My Story....Long and Im sorry

by itsbeenalongtime 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Itsbeenalongtime . . . I can only re-emphasise what CJ said . . . you have nothing to fear here. I found this site less than a year ago and have never "officially" left the Org. The people here are in the most part ex-JW who themselves have faced similar "crises" or at the least have travelled a similar road. You will find a lot of fellow feeling, encouragement, not to mention some very practical advice . . . it's a good place.

    One thing you will undoubtedly struggle with is a crisis of "belief" . . . spiritual confusion for want of a better description . . . don't be overly concerned about this . . . be patient and things will get better . . . you don't have to make arbitrary decisions for now . . . just keep posting.

    And . . . welcome aboard

  • Bangalore

    Welcome to the board.


  • wobble

    Welcome to our little community !

    You will find support and understanding here.

    But I have to say, that I too am concerned that the rapist has not been reported to the authorities. he has a mental problem, and at his age particularly it will escalate to him perpetrating more crimes. Which equals more victims.

    You can only do what you have the strength to do, but please try to find enough to report this young man, he needs help before he kills a victim.

  • jookbeard

    Welcome , you have been through some dreadful experiences that no woman should ever have to, and echoing the advice form the others and any who are lurking the 911 buttons are easy to press, in all instances call the police!

  • kimbo

    hello and welcome

    call the police now.

  • Lozhasleft

    Bloody hell....Sorry...but I'm so angry that you've had to go through all this.

    Hello and a big welcome to our forum. You will find good support and advice here. My instinct is to tell you to read Crisis of Conscience as quickly as you can so that you will escape from this awful controlling organisation....and to go to the police and report this man who raped you. But that will probably scare you and its too much too, stick around, start researching the JWs properly....and big hugs to you for having the courage to share your story.

    I want vindication for you, and I want retribution for the bro who raped you, and for the elders who treated you so badly. I've had a taste of their biased and unjust judicial commitees so I do understand how hard it is. You will find some good people here who will care very much, so do stay.

    Loz x

  • Reality79

    Believe me, it's not too late to call the police on that piece of shit. I'd suggest you let justice be served and not let him get away with it. That guy is no "brother" and neither are the rest of those demons in that hellhole called the kingdom hall.

    The fact they all get appointed even after their deeds is proof that there is NO such thing as Jehovah's 'holy spirit' being at work and even if it was real then it is clearly THE biggest failure in the entire universe.

  • TotallyADD

    Please excuse me if I don't have the hold story straight. Its hard for me to read all this imformation because of my ADD. It sounds like the elders are covering up or excusing this guy's past actions. One who is a victim like yourself and that is what you are is a victim of a very violent crime should take action against this creep. What will stop him from doing this again. Now maybe just maybe because of your age difference you being 22 and him 17 at the time. The authorities might think of him as a minor. So the budren of proof may be on you. I don't know. All I do know is this creep is a pioneer and a MS and he should not be. What will stop him from doing this again? He has done it before he will do it again. I am so sorry what you went through being a victim of a violent crime like this. I know you feel trap right now. But you can get out of that trap by opening up your eye's and realize you are in a cult. May I suggest you go get some counselling to help you cope with the rape. It will teach you are not the bad one but the victim. My heart goes out to you and I am so sorry for what has happen to you. There is a better world out there it just not in this cult. Totally ADD

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Hi itsbeenalongtime and welcome to the forum.

    You have been through a lot and for what it's worth my opinion is you need to report this slimeball to the Police. There may even be a file open on him already.

    Holy Spirit has no part in the appointing of men as has been proven to you (and many others before you) and that is why so many elders and MSs have an undisclosed history of abusing those less able to defend themselves. They are predatory bullies and will remain that way until the abused speak out. Not an easy thing to do but I am sure the Police will treat you with a lot more respect and kindness than the elders.

    We will support you on this forum for as long as you need and with whatever decision you make.


  • headisspinning

    Carla you have a PM

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