Jehovah's Witness children and creativity...

by Tuesday 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Excellent points, AnneB.

    A time and a place for everything. We freed ones do need to learn restraint, ironically enough, after having been tied down so long and so hard for years.

    Will check out Galt after work.



  • Tuesday

    A quick BTTT for the night to see if anyone on the night shift here knows which site I'm asking about.

  • Tuesday

    One more time bringing this up to everyone's attention in hopes someone remembers this website. Here's to hoping...

  • Snoozy

    Hope someone finds it..interesting as I know a few that were gifted in art.


  • alias

    Creativity is definitely not nurtured in the JW culture. Anything that draws attention to individuals outside of the collective is frowned upon.

    When I stepped away from JWs, my creative life exploded. When I allowed it, I was changed for the better, and it continues to this breathing moment.

    Creativity = personal expression, which JWs are also not encouraged to do. Supressing it causes all kinds of depression and mental anxiety.

    I love creativity and am very interested in this thread. Thanks for starting it!


  • lesabre

    i was a VERRRRRY creative kid..... but was discouraged by everyone in the congs..... one sister told me my pictures looked demonic.... >.< i STILL don't see how she got that impression.... i did pictures where the animals would all fit together.... like mc escher.... only i never used the same image twice....

  • exwhyzee

    If JW kids are extra creative, I know from growing up as one during the 1975 years, its because extra creativity likely was developed as a coping mechanisim much like an abused child developes multiple personalities. In order to cope with what I was being taught about the tribulation and those who would be destroyed at Armegeddon, like my own Father, I spent many a night thinking up all kinds of creative scenarios as to how I would save him and my little sisters during the tribulation. It was the only way I could calm myself. My brother completly blanked himself off...wouldn't even respond during our family study or at if he removed himself mentally from the situation.

    I think things have gotten better for JW kids (hopefully) as I don't think people really believe it like they used to back in the day.The boy creid wolf too many times. There are more born in's now that are going with the flow and gloss over most of the realities of what their religion is teaching. They see the big chunks and don't pay attention to anything that seems a bit too out there.

  • Tuesday

    That's actually what the article is about, because of the outcast nature of growing up as a JW alot of the children turn inward and develop creative hobbies. It's basically a staggering amount, something like children not being able to be friends with non-JW children and the friends that they do have they can't express their true feelings to. So whether it's art, music or both many JW children turn to these sorts of hobbies to express themselves.

  • alias

    Now I really want to read the article!

    alias (recovering outcast)

  • hamsterbait

    i remember the study was quoted at an A$$embly:

    It said that the STORIES of JW kids showed higher creativity.

    I bet the researchers didnt realise that they were all churning out stories about the Noo System and cuddling Pandas in paradise. In fact not creative at all - just second hand imagery. Variations on the same monotonous theme.


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