POLL/SURVEY- Why Did You Leave The Organization of JW's?

by PublishingCult 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    The Watchtower is Crap.. And..

    I`m Dead Sexy!..


    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • saltyoldlady

    Because I fell short on love - love for the WTS - just realized that fits my acronym for my name too - SOL - Short On Love or another way to put it - So Out of Love with the WTS - So Out of Luck - sorry guys, I just couldn't stop.

    But nearly all of the reasons applied except for wanting to be wicked and being tired of trying. My defection began with the chronology issue issue but grew bigger and bigger - in fact mushroomed with disagreements on basic doctrines like Christ's ransom sacrifice not being available for all and the withholding of the emblems from the Great Crowd.

  • ziddina

    Primarily H.....

    The effects of the beatings and bullying of my hypocritical, dysfunctional, self-and-other-destructive parents at entrenching me into the cult finally wore off, and I realized that I COULD leave...

    So I left...


  • saltyoldlady

    Outlaw - where do you dig up these pictures? That is one aweful eyeful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • mouthy

    Left??? I never left !!!!they kicked me out...I told them I didnt believe Jesus came in 1914.
    I felt I was evil because I just couldnt see,if Christ came why were we in such a wicked place.

    And OUTLaw I do wish you would stop using my picture ....

  • MartynAndrew


    Mostly it felt like watching paint dry, and I could not read another watchtower if my life depended on it, it sucked that bad, even if I was paid to read that crap I don't think I could do it.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    A. Once I discovered it was not the "truth", there was no question concerning what needed to happen.

    Life is too short to live a lie.

    The Oracle

  • DanaBug

    D-- I'm not the only one, am I? I was sick of screwing up and feeling worthless, so I gave up and went to see what was out here while I still had time. It wasn't until several years later that I found out the real truth about the religion I was raised in. Now I won't go back because of A, C, F, G (ex. Malawi and the UN added together), and H-- their beliefs kill people. I will have no part in it and I will not expose my child to it.

  • Reality79

    A, B (definitely), E, G.....

  • maksym

    The main reason I left was because I found out that the WTB&TS is controlled by Satan. I want to serve God the allmighty not a false god like Satan.

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