Let's make a deal

by Nickolas 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Curtains


    Like I asked before in a previous thread, how can you (anti) non-existence? You can only (anti) idea/belief.

    well my answer would be that to the extent that God exists in the minds of believers and in the stories they tell, and in the experiences they attribute to him - he exists. So this is what an atheist is opposed to and arguing against. This to me is freeing - it frees the experiences of god from god and suggests that a multitude of other things are going on some of which science can attest. As a woman I'd prefer to look at the other possibliites science and biology open up to me and forge different directions.

  • Nickolas

    I'd do what I do with most cold callers and kick all three out before you finished your spiel.

    Well, there goes my idea of surreptitiously following my wife around when she's out on service ...

  • MrFreeze

    beks, while I sort of agree with you that atheism requires no proof, that works for both sides too.

    Theists don't need proof to say there is a God. It's all about faith.

    Atheists don't need proof to say there is no God.

    As for me... I'm with OUTLAW. I have no friggin clue. No proof of either has been provided.

  • sabastious
    I'm not interested I have my own religion.

    Oh man, that brings me back!


  • mindseye

    If limited to these 2 options, I'll welcome #1. I don't see it as sad at all. From this vantage point, an individual can take a page from the existentialists and create their own meaning in life. Life is invigorating when it is yours to create. As far as dying – as someone who has had to deal with death recently, I believe that death is the crux of much religious belief – fighting against the reality that we all disintegrate. In my opinion, Eastern philosophy has a healthier approach to death – acceptance that it is the natural order of the universe.

  • Curtains

    hi mindseye - welcome.

    If limited to these 2 options, I'll welcome #1. I don't see it as sad at all. From this vantage point, an individual can take a page from the existentialists and create their own meaning in life. Life is invigorating when it is yours to create

  • cyberjesus

    Lets not forget, Atheism is not the Statement that there is no God. Rather than there is no evidence of his Existance.

    So If you are selling There-is-God ... I dont buy it, if you are selling There-is-no-God... I dont buy it. But if you are selling there-is-no-proof-of-God ... I wont buy either cuz I already have it. :-D

  • Nickolas

    cyberjesus gets the prize. It all comes down to evidence (but funny how we tend not to accept the evidence that indicates that what be actually believe to be true might be wrong).

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