Charlie Sheen

by mrsjones5 85 Replies latest social entertainment

  • darthfader

    I watched part of his TMZ interview, I just felt uncomfortable. Indeed CBS may have raked in a lot of money exploiting his personal life and they may bear some responsibility in essence validating and encouraging his self destructive behavoir. I really hope there is someone close to him that can help him. He really needs help.

  • miseryloveselders

    B-rock was a man of very few words, the same with Iron Head. Most information was cut and paste, and he may had some comments along with it. I don't recall anything extremely inflammatory. Dark Side had a whole lot to say, but he was ok. A little rough, but alright. We had our differences, same with B-Rock, but they're ok. Just imperfect men, like the rest of us.

  • PublishingCult

    When I first heard the soundbites they were playing on the local news, I kept an open mind, gave CS the benefit of the doubt thinking the news was slanting, spinning, and taking his statements out of context to make him appear mentally unbalanced.

    I found the entire interview, listened to it . . . and there is no way you can put what he is saying into any kind of context that makes any good sense. He has apparently gone around the bend.


    Iron Head is Dark Side

    Thanks Darth I am back. Sorta. We'll see how long it lasts.
    For the time being, I'll stick to threads about music and football......Iron Head/Dark Side

    ................... ...OUTLAW

  • Simon

    Snowbird, Iron Head et al ...

    IF you continue to make the aggressive insulting posts you have on this topic then you will be deleted. I don't care who said what first ... it's just not acceptable.

  • Glander

    there have been several celebrities who have had public breakdowns. Was Andy Kaufman for real or was that his act? Did Joaquin Phoenix walk away to save his fragile psyche? Some have shown up in an impaired state and made ass of themselves. But this Sheen guy I think is a, so far, functional looney.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I feel sorry for his kids. He's hardly a father figure.

  • mrsjones5

    I didn't start this topic to make fun of Charlie Sheen. I think whatever he's going through is very sad. I think he's being taken advantage of by the two women who are currently sucking him dry. I think he's a very sick man who needs help but at this moment can't see that anything is wrong. I think he's been this way for a long time but his wives and other hangerons have been putting up with it because of who he is and his money. I could be wrong.

    I don't know why Iron Head has a stick up his whaazoo but he's not a nice man and Sylvia ain't one to mess with.


    Hey Josie..

    My Black Friends need to Calm Down..

    I don`t like bigots Anymore than You and Nobody on this Board is Whiter than Me..

    Lets all just Take a Breath..

    I don`t need any of My Friends getting the Boot,because Tempers are out of Control..

    If there is any Racist BS,that will be taken care of..

    Simon is Cool about stuff like that..

    Now back to Charlie Sheen and why I won`t watch 2 1/2 Men..If they replace him with John Stamos..

    Charlie was made for that part..Even considering John is a mistake..

    ................... ...OUTLAW

  • mrsjones5

    I have to agree. If they replace CS with JS there's really no point in watching the show. The vibe won't be right.

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