Does this mean what I think it means?

by MrFreeze 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • transhuman68

    LOL, Outlaw.

    Don't go to their meeting- just keep fading. Say you have to be out of town that weekend.

    The Witnesses think they are so special that everyone has to make a stand either for them or against them, but in reality they are just another insignificant religion.

    If you can stay 'friendly' with the elders it can be useful, sometimes.

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    Have fun with them. Act like your crazy and start drulling tell them your on meds!.....Tell them you hear voices....they will leave you alone you see.

  • wasblind

    The first step in taking control of your life is not attending

  • AiAi

    They may want to see whether or not you still recognize their authority and/or consider yourself a JW. They have to send a letter to you first informing you if you do not show up you could be disfellowshipped. So in the meantime I would ignore their calls and they will probably just put everything on hold until you try to come back or cause trouble.

  • MrFreeze

    The drooling approach would be hilarious. I wouldnt say Im fading. I went from good JW ms and reg pioneer at the start of the meeting and ended it informing them I wouldnt be back. It was a jump, not a fade.

  • finallysomepride

    good for you MrFreeze, action that's what counts, I took action, be it a slow faaaaaaaaaade.

    Don't go, don't play their game.

  • PublishingCult

    I say it's a set-up. They are trying to find grounds for disfellowshipping. Don't give it to them.

    They cannot let you get away without fulfilling their egotistical authoritative role. They must get a round off straight into your head and make it official so they can have the satisfaction of reading that letter to the congregation and congradulate themselves for being Jehovah's little men in black.

  • wasblind

    " I went from good JW ms and reg pioneer at the start of the meeting and ended it informing them I wouldnt be back."

    Then you have no reason to meet with them, your done, even if their not

    don't give them the chance to bring you to your knees , don't play their

    games anymore.

  • sabastious
    They already know I've gone apostate.

    If this is true then there is no reason to speak with them other than curiosity.


  • TotallyADD

    The last meeting with the CO which was over a year ago that I was part of. He brought out imformation from the GB which said if you someone says they don't want to be part of this orgainization anymore or are know to be apostate. Leave them alone do not chase after them or form a committee they are already DA. Maybe your congregation elders have just received that imformation. The GB does not want their elders talking to apostates. Totally ADD

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