Two elders visited me today...

by NVR2L8 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • NVR2L8

    Today I received a visit from 2 elders. It was the first contact I've had with them sinced I've stopped going out in service or attending the meetings after the 2010 DC in June. I opened the door without inviting them in despite the cold weather. One of the elders came forward to give me a hug and I met him halfway not to let him inside because I had no intention in having a long conversation with them. They said they wanted to see how I was doing and we spent a few minutes catching up and chit-chatting. Then they mentionned that they miss me at the meetings and asked what they could do to help me come back to the Kingdom Hall. I told them that I knew their phone numbers and where the Kingdom Hall was if I ever felt the need to return but that at this time I wanted to be left alone. They said they understood, shook my hand and said their goodbyes. My wife still attends all the meetings and I'm sure they talked with her to find out what's going on with me, but she may have told them that they should talk to me directly if they wanted to know anything. We'll see how long they will respect my request...or how long it will take for them to ask if I still want to be a JW...


  • GrandmaJones

    Hopefully, they are going to give you a pass. It's quite possible.

  • VampireDCLXV

    It's hard enough when you're living on your own and JWs stop by unannounced. It must be so much worse when one of "them" is living with you. It's rather crazy making. Hang tight man...


  • Desilusionnee

    Hi NVR2L8,

    I can understand you because I'm in the reverse situation : I'm the one that doesn't attend meetings anymore. My husband still does. They told him one month ago that they will visit we're waiting. I'm really curious about what they are going to tell us (most of all me). In the last few weeks, some of them even stopped by unannounced ....difficult situation.

    Take care,


  • Retrovirus

    Sounds like you managed that well. . .

    It brings back memories. . .when my jw ladies were trying to get me to attend meetings and conventions the phrase "help me" was used a lot. As in "We're trying to help you to see . . "

    We are very polite with each other and careful not to hurt feelings, but inside I was almost choking on the arrogance of their presuming to know I needed their "help".


  • jamiebowers
    I told them that I knew their phone numbers and where the Kingdom Hall was if I ever felt the need to return but that at this time I wanted to be left alone

    Very well done...firm but polite, clear and concise.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I and others may joke about what to say, but in reality, you did what's best. Your wife still attends and they didn't overly bug you when you stated your wishes.

    (And never have them into your home. It's hard to storm out or simply leave if they don't want to take your "No, thanks." Good job.)

  • d

    I am sorry to hear that.Just yesterday an elder came to my house and my sister and mom were not in the mood.But luckily they did not stay long and just left.

  • ocd

    Thank you NVR2L8 for sharing that experience.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    You handled it well and in such a way it won't cause any unnecessary friction between your wife and yourself.

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