Let's make a deal

by Nickolas 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scooby-Doo

    If you saw an empty space would you say I don't believe there is a desk there?

    That makes sense. But on the other hand if somebody pointed to an empty space and told me that there was a desk there, i'd have to tell them that i believe there is no desk.

    Only when this discussion comes up does it take on the "belief" aspect.

    I see, thank you for explaining that.

  • Nickolas

    C'mon. I'll throw in the dice-oh-matic, no charge.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    If you saw an empty space would you say I don't believe there is a desk there?

    That makes sense. But on the other hand if somebody pointed to an empty space and told me that there was a desk there, i'd have to tell them that i believe there is no desk.

    And that's the problem with belief in general. It points to empty spaces and tells people something's there. If reason doesn't kick in demanding evidence then anyone could believe in anything.

  • Curtains

    I think it is wise to consider the hidden extras when buying. Option 2 seems to have lots so I think option 1 seems a safer bet - a stark, raw option - but hey I prefer to supply my own dressing

  • Nickolas

    A sensible approach, Curtains.

  • jay88

    Like I asked before in a previous thread, how can you (anti) non-existence? You can only (anti) idea/belief.

  • tec

    What was door number three again? Think and reason for yourself? Yeah, I'll take that one, thanks ;)


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'd do what I do with most cold callers and kick all three out before you finished your spiel.

  • sabastious

    I'll take an altered version of #1:

    1. There is no known God. According to a strong preponderance of evidence we are exactly like the animals just exeedingly smarter. Even though the prospect of death is something all life has to live with our strong and complex minds help us cope with that fact as well as develop technology to lengthen our lifespans and provide a better life for us all. With this in mind we remain open to any evidence that suggests that we are not alone and we are greatful not to live in the darker times of our species history such as the Dark Ages.

    If there is no God it needs to be proven because at this point in the game our species has resources like no other time. If God isn't going to come save us than our saviour, by immediate necessity, becomes humanity's greatest challenge. There will always be people stuburningly holding onto false hope much like someone who burns alive in their house because they don't want to believe it happening to them. These types are best left ignored as we mobilize this planet's inhabitants in opposition of possible human extinction.


  • Lozhasleft

    I'm not interested I have my own religion.

    Loz x

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