CO was asking for money in his talk last night

by life is to short 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    OK I listened in on the phone last night to the CO's talk after the book study. I am truly starting to realize that OTWO is right and it is just making me more depressed and mad. But my husband still goes and it is helpful to be able to bring things up with him.

    So I was half listening when he starts to go on about where the money goes that we put into the world wide work box at the back of the hall.

    I started to tune in more and he was going on and on about how the ones in the full time service do not have any money and how what we give is what keeps them going and how we need to give. I had never heard that before.

    The CO and his wife had been to Gilead and served as missionaries for 10 years, they had to stop because of health problems that he had.

    This is their first circuit that they have served in. His dad was very wealthy and cut him out of his will when he because a JW in his early 20's. His dad is dead now and he did get nothing which he brags about saying he put Jehovah before money. So they have no money as the wife's side of the family is poor.

    So the CO was going on about how when they were in their missionary assignment they only had enough money to buy a soda pop once a month if they rode their bike in the preaching work as much as they could. But there were HAPPY.

    He then said you know my car that is parked outside really belongs to you, of course you cannot drive it because of insurance reasons but you are the ones who have paid for it.

    Then he went on about the pioneers in the hall and how they work as little as they can to support themselves so they can give all their time to Jehovah and his ministry and how we should try to support them by using our car while in service and rearranging our schedule to fit their because they have strange work hours. He said we could fill up the gas tanks of the pioneers even if they said no we should still insist and just do it.

    I was so mad listening to all the crap. Seriously when I pioneered I was dumped on by everyone including the other pioneers who got pissed off at me because I fell asleep in service on the few times I got to ride in their car, as I was so exhausted from trying to pioneer and work which they did not have too. The other pioneers and whoever was out would pile into our Honda civic with a stick shift six or sometimes even seven people if there were kids with them one child riding with their legs over the stick shift as no else would use their cars. It was stupid and totally unsafe. It must have looked insane to the householder pulling up with all these people in a small car. No one gave us a dime. Only once in four years did anyone fill our gas tank and the wife of the husband was pissed off to no end that he did it. She made me feel like totaly scum while he was pumping the gas.

    To hear the CO going on last night, I was so mad. When I was at Bethel all my overseer could say to me was that I was there for the free food. I was so hurt by his stupid comments. Truly if I was so lazy I would have been on food stamps when I pioneered, even with my working we still could have qualified for welfare but I would never take it. If I was going to pioneer it was my chose and I was not going to have the tax payers pay for myself to live.

    Anyway I was blown away by his talk on money. I had never heard it from a CO and I assume it was a outline from Bethel.

    I wonder if they are hurting for money.


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Again sorry for my spelling airs, it just makes me so mad at all that I gave up and to be asked for more money. NO way in Hades will I give another dime.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I will tell you how these talks will get you upset no matter what. The part about telling the cong. to support the pioneers should have made you feel good. He was addressing a problem you noticed. I will grant that it's water under the bridge now. But you would have been upset if he commended the cong. for their support of the pioneers, with your thoughts that they need to do better. You were upset that he counseled them to do better. There was no pleasing you. Best to tune out.

    I think, what it is: All the talks remind you how you wasted so much time and effort in the dangerous mind-control cult. Anything about pioneering reminds you of what happened when you pioneered. Mentioning Bethel reminds you of your Bethel days.

    I hope your hubby comes out as much as I hope my wife comes out. Then you two could laugh at what you used to go through together to please "Jehovah."

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I think you are right OTWO because when I was pioneering the CO knew what was happeing and would not address it, just told me to wait on Jehovah, bla, bla, bla.

    Your right I cannot wait until my husband comes out, it is the only thing holding me to the religion but he is going out in service tomorrow and it just makes me feel so down.

    Thanks for your feed back.



    The WBT$ is a Multi-Billion dollar Money Pig..

    That refuses to pay it`s workers.

