Issuing a challenge to Jehvoah's Witnesses everywhere

by Terry 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    Terry- Mushy Gloom on the side is the prefered way to serve it.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This is a GREAT idea, Terry!

    I was going to suggest posting public messages in the RANTS AND RAVES section of your city's CRAIGSLIST, but upon checking the terms of use for CRAIGLIST I found that any language against a religion was forbidden.

    So we have to do it one-on-one and face-to-face. So be it!

  • Heaven

    I used to point out the fallacies to my parents. My Mom is dead now and my Dad has dementia and will die from this. He doesn't understand what they are talking about anymore.

    So I don't challenge him now. It upsets him and makes his mental condition worse. I am now just trying to make his life as happy as I can in the small amount of time he has left on this Earth. Other than him saying a prayer at meals, there is no talk of the religion. I said to him back last summer that religion had done too much damage in our family and he agreed. So we talk of other things.

    I bought a bird feeder and some seed and hung it up in the backyard. It attracts all kinds of different birds and he loves it. I hope to get him into the Alzheimer's Society's "Day Program" soon. This will help him as well.

    I have no problems issuing challenges to other younger JWs. My colleague's son who is only 16 was approached by them. She and her family are Catholic. She was angry that they approached an underaged person. I told her the JWs baptize children. I also told her they are a cult and gave her the 8 criteria used to identify mind control tactics that are present in groups that are cults. She thanked me for the info. She told the JW to take a hike.

  • dgp

    Heaven, .

  • AGuest

    I am not sure what the benefit of such a challenge would be, dear Terry (peace to you!). My experience, while in the Borg and since being out (including here), is that most JWs don't really have a clue what they believe and teach, other than a sundry 4-5 statements which are limited to parrotting a sentence or two and nothing beyond... and so can't explain a darn thing... or properly respond to a validly posed question. This not only includes the R&F, but elders, COs, DOs, "Bethelites"... and at least one GB member.

    I have learned, then, that the true (but unspoken) mantra of the WTBTS is the classic: "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS!"

    All they know is "Armageddon is coming." When, exactly, is another story altogether. They are like the dead who, when my Lord took me to their world, awoke only enough to say, "Is this 'it'?" and then returned to sleep when they realized it was not. Every single time something occurs in the world, they begin their "This is it! Only a short time, now!" cry.

    What they miss, however, is that their "panting"... and desire for their enemies to be destroyed... will go against them. For indeed:

    "Woe... to those craving the day of JAH!"

    The Most Holy One of Israel does not want ANY to be destroyed. How, then, can those who claim to follow Him want so? Christ didn't, and so forgave his enemies. Unfortunately, the blinding false "light" of the WTBTS keeps them from seeing this truth.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • JoJoJones

    After what has occurred in Japan and the totally devastating impact it has had in that country and after all the other disasters that have been occurring lately the world over - - in nature, politics, etc, I can't help wondering if maybe we are truly in the end times. It is like an accelerating domino effect has been going on, everything just tumbling after and over each other that makes me think if possibly that we could really be in the end times now. Not that this makes me believe the Jehovah's Witnesses are right and have the ultimate truth, because I don't believe that. I don't believe that any one specific religion has a monopoly on 'truth' or God, or that there is only one right and true religion that actually is following a certain, particular path that God has set for 'His people' meaning a particular religious group. I mean for all of humankind regardless of anyone's choice of religion or faith. It's just that very, very extreme things have been happening lately, and maybe we shouldn't be 'pooh-poohing' the end of times talk right now. It's just something I've been thinking about. No way do I consider myself as someone who has any answers about this or any great knowledge. I know that I most certainly don't! It just seems to be something worth considering as a valid possibility at this time.

  • Joepublisher1

    I just love it when people (like Terry) post on this forum because they are so well versed in the crap that the WTS has produced over the decades - esp. the 1975 fiasco! I just love his [and our] challenge to JWs today!

    btw: I was never told the real truth of 1975 when I became a JW in 1981 - I was told a half-truth, something the WTS is very experienced in doing and by extention, its [blinded] members. A "half-truth" is nothing more than a small piece of truth, omitting the larger portion of lies - it never really turns out to be equally half. And, when you think of 1975 and Jehovah's Witnesses, you can see how true that assessment/observation is! More lies than actual truth! I just feel bad for JWs who aren't aware of this as they often find themselves trying to defend a previous position held by their religion that they have no personal experience about - thus, they often make a fool of themselves! I would hate to see any of them take on Terry about 1975 - Terry would have them for breadfast!

  • Terry

    In a court of law the Truth isn't good enough!

    The requirement is for the truth, the WHOLE truth and NOTHING BUT the truth.

    By specifically challenging Jehovah's Witness who claim "The Truth" to own up to the "Whole Truth" and "Nothing but the Truth" we will

    find their standard sadly lacking in candor and effectiveness!

    PIN THEM DOWN to specifics and they lose all power to persuade and change the history of their failures and changes.

    If something is TRUE why would you have to change it?

    This is their Achilles heel.

    They keep changing what they said!

    Reality bitch slaps them silly!

    Make them own up.

  • AGuest
    Make them own up.

    Would that we could, dear Terry (peace to you!). But it's not like folks haven't tried. For decades...

    A slave of Christ,


  • thetrueone

    Reality bitch slaps them silly!

    So true, defaming their indoctrinated arrogance as not being a part of the one and only true religion,

    really screws them up and makes some realize that they are associated with a corrupt devious publishing corporation.

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