This is the anniversary of when we drew the line in the sand

by nugget 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nugget

    Today is my daughter's 11th Birthday and she is super excited. And today I baked her a Boston Blackout Cake just as I did last year. The smell of it baking reminded me that this was when we made our first stand for our children and was a significant step as we exited. We took the cake to my mum and dads (mum is a JW) and lit candles and sang happy birthday. This was the point when my mum realised that we were walking away.

    Last year there was a certain amount of awkwardness since we felt a little uncomfortable and knew mum did too. We were still breaking free and there was still a cetain amount of conditioning to shake off. This year I am relaxed there is no point to prove except that I love my daughter and wish her well on her special day. She has opened presents and eaten candy before school and had loads of excitment already. She has her special cake and candles to come and lots of enthusiastic Birthday singing.

    Happy Birthday Heather for birthday number 2 may you have many happy ones to come.

  • mrsjones5

    Happy Birthday Heather!

    I had to look up Boston Blackout Cake cuz it sounded so intriguing. Found a recipe and I have to say it looks yummy.

    Yay freedom!

  • Jadeen

    Happy birthday to your daughter! That cake does look delish!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    ••??••*¨*••??••*¨*HaPpY HaPpy BiRtHdAy DeAr HEATHER!*¨*••??••??••*¨*

    Hugs love and kisses from

    Amelia, Emma and Tiara


  • OnTheWayOut

    Happy Smurf Day, Heather. Happy Smurf Day to anyone celebrating their own birthday after breaking the shackles.

    Nugget, these kid birthdays are so limited. Glad you decided not to waste anymore for Heather.

  • nugget

    My cake sunk a little in the middle so filled it with chocolate custard icing. Licked too many spoons today and feel as sick as a dog. By the time the candles are lit it will look good. Need 5mins to lie down.

  • Quendi

    My birthday falls on 29 March, and this year I will celebrate freely, openly, and honestly. A close friend of mine has his birthday on 30 March and so we will celebrate together. In the past, when we got together for a celebratory lunch or dinner, I always felt guilty. But I went along with it because I didn't want to hurt my friend's feelings and I believed that Jehovah would understand. I will have no such misgivings this year.

    I made up my mind not to return to the organization on 14 June 2010 and since then I have been enjoying my new found freedom. I still don't celebrate Christmas or Easter, but I have no trouble or difficulty with those who do. I see it as a matter of personal choice. I also don't celebrate or mark nationalistic or patriotic holidays, but again, I let my friends and neighbors do what they want in this regard. For me, what is most important in the matter of celebrations is that I have made my own decision and not have my decision made for me by some self-aggrandizing clique of men in Brooklyn.


  • zoiks

    Happy Birthday, Heather!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    happy birthday! may she have many many more happy ones

  • Brother_Izzacult

    Wow. Thank u for sharing this! Choked me up as my daughter is sick today.

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