    It Asks for Money from Kingdom Hall and Assembly Stages,all over the world..

    "Send Me Money!..I need a new Pink Suit!"

    " Now get Back to Work,you Lazy JW Bastards!"


  • wasblind

    " Again sorry for my spelling airs"

    Don't worry none 'bout your spellin', when I first started postin' I tried to make sure everything was correct

    Now I don't care to use every proper word like This, That and The other. I like sayin' Dis, Dat an Dee udda

    that's the real me they can take it or leave it. ain't nuthin' but a thang

    " His dad is dead now and he did get nothing which he brags about saying he put Jehovah before money. "

    Correction, he didn't put Jehovah first, he put a corporation first, and that's why he's a broke ass today beggin' money

    " So the CO was going on about how when they were in their missionary assignment they only had enough money to buy a soda pop once a month "

    Now see, he thought he could sit back like the lillies in the fields, and got fooled, what he needed to do was to get a job that paid

    " He then said you know my car that is parked outside really belongs to you, of course you cannot drive it because of insurance reasons but you are the ones who have paid for it. "

    He really made the truth his own on that one

    " Then he went on about the pioneers in the hall and how they work as little as they can to support themselves so they can give all their time to Jehovah and his ministry and how we should try to support them by using our car while in service and rearranging our schedule to fit their because they have strange work hours. He said we could fill up the gas tanks of the pioneers even if they said no we should still insist and just do it "

    I'm speechless y'all I just can't go on

  • wasblind

    LITS, you really make my day when you post

  • miseryloveselders

    COs and their wives need to go get jobs. The same with Bethel heavyweights like Bro.Mercante. Get a job. Stop mooching in the name of Jehovah. Page 179 of the Come Be My Follower book has a real gem in paragraph 15.

    "Think, too, of the wives of traveling overseers and the sacrifices they make to accompany their husbands from congregation to congregation and from circuit to circuit. They forgo having a home of their own and perhaps have to sleep in a different bed each week. Wives who willingly put the interests of the congregation ahead of their own are to be commended for their generous expressions of self-sacrificing love.-Philippians 2:3, 4"

    Ya know, thats the life they chose. Nobody forced them into it, they chose that life for all its good and bads. On top of that, considering that, of what benefit are COs and their wives to the average publisher in the congregation? I've never been encouraged by their visit. Its just another week with extra meetings and extra field service. Some old moocher and his mooching wife pontificating on the joys of the ministry. Just because they label it as a "special week of activity", doesn't make it special. To me thats the true definition of lipstick on a pig. Get a job. They essentially get paid to go out in field service, give talks, harass elder bodies, and organize assemblies. In return they get a monthly stipend, lunch and dinner from The Friends. Often enough, there's usually a house or nice apartment arranged for them to reside in, usually in a central part of the circuit so that they have reasonable access to all of the various congregations. They have newly leased vehicles.

    Now consider the life of many JWs....nobody is helping them pay the rent, or taking them out to eat twice a day. Nobody is paying them for all of the expenses that are involved with field service, such as gas, clothing, wear and tear on your vehicle, etc.. Not to mention its "volunteer" work with a knife to your back in the form of congregation pressure from elders, pioneers, and the Lieutenant Moocher himself, the Circuit Overseer along with his mooching wife. I find it repugnent for COs to request financial assistance for themselves or Pioneers, or the organization itself. If there is an actual outline for this talk, it speaks volumes regarding this organization. Its too big for its britches. This is not coinciding with 1st Century Christianity. Christians then were self sufficient as Paul was a tentmaker.

  • cantleave

    LITS - It's funny that you don't notice these types of talk until you have exited mentally. I'm not surprised this made you angry, even reading your account has left me seething.

    The WTBS are always looking at new ways to make a buck. They use all sorts of moral blackmail and give nothing back. Their tactic pile on the guilt and take more and more......


  • snowbird

    Reminds me of this post from about 4 years ago.

    I wonder what happened to Lawrence?


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