As an example . . . examine the nature and established history leading to the existence of limestone/marble.

    Limestone formations (stalagtites etc) found in caves etc., can be dated to a fairly accurate level. Some are known to have taken as much as 30 million years to form. The limestone from which they have emerged is itself an ancient sea floor that has taken a vast period of time (sedimentation, tectonic uplift) to provide the conditions for these formations to form. The entire process can cover a period of 130 million years or more.

    But here's the thing . . . the material from which Limestone originates are expired marine creatures . . . the conclusion being obvious.

    Such verifiable facts (do the research) expose the Bible's creation account for what it is . . . allegory. Furthermore, by verifying these time frames, at the very least, the platform they provide lend support to the evolutionary model (theory). This is but a single example. There are many more.

    Now I'm not saying this proves there is no God . . . but if we are to have such a belief, it needs to harmonise with the evidence . . . as does evolutionary theory.

    Luvonyall - MS

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