Witnesses are saying "END IS RIGHT NOW!"

by free2beme 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindmelda

    We got a ways to go, according to all the mumbo jumbo.

    First, the governments turn on Babylon the Great and destroy her completely, and become anti-religion. They say that THEY have brought peace to the earth by creating a united stand against the Kingdom of God in some fashion. Your guess on what that could be.

    Then the governments turn on JWs because they're the only religion left, as they're not part of Babylon the Great.

    Then God stomps the goverments (and anyone who supports them which is anyone who isn't an active JW) for trying to harm his true followers.

    Big nasty Armageddon stuff, billions die, Witnesses inherit the earth, pet pandas, run everything like they run the WTS, zombies eat everyone's brains, etc.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Twenty years ago, all most to the day, I can recall the public speaker at our KH one Sunday assuring us that:

    "The Governing Body has been telling us for years that Armeggedon is just around the corner. Now, we have actually rounded that corner, and are staring down the home straight!"

    This brilliant conclusion was reached because:

    (i) The First Gulf War had broken out (The Middle East once more!)

    (ii) The United Nations forces (INCLUDING the Soviet Union!) were poised to attack Iraq.

    His "home straight" has proven to be a bloody long one!.

    Also, so what if there is now yet another outbreak of trouble in the Middle East? What is new about that?


  • The_Present_Truth

    There's a sign on the interstate not far from our house that has a picture of someone who's supposed to be Jesus. On top of it is a quote that says, "Jesus said 'Repent because the end is near'". It's not signed to let you know who sponsored the sign. It's all I can do to not rent the next billboard and quote the first saying, "Jesus said, 'Repent because the end is near'" AND THAT WAS OVER 2000 YEARS AGO!!!! GET OVER IT ALREADY!!!!!!

    I mean c'mon.....

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Ya but,...what if?

  • Satanus

    It's not the end, it's a beginning, another one, anyway. Whether it will be successful, or not remains to be seen. It's all a matter of perspective. The wt perspective is always black.


  • doofdaddy

    So there is poliitcal upheavel in less than half a dozen countries and union issues in one state in the US, this must be armageddon? OOOH DEAR!!

  • jeckle

    it seems the best hope they had for gov's turning on religion was during the cold war. makes me wonder about where they daisy chained all that together and why?also their biggest target but most identical entity had the same idea > basically the catholics hated communism. they along with good old reagan had a hand in the fall of communism along with other obviuos things it simply wasnt working anymore!now true some countries have different meanings of the words communism and socialism and try to claim the latter when really still closer to the 1st but what's in a rose? anyway we know the places that still suck they've come along ways but they still suck compared to here . we got our issues lets hope we figure it out or something. interestingly enuf i talked to a friend of mine about the dubs . he said once they knock on his door and talked about the big a asked if he thought that was scary or worried him. he got them tho he said no not at all i hope it does come that would be really great and sounds good that means all the negative will go away. they got mad and said that he should take it more serious . he said i am serious. then they stormed off. hahahahaha

  • JeffT

    Villabolo's right, its deja vu all over again. In 1973 there was a big war in the medeast, the oil embargo, it was starting to look like Richard Nixon was going to be impeached, we were all going to starve or freeze when the glaciers covered the earth again, etc. The back of the Awake was full of all sorts of juicy tidbits. Late that year out in service an elder told the car group that 1975 might be wrong - he didn't think this system was going to last that long.

  • free2beme

    I have always felt the comments of "The end is right now" in times of tragedy or challenges in the world. Is the societies way of saying, "I am not touching that!" Basically, they remove themselves from any responsiblity to do anything about the wrong in the world. Which, if you think about it, is the exact oppisite to what Jesus Christ actually preached. Cross the road, pick up the injured none believer and helping him. Does not mean you just stand over his injured body and say you have good news to share while he bleeds out.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    If this is recent news then it makes sense given my MIL's recent calls. My wife is estranged from a few of her cousins. They don't get along and outside of that, no one really cares. Well my MIL calls and asks my wife if she speaks with her cousinins, to which my wife stated "no!" Well MIL went on about making amends blah blah, and we were wondering what prompted her to advice us before it was "too late". Who knows, perhaps coincidental.....

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