If time travel exists

by sabastious 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Here's one problem with time travel:

  • OnTheWayOut

    Not to shoot down your thread, but I am a bit of a time-travel buff and have come to this conclusion:

    If we could travel back in time, it is part of our existing history and nothing changes. In other words, if someone was able to go back in time and decided to save Abe Lincoln from John Wilkes Booth, then their journey is already part of history and they failed to stop the shooting. If anyone ever interacted with themself in the past, they would know it happened and know they have to travel back in time. They could not prevent it. Since that doesn't seem logical, travel to the past is impossible.

    I do believe that travel forward in time has been shown to be possible to accelerate by approaching the speed of light, but it's a one-way journey forward in time whether we do it in normal or accelerated time. In other words, if you jump forward 1000 years but age one day, you will be stuck in the future because the past is gone.

  • unshackled

    The guy's had too much Bushmills. What is in her hand is a dry icepack. She's either got a dental absess or has just had a tooth extracted. She's moving her jaw because it hurts like hell.

    That's a logical possibility, Nickolas. When that video went viral it was interesting to see all the comments and theories about it. An obvious one was of course it was a cell phone...there were no cell towers back then. So maybe a futuristic communication device..."beam me up, scotty".

    Occam's razor...just a nutty woman talking to herself while holding her head.

  • beatthesystem
    Here's one problem with time travel:

    That very funny comic assumes there is such a thing as an absolute reference frame in space. Einstein's Special Relativity says no. Time dilation means that, yes, you can travel into the future in a sense. But travel back doesn't seem possible.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    ^^^ Hahahahaha!! YES!! BURN THE SHIPS IS BACK!! Great name.

    EDIT: Nevermind the question I deleted - your return is old news. But still like what you did there, considering you came back with the same acronym.

  • beatthesystem
    The guy's had too much Bushmills. What is in her hand is a dry icepack. She's either got a dental absess or has just had a tooth extracted. She's moving her jaw because it hurts like hell.

    Is it a time traveler? Or is it someone with a 1925 Western Electric Model 34A audiophone hearing aid?

  • Nickolas

    Could be, BTS, but the receiver was normally positioned in a pocket, not placed beside the ear. What's in the ear is that little black and white fixture at the end of the switch cord.

    Edit. Seems you're right, SBC. Same identicon. Welcome back, BTS.

    Edit edit: unless, of course, she's deaf as a post and likes talking to herself.

  • sinis

    Why wouldn't past travel be possible? The multiverse theory would indicate that if you have altered the past and when you return to the present it is normal for everyone but you.

  • Terry

    1. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It is always equal to itself.

    2. Stuff is made of parts. Those parts are finite. There is never more stuff than parts.

    3.To make New Stuff you have to salvage parts from OLD stuff.

    4.Whatever comes along is made from recycled parts.

    5.Time Travel is taking stuff from NOW and trying to put it somewhere ....where...the PARTS NOW STUFF is made of:

    A. Is still being used for OLD STUFF (the past)


    B.Recycled parts (of our NOW STUFF) has been made into New Stuff.

    See the problem?

    It is like having only a finite number of building blocks on a table.

    To build new things you have to wreck some of the old things.

    YOU RUN OUT OF PARTS one way or the other.

    Time Travel cannot create nor destroy the building blocks and is thus impossible.

  • HintOfLime
    I found this one to be funny.

    Ha, I love it.

    It'd be great to see a video like this specific to the WT. Jesus telling his disciples one thing.. and contrasting it to what the WT teaches.

    - Lime

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