The secret of how Christianity spread across the world

by Terry 108 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento

    Christ was very adamant in reagrds to divorce, the only reason being adultery and yes, BOTH parties were to have equal rights in that regard, though I don't recall it being stated that way.

    Christ made the statement he did against the INSTITUTION of divorce AND the INSTRITUTION of marriage by default.

    When one is made to understand the divorce is NOT an option and that one can't just "opt out" of a marriage then the process of marriage becomes far more serious then simply a "business arrangement", which that majority of marriages seemed to be at the time.

    The two people involved had to be crystal clear in the realization that this was for LIFE, so they better make sure that they knew what they were doing, that they KNEW what they were in for and that they were "stuck" with each other, in other words:

    ARe YOU sure that this is the person that you are going to spend the REST OF YOUR WHOLE LIFE WITH?

    That is is the ONE person that you will devote yourself to? and GIVE yourself to?



  • Curtains

    Terry thanks for telling us your source - The rise of christianity by Rodney Stark

    I understand you better and this as well because I've just started delving into a book recommended for further reading by the course I am doing - Martha c. Nussbaum's The Therapy of Desire which is based on theory and practice in Hellenistc ethics. Emotion is at the top of the list of debates. Have you read this book by any chance? It resonates with quite a few of your topics.

  • Terry

    I do not like these generalization thoughts. All women are this; all men are that. It does depend on the person.

    As for growing, even after reading Terry's info, it was both men and women, leaders and empires, wars and families that spread Christianity. Not one factor, but many.

    But even this shows that it was not women who are solely responsible for spreading Christianity

    Are you sure you read what I said? Could you quote me where I said "women are solely responsible for spreading Christianity"?

    What is the Topic Sentence? "The secret.....of how Christianity spread across the world."


    What is SECRET about it?

    The SECRET is the fact that WOMEN ARE SELDOM...IF EVER given full credit for the amazingly effective role they played FAR BEYOND what men alone could have (and have been credited ) achieved.

    I repeat: Women were used to form political alliances between principalities. WOMEN who were CHRISTIAN. Kingdom A is less likely to attack Kingdom B if a flesh and blood connection has been formed. PAGAN KINGS took CHRISTIAN WOMEN as wives.

    These christian wives had access to the royal ear and the royal heirs!

    History became rooted in the idea of the DIVINE RIGHT of kings. God placed them in their relative positions (was the view as stated in Romans 13)

    Conversions of pagan kings to Christianity was an enormous boon to granting FREEDOM OF WORSHIP to christianity.

    It must be remembered that Helena was Constantine's mother. She was a zealot christian who was obsessed with religious artifacts such as the True Cross. Helena's influence on her son led to what?

    Christians had been persecuted, tortured, executed, blamed for the burning of Rome and oppressed at large by the power of the Roman government.

    Because of a woman: Helena, Constantine (a pagan member of the cult of Sol Invictus, mind you) interpreted a "vision" he had as Christian approval of his victory in battle.

    Christians went from the bottom to the top of the food chain.

    Constantine appointed his mother Helen as Augusta Imperatrix, and gave her unlimited access to the imperial treasury in order to locate the relics of Judeo-Christian tradition.

    Is this significant?

    This was repeated again and again and again and again through history.

  • Terry

    Martha c. Nussbaum's The Therapy of Desire which is based on theory and practice in Hellenistc ethics. Emotion is at the top of the list of debates. Have you read this book by any chance? It resonates with quite a few of your topics

    I work in a used book store in the Theology/Religion/Philosophy section and gain access to older and more expensive books than the local library

    might grant. Plus, our employee benefits include freedom to check out a book free for thirty day.

    I have not read the book you mention. If it comes through our store I'll certainly do so.

    Stark's ideas are not the sole source of my topic. There have been many other books over time that barely allude to such ideas, but, when collated

    impress me with the force of argument.

  • tec

    Ah, well, if what you're saying is that women played a role in influencing the spread of Christianity, then I agree.

  • PSacramento
    The SECRET is the fact that WOMEN ARE SELDOM...IF EVER given full credit for the amazingly effective role they played FAR BEYOND what men alone could have (and have been credited ) achieved.

    I am sure that all those female saints in the RCC would argue with that, LOL !
    Sure St Monica is NOT as famous as her far more famous son, Augustine, but then how many people care enough about christian history to actually study it?

    Not Jw's that's for sure, and not many ex-jw's either.

