Were you SPANKED?

by unshackled 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Can't help it. I'm excited. As a child or as an adult ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • jam

    Two times , once when I set our store on fire, and the

    second time I deface the front of our home. It was

    more like A beating then A spanking.

  • unshackled

    Many a time my mother chased me around the house with a metal clothes hanger or the belt

    Right...and then there were the different tools of spanking. THE BELT..."I'm gonna get your father's belt" was always the big one. Then there was the bare bottom spank or the clothed spank.

    Metal clothes hanger...ouch. Once got spanked with a bike brake cable that was lying around in the yard. Think I was ignoring calls for supper.

  • unshackled

    I just asked a similar question the other day (See: 'Then & Now').

    Missed that one headisspinnig...will check it out.

  • Snoozy

    Did the spankings work?

    My brother claims we were spanked all the time..that isn't in my memory..he had a lot of medical problems and I can't see him getting a spanking..they babied him.

    I wonder if he is associating being in the hospital and the pain from it with parents hurting him. (They took him to the hospital)

    He also swears there was a spider the size of the bedroom door crawling on the door..

    Sometimes I wonder if people really got beat often like they remember or if it just stands out and seems like it because it was tramatic to them..

    Not saying this is the case with all that said they were beat all the time but wondring if it is possible to transfer pain to another incident?


  • unshackled

    my dad got so upset once he was gonna hit me with his fist on my leg but I was faster than him and moved it away, he hit the iron bed support... he broke his hand.... take that Fruits of the Spirit.

    I like it...damn you fruits of the spirit! My father would lose his temper easily and would want to hit me with his fist....but open his hand last second. Slap/punch.

    One time was after the Sunday meeting, noon time. I got changed out of my dress clothes too fast for him, he didn't like that I assumed we weren't going out in afternoon service. He freaked and hit me in the kitchen. Such love encouraged me to really really want to go in service.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    spanked? Like a few slaps on the behind? That's what I did to my kids. But that isn't what we got as kids. We went to meetings with black and blue welts on our bodies. The boys could hide them pretty well but it was harder to hide the ones on our legs unless we wore leggings/leotards

  • dontplaceliterature

    This is an interesting topic.

    I am "born-in" and was spanked growing up, frequently. I was a pretty mischevious kid though (very smart/curious/busybody). Looking back, I don't remember ever feeling abused, and I certainly didn't go to the Kindgom Hall with welts, or bruises. However, my parents were not afraid to spank me in front of everyone in that building. The humiliation was more of a deterrant than the actual pain. That type of discipline worked FOR ME.

    Yet, I can name a few kids who were beaten to excess. For some children, spanking isn't the best method of discipline. It's up to a parent to determine what works best, and do that, I think.

    I will say that this has become almost non-existent in my area. The only child in my Kindgom Hall that is well-behaved gets spanked (not to excess). The rest of them are total maniacs because their parents are too worn out ot put the effort into disciplining them properly. I don't believe in yelling at your kids. That does no good, and that's what most of them do instead of spanking them.

    All of the children that I grew up with that were not spanked, became pretty disfunctional as adults (drugs, multiple sexual partners, etc.). They were self-serving, to a fault. I'm not judging those people, as they were raised in a pretty screwed up religion. But I would blame their current lifestyle more on their lack of discipline as a child than I would on their being raised as a Jehovah's Witness. They are impulsive because lack of discipline caused them to shoot first and ask questions later. Had they been properly disciplined they would have learned to think twice before making some of the choices they made in life. These are still good people @ heart, but just not "centered".

    I really think that people shouldn't be too hard on their children at the Kingdom Hall, though. It's tough for a toddler to sit through a meeting without being noisy/fidgity. It's tough for a toddler to sit through a Disney movie without being noisy/fidgity. So how could we expect our kids to be quiet little angels during the meetings?

  • unshackled

    All of the children that I grew up with that were not spanked, became pretty disfunctional as adults (drugs, multiple sexual partners, etc.).

    Interesting thoughts. Not sure I would agree "multiple sexual partners" makes for a dysfunctional adult. Drugs...depends what kind...marijuana wouldn't be dysfunctional from my viewpoint. Those judgements seem very JW..."the world is evil" type of view.

  • dontplaceliterature


    Interesting thoughts. Not sure I would agree "multiple sexual partners" makes for a dysfunctional adult. Drugs...depends what kind...marijuana wouldn't be dysfunctional from my viewpoint. Those judgements seem very JW..."the world is evil" type of view.

    Last time I checked, that was the Biblical point of view. I don't really believe that people on drugs or with mulitple sexual partners should be condemned, but there certainly is some undisciplined spirit tied to such things.

    That being said, I never met a weed-smoker I didn't like, and I have plenty of "worldly" friends who have multiple sexual partners - but they don't claim to live by Bible standards, either. That is their choice, and I don't judge them, as mentioned in my related post.

    The ex-JWs I mentioned that have these traits also have trouble holding down jobs, keeping meaningful relationships in tact, etc. I still love them, and talk to them occasionally, but there is no doubt that their lack of discipline (spanking or otherwise) as a child direclty correlates to their current lack of social/societal stability.

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