My Story....Long and Im sorry

by itsbeenalongtime 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks for opening up with your tough story. As to the rape, it was long enough ago that you may have to let it go as far as elders and privileges go. Trying to come forward to interupt his privileges will just drag you through the mud even more. You are the victim of elders protecting themselves and their families, blaming the newbie sister for any problems. I hope that's evidence enough that God doesn't guide those people.

    I imagine that your rapist has even fully convinced himself that the sex was consensual.

    Watchtower is a huge "Men's Club." Even well-meaning elders who don't think they are showing favoritism tend to think that pretty women are to blame for attempting to look good or showing attention to men being redefined as flirting.

    If the stalker were still a problem, you would definitely need a restraining order, but it sounds like that is in the past.

    I used to be an elder and I realized I had my own baggage when I resigned, so I don't counsel people at all anymore, but it sounds like you need to deal with that rape and all your issues of trust and friendship. If you could find a way to go to a counselor about it, you could really open up. If thats financially impossible, look into the possibility of the state or county or local municipality offering programs. If you cannot or will not do that, you need a good girlfriend (not JW) to really open up to about all of this. At the very least, stick around this forum and you can find some friends who have a good understanding of what being a JW was like. You might also find ex-Jehovah's Witnesses at They might be in your area.

    I have met women who were raped in their past and wouldn't tell their husbands about it. If you cannot tell the person who should be closest to you (and I am not suggesting you automatically just do that) then you need some kind of help from someone outside of your marriage. Strength to you.

  • tec
    I have met women who were raped in their past and wouldn't tell their husbands about it. If you cannot tell the person who should be closest to you (and I am not suggesting you automatically just do that) then you need some kind of help from someone outside of your marriage

    Yes, with one addition - I think you need help outside the marriage regardless. There are people who are there for YOU, to help YOU. I understand if finances are a problem, but please take advantage of any support that you can find. You deserve it.

    You have been treated unjustly, and cruelly. All of that wears a person down, even when you think you can handle it, that you can move past it. A lot of the times you don't know just how much your outlook on yourself and your confidence IN yourself, gets damaged. Then you judge yourself too harshly, in other areas.

    I think you know that the Holy Spirit is not appointing elders - by their fruits you will know them, right? So please, on top of every other injustice that has been done to you, don't think that God is represented by these men, or that God thinks you are unworthy. It sounds to me as if you are someone (one of many) that the 'slave' has taken to beating while the master is away.

    I'm so sorry for what has been done to you. And also your daughter, for being excluded the way that she was treated. I sincerely hope that you seek help, and I am glad that you at least have your husband, and your faith - though you may question some things about it for a while. But having something this big kept secret between you and your husband might continue to be an ongoing issue of conflict, so you can't just take advice from us on this board. Please do a search; there must be help/emergency lines that you can phone; to find people who understand and can direct you somewhere for appropriate help.

    As for fear about being discovered here, as long as you don't give out names, places, you should be okay. Some have been discovered by intimate details, but then the person needs to explain how they recognize you from your details - and only you and this other brother know about what he did to you.

    Don't let them make you feel unworthy, and don't be afraid of them. The only power they have over you is what you give them. They don't deserve that, and if it was given to them by God, then you would recognize love, mercy, compassion, justice, forgiveness, mildness, honesty, etc, etc. But you haven't seen these things from them, have you? Just the opposite.

    My heart breaks for you. But you are a woman, and we, women, have more strength than most think we're capable of.

    Peace and love to you,


  • mouthy

    I am so sorry for what you have been through, going through, will go through,
    But JW are a very sick Cult. I suggets you get counselling NOT from a JW
    try to find a Christian Counsellor .You should really do that.You need to unravel.
    I was in it for 25 years I love them all( the honest ones) & there are many,
    They have just had their minds captured( Keep loving your hubby! Grace Gough

  • jamiebowers

    First off welcome to JWN, and I'm so sorry that it's under this circumstance. Second, call a rape crisis hotline. They will be able to lead you to proper counseling and advise you on if/when you should contact the legal authorities. This man not only raped you but committed kidnapping as well when he wouldn't let you leave the kitchen.

    Second, although you must do the research on your own, I'll cut to the chase: The Watchtower is NOT God's organization. Your children shouldn't be the excuse for you to stay in, but they are the reason for you to get out. This is because children who are molested in the organization are treated the same way you were treated. Have you ever heard of the two witness rule?

    I don't know where you are, but I'm sending you my contact information via private message. If you respond, block your phone number and/or use a new email address, so you can't be traced. I know you can trust me, but you don't, LOL! Just click on the little blue envelope in the upper right hand corner of the screen. You'll probably get an error message when clicking on the message, so just use your browser's back arrow, and click on the message again.

    Please understand that the jws only have as much power over you as you allow. If your rapist or any other creep starts stalking you, you must go to the police. I don't know how long ago this guy raped and kidnapped you or what the statute of limitations is in your area, but a rape crisis center should be able to lead you in the right direction. There are many of us on this board, myself included, who will support you as you find your way.

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    Dear "my story" well....all I can say is reread your own post again. Then ask yourself this. If looks like shit....smells like shit....and taste like shit.... maybe just maybe it could guessed it!

    I was in "the Borg" for 52 years! You have the rest of your life ahead you. Don't make the same mistake as as fast as you can! In the short term it well be hell...on the other hand in the long term it will be even more hell...and with the more hell, you will have less life ahead of you.

  • itsbeenalongtime


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