  • Curtains

    mind you I still don't agree with Starks idea that women played a major role in the spread of chrisitianity

  • PSacramento
    mind you I still don't agree with Starks idea that women played a major role in the spread of chrisitianity

    To be fair, the gospels and leatter of Paul make it clear that women were pivitol, either via supporting the apostles or as deaconeses and leaders of the house-churches of the early christianity.

    Paul mentions some by name in his letter to the Romans.

  • Terry

    Perhaps the idea of women having an ESSENTIAL and largely UNCREDITED role in the growth and spread of

    Christianity throughout history is a lump you cannot swallow.

    How can you?

    Jehovah's Witnesses treat women like domestic servants and pat them on the head with affection reserved

    for a fine hunting dog that has retrieved a shotgunned quail.

    Mainstream Christianity likes their women sitting at home baking cookies and cleaning dustbunnies out from under the

    couch and laundering their Elder husband/head's skid-marked BVD's.

    Christian women, as a whole, are charged with many thankless duties that come as a package-deal which includes

    (in some cases) homeschooling so that radical ideas such as Science won't intrude on their proprietary belief system.

    But, having a major role in the very existence of the Christian church going back a millennia and a half---well, that's just


    The first step to gaining the complicity of a slave is to establish DOMINANCE.

    If you want to conquer any human being you must overcome their natural reluctance to be SUBJECT to your will.

    If you must physically dominate them but not persuade them mentally to accept your domination and headship

    THEY WILL UNDERMINE you (so strong is the will to be free.)

    But...once you reach their emotional center and dominate their independance with a MYTH of INFERIORITY and

    DIVINE WILL the co-operation and acceptance of a lesser role becomes a commonplace.

    The Africans were stolen from their villages or sold and convinced their skin was turned black as a curse upon an imaginary ancestor.

    They were cursed by God himself. The white man was APPOINTED their superior.

    Slaves were viewed as savages and taught christianity as a means of subjugating them mentally.

    The early American black christian church was filled with IDENTIFICATION of blacks with the oppressed chosen people: THE JEWS.

    How else could they make sense of their role and their burden?

    Why am I injecting this into a discussion about women spreading Christianity?

    Because the same process applies to MISINFORMING women throughout the world about their own role and identity.

    Have you ever heard the following expression (I apologize in advance) "Woman is the nigger of the world." ??

    The phrase was originally coined by Yoko Ono during a magazine interview in 1969. Lennon later said during his Live in New York City album that it took him until 1970 to "dig it." He was hoping to show how women had been and still were being treated. The song describes women's subservience to men across all cultures. It was banned from radio airplay because of the word 'nigger', though it was played on WHRW-FM. Many prominent black people, including comedian Dick Gregory, spoke out in defense of the song. Another supporter, CongressmanRon Dellums, stated, "If you define 'nigger' as someone whose lifestyle is defined by others, whose opportunities are defined by others, whose role in society is defined by others, the good news is that you don't have to be black to be a nigger in this society. Most of the people in America are niggers." [1]

    In a 1972 interview on the Dick Cavett Show, John Lennon stated that Irish revolutionary James Connolly was an inspiration for the song. Lennon quoted Connolly's 'the female is the slave of the slave' in explaining the pro-feminist inspiration behind the song. [2]


  • Terry

    The religious aspect:

    Women in christianity are largely "kept down" by having power siphoned off into feckless rituals which produce placebo results.

    I'm talking about PRAYER, of course.

    Whereas men conduct leadership venues that CHANGE and MOLD the enviornment of everyday life AND also pray; women must PRAY as a matter of First and Last resort while tugging at their husband's shirt sleeve.

    Prayer is something I'm calling feckless (worthless) and a placebo because it is superstitious nonsense.

    (I can hear the gasp from you way in advance :)

    Really, folks. You know this already.

    Prayer is what you "do" when you pretty much can't DO anything else--but, want to FEEL LIKE YOU ARE HELPING.

    All that aside....

    The power structure of Christianity is devilishly contrived to give women imaginary power and genuinely subsidiary roles.

    Men appear to be worshipping by the same rules superficially. In actuality, they CONTROL the game being played.

    Flip your TV channels and watch the loving, dewy-eyed companion wives with their bizarre hair and eye makeup and stretched-by-plastic-surgery fake smiles and you SEE the whole story right before your eyes.

    Christian women AS A GROUP are stretched by more than surgery. The stress of CARRYING A FULL LOAD and being measured by EXTREME standards of perfectionism has beaten them into submission.

    Look at the shelves and shelves of SELF-HELP books in the christian living section and you'll see the TARGET AUDIENCE: women.

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