The secret of how Christianity spread across the world

by Terry 108 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mat

    What you are saying is that Christianity is a "meme". Others have said the same thing:

    There are books that say as much, though I've not got round to reading them.

  • AGuest

    Without followers, there is no need for leaders.

    I kind of agree, dear Pirata (peace to you!), though I would say that without followers there are no leaders. Even so, methinks things like the threat of being stoned, burned at the stake, turned out of a father's/husband's home with no prospect of having a means to survive... might have been the impetus for some of that following. Remember: women weren't "permitted" to care for themselves. So saying "No, I won't follow your beliefs, Father... or Husband" would result in what? WHO restricted them/imposed their beliefs on them?

    Being an African American woman, I've seen the pattern before... where men do not look down the line and to the future of what their current actions can... and most probably will... result in. We often talk about what occurs when a man's... well, manliness/manhood is stripped from/denied him. Nothing good can come of it. I would venture to say that the same thing occurs when done to women. They no longer trust their own intellect because they're told, for what millenia, that they don't HAVE any. So, they follow those who claim to have it. Which, again, is highly proportionately... men.

    "Society" has created the "monster" that is women leading men to religion. And it was and is the men of such society that have used women to that end. Why? Because, again, for millenia... it was men who held the purse strings (and in many cultures still do). Such men played on the tender hearts and compassion of women. To now blame women is like blaming the victims of a heinous crime ("She shouldn't have worn such a tight skirt!").

    Aside from the looming consequences of NOT being part of a religion, these women also often turned to religion... for comfort. From the neglect, domination, infidelity, and even abuse received from men. Husbands... and fathers.

    C'mon, dear Pirata. I don't know dear Terry feels as he does (other than the disproportion of women to men IN religion), but while it's true that we woman are manipulative and can sometimes be even more conniving than men, it was the male priests of these religions who deceived women and the cultures of men that allowed it. Men (fathers and husbands) went along with all of it, even supported it, in order to control their women and households.

    True such women may find themselves counted among those who Paul (?) called, "Weak women, loaded down with sins, always learning... but never coming to an accurate knowledge of the truth." He also said, however, that these women were led... by men.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • beksbks

    Sounds like a misogynistic rant.

    I think it's more a case of men seeking power over others than anything else. I would see the woman's part through history as the same as slaves. The hope of a "heaven" or "paradise", where they are no longer in subjection.

  • AGuest

    Like dear tec... you said it much more succinctly than I ever could, dear Beks (the greatest of love and peace to you both!). Thank you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • PublishingCult

    Good post, Terry, but I am not certain I completely agree with your take on women's role, but the virus part reminded me of this video . . .

    Religion is an STD

  • dgp

    Miguel de Unamuno, a Spanish philosopher and writer, coined the word "intrahistoria" (something like "intrahistory") to say that women are always in charge of transferring values, beliefs, et cetera. I think your post, Terry, is in agreement with Unamuno's observation. I agree with the idea most of us were given a religion by our mothers. I am not sure it was made deliberately, however. I think it just happened. Mothers have always mothered children.

    As to Joan of Arc, my impression is that she was sort of allowed to lead France's armies because she was expendable. After she played her role, she was conveniently put out of the way. I was so sad to know that she was apparently raped and her garments torn while being burned, so people would see her naked. The poor Maid of Orléans.

  • AGuest

    An interesting perspective from a Spaniard (peace to you, dear dgp, peace to you!)... given that a woman's lot in life in Spain was, for millenia, marriage and childbearing... prostitution... or a convent. Or marriage and no children... which resulted in dismissal to, you guessed it... a convent. Given such prospects, no wonder the so-called "solace" offered by the Church seemed appealing. I'm just sayin'.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • beksbks

    Shelby, PM in 2

  • AGuest

    K, dear Beks (peace to you!).


    Edited to say: Got it and responded!

  • Terry

    The Apostle Paul made clear that a ministerial servant had to be a husband of one wife.

    The view of marriage as an influence for good upon men is clear from scripture. It is security for women and

    a proper enviornment for children.

    You'd think that after the reputation of Eve upon mankind marriage would be anathema. Yet, oddly, this is not the case.


    Women spread sanity by insisting on order, respect, structure and predictability in the home.

    Men are forced to NEGOTIATE for women's favor rather than merely taking what they want.

    The benefits to a family, tribe and nation from co-operative women far outweighs any temporary solace from forcing

    them slave-like to perform perfunctory duties.

    The more enlightened the society the more elevated is the status of women.

    Don't let the visible political POWER STRUCTURE fool you!

    You only have to look at the greatest figure (arguably) in all of history: ALEXANDER THE GREAT to see this is true.

    Alexander's mother had complete and absolute influence upon her son. His view of himself, of Greece and of power came directly

    from her maternal management, instruction and control over him.

    Alexander changed the structure of the entire world!

    Julius Ceasar may have been the greatest General Rome ever had but Cleopatra was able to persuade, cajole and entice this noble Roman

    into elevating her and their son into a postion of highest favor.

    When he was assassainated she did the same with his best friend, Marc Antony.

    History presents women of influence with a nasty sideways slap by labeling them pejoratively. But, the truth is clear.

    David was, we are told, a favorite of Jehovah. David was utterly under the power and influence of Bathsheba.

    Whatever it took to obtain her favor he was willing to do.

    Women have found a way to build structure into the power grid of a man dominated rule by the most practical and sane methodology all through history. Women understand the weakness of men. They can exploit it and transform the weakness into social order.


    The smartest women are able to negotiate concessions without men being aware they are making them.

    Wives, daughters, mothers, teachers, king-makers: women.

    Barak Obama and Michelle. Hillary and Bill. George W. and Laura. J.F.K. and Jackie.

    The wives are essential.

    Christianity was spread by the direct influence of women behind the men who made the world change.